Anyone else just run home instead of calling a cab after a night out drinking? I can't be the only one

Anyone else just run home instead of calling a cab after a night out drinking? I can't be the only one

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when overseas and drunk after clubbing i usually just walk about around the city

Nah, running in 6 inch platforms isn't a good idea

don't be a faggot

>alcohol to lose your gains
>running to lose your gains


Too late, bb

I usually bike home on my own bike or take a bike share since I live downtown. Some nights I don't remember how I got home, biking is automatic to me now.

I had a roommate in college ROTC that did that one night. He ran home 2 miles drunk to wash his hands and I drove him back to the club. LOL

I box, i dont lift breh

oh sorry i didnt realize you were gay

My buddy in the navy does this shit too but he smokes cigarettes even when running, i dont understand it


>read post
>who the fuck calls cabs
oh right, people that are not poor

>be me one night out, around 2AM
>was drunk as shit, can't remember a thing. Apparently, I flagged the waitress with a roman salute and Heil'd her, according to my drinking buddies
>decides I've had enough for the night
>downs two shots before going back to my apartment
>roommate goes with me
>he claims that I made us walk 7 km to our apartment, brandishing my pocket knife at times, yelling at invisible "niggers" to try and rob me
>mind you, this was in Bangkok, and there were no Africans in that part of town.

uncalled for. 9/10 chance of user being an aggressive man child

Ran XC for 7 years. Will always kek

This is your brain on /pol/

>Be me as a high school senior
>Taking the subway back home following a house party at the other end of the city
>Drunk as a motherfucker
>Subway driver announces "Last stop, service ending for the night."
>Solid 8-10km away from home
>Way to cheap to call a cab like a normal person
>Actually sprint back home after getting spooked by some homeless bum
>Mfw made it home in maybe 40min

>8-10km in 40 minutes

That's pretty fucking impressive, did you run in high school? I remember taking about the same time to get home when I was drunk, only it was less than 2 km...

implying i drink when i go out

go out, be sober, have fun, drive yourself home. it's win-win.

Sounds like a great way to be hit by a car

i kekd


This crazily reminds me of an incident in my sophomore year of highschool
>after a wrestling tournament (saturday in winter)
>me and my bud go to a friends birthday party after wards
>we go on our longboards
>kids parents get home and he gets busted for having other kids smoke weed (i didnt because i was too dedicated for my health in wrestling)
>we go in some kids car (he was around his late teens early 20s while my ass was 16)
>he takes us to this bigger party to this rich part of my city (look up Haven Estates)
>cops actually came and me and my bud for some apparent reason run to this hiking trail by those houses (look up Etiwanda Preserve)
>we fell asleep there being paranoid of getting caught by the police
>we wake up around 4 am because it was too cold
>run home before friends mom FaceTimes him (i told my parents i slept at his house and he told his parents he slept at my house)
>we run the whole 10 miles home
>we both go to sleep and wake up around 6pm
>i got sick and my friend got pnuemonia
It the most interesting night i had that year and i look back at how autisitc of an idea it was hiding in the mountains

Pic related: below you can see the estates and then the trail that we slept in lol

No but i have walked for 2+ hours numerous times.

Its not that bad if you have music and headphones

Yeah I do this all the time, it's great because you sober up & burn off the carbs from alcohol by the time you get home

I actually brought running shoes to town in my bag with me once but only once because I realised that's wanker territory

Yeah I'm in college rn and the bars are 30-45 minutes from my apartment by foot. I usually uber there or whatever and walk home drunk. It's pretty relaxing desu, only made the run once when I didn't bring a coat and needed to get outta the cold ASAP

I remember running away from a bj, because I sperged out

>be me, arrange getting my dick sucked
>we talk for hours, start watching porn
> dick gets sucked
>sperg out, say "I have to go"
>it was about 2 in the morning, no public transport
>decide to run through the november rain
>ru in the wrong direction for a few km
>release my mistake, turn around and run
>run through some hobo underground station
>run till I'am home and take a long shower


it was a guy, he wasn the least bit feminine, so it was pretty gay,

my dick smelled like a smoking mans throat for days

fucking horniness and lonliness can drive you nuts

Running burns calories, burning calories means I need to eat more, eating more costs money.

I run away from my problems
Does this count as well?

I make good money, I'm just very frugal. If you ain't pulling a chick that night then you might as well save a few bucks, tighten up your laces and jog


Not since the last time

>get blitzed with some buddies
>me and bro carpool'd so no ride
>both live only a mile or so away
>grab a bottle of wine and dip out
>we start jogging passing the bottle back and forth
>end up getting stuck in a conversation with addicts asking us if we had tinfoil or some shit
>end up at McDonalds because only place open at 3am
>buddy said I slammed a bunch of change on the counter and said "gimme whatever this gets me"
>end up talking about conspiracy theories the rest of the way while eating a McChicken
>at some point I tripped and faceplanted onto a car hood

Never again