Sweat so much from my anus that all the stool inside my rectum oozes out

>sweat so much from my anus that all the stool inside my rectum oozes out
>quickly go to the bathroom and wipe until the toilet is near clogging
>still sweaty/poopy
>flush the toilet and repeat the process
>wiping profusely
>start bleeding
>still sweaty/poopy
What do I do in a situation like this? Does this happen to anyone else? Is there a way I'm supposed to be taking better care of my excretory system?

>sweat so much from my anus that all the stool inside my rectum oozes out

People sweat inside their anus?

You're either trolling or dying

It's called bathing you disgusting savage, do it more than once a month.

Your anus is supposed to be a chute, not a fucking repository.

Do you not take a shit for weeks on end, to the point where your body really wants you to but instead you cower alone while you shiver the shit away?

I used to do that when I was 4, it caused similar problems.


I looked it up, and yes, that's not uncommon.

I take showers every day. What does my external hygiene have to do with my bodily functions.

I poop a minimum of 3 times a day due to this problem. It used to be so bad that anywhere I sat was left smelling like feces whenever I left.

never heard of anyone sweating from their ass

if you are not trolling then wear diapers

...Pajeet, is that you?

You taking creatine or drinking an excessive amount of brotein? Both caused me to have the softest shits, often times when I thought I was done, more was lurking in my ass cavity, which would cause that inability to wipe fully clean. I just gave up and started using an small enema to fully evacuate the stickier shits. Get fully empty and fully clean bruh.

Shave it and use talc powder. Also, try losing weight, your ass must be too big.

I've had this problem. Add psyllium husk fiber to your diet.

When I see this nowadays, I believe it's related to using too much artificial sweeteners.

What the fuck are you eating?

>not using your squat plug during all physical activity

stop getting fucked in the ass faggot


>shave your fucking ass hairs
>clean your asshole in the shower
>fix your fucking diet, because you should not be shitting more than once, mayyybe twice a day
How do some of you function in society holy shit

this, had the same problem. Cut out coke for a while, problem disappeared. It's because no-one wants to use fucking proper sugar anymore.


I've had that problem. Went on for 6 months, it got pretty unbearable. Turns out it seems to be linked to the whey I was using. Stopped taking it for a few weeks and it went away. Swapped to a different brand and all good now.

>How do some of you function in society holy shit
We don't

serious, get a big amount of fiber daily and you should then have a regular movement once a day like clockwork. that completely empties you out.