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Health #396
What are your guys' non-fitness goals for 2017? I want to get better at working with my hands...
Who has hit 1/2/3/4? And how did it feel?
Would you be intimidated dating a girl taller, as tall, or nearly as tall as you?
What's the most healthy amount of fapping per week?
Rate my dinner
I don't like the taste of water
Tfw you take a shit and it slides out with minimal effort
So Veeky Forums, who else here recognizes that 5'11 is master race? You're not lanklet weirdo tier...
So i went to the gym with my friend...
Is clean shaven the most aesthetic?
Other motivation thread is retarded. So I'll start one with some real shit. Post more like mine
So a family member of mine feels absoultely obligated to get me a gift for christmas and i want weightlifting shoes...
Please lay it on me. Am I going to have to get a tummy tuck surgery to get rid of this?
I lift for Ann. 10/10 godamn this woman ages like a fine wine she's 40 and looks like 25 wtf my god this woman
What should I use as my Tinder bio?
I need some punk/metal to listen to for intense lifting and gainz
Do famous people lie about their height?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Is the "sip" a real thing ?
No spotter
How does your morning routine goes?
Do you think gsp was possibly natty
Veeky Forums Hunger games
Cheeki Breeki
What's a good Veeky Forums ALPHA dog?
Is flexibility genetic?
Does learning the art of seduction can help you overcome height and being not white (5"7 taco)?
Is he /ourguy/?
Blahino Bloho
How do I go Letho mode?
Low test thread?
/Fraud/ Steroid General
Measure penis for the first time ever
Are face pulls better than OHP? People say OHP is hard on your shoulder joints is that true?
Manlet is not an insult
Veeky Forums feels
What's wrong with eugenics, Veeky Forums?
What are the actual benefits of hitting legs consistently if you dont care about having an aesthetic lower body...
Friendly reminder you will never EVER lose your lower belly fat
Why do women always think height automatically = physical strength
Hey fit
Winter break
Tell me about the person at your gym you hate the most Veeky Forums
Am lanklet
Okay, so I started the military diet. I know it's got some mixed reviews and it's like a fad diet...
Why don't blacks dominate weightlifting like they do every other sport...
over a week without fapping
When your little sister's friends think you're hot
Hey 4chins
How fucked am I, boys?
I've lost a bunch of weight, but my loose stomach fat and mantits aren't going anywhere
Reached 3 pl8 squat a month ago
Veeky Forums books
Fat People Hate /fph/
How can I get fit for becoming an Navy Seal? I'm
How you guys holdin' up?
Crossfit chicks?
ITT: Comment
Whats your lifting album bros
Will this ever be topped?
Gym Clothes
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Does anyone else here name their muscles
Shit sleep is killing me
Is 1/2/3/4 your working set or 1RM?
Lifting for this
Slowly getting out of a heavy depression...
"You work so hard so I cooked dinner for us to show how much I love you!"
Spend the best years of your life lifting in the gym and shit posting on Veeky Forums while eating food that tastes...
Who here /cocoon mode/?
Why hasnt there been a succesful healthy fast food chain yet?
Every core exercise I've tried so far makes me feel like a fuccboi...
"Why aren't you eating any cake, user?"
What am I doing wrong?
Oatmeal recipes
Fucking retards
Be fat piece of shit
How many eggs do you eat a day?
Tfw your father is handsome but you look like a pig
Cold showers raise my testosterone!
Tall girls
Myprotein spam
6"2 and still feeling short
/Fraud/ Steroid General
My goal body is pic related with a bit of muscle. Can someone guess her body fat, height and weight?
Is Starting Strength a meme?
Can we all agree that squats are overrated as fuck? Like why would there be programs built around a squat, just baka...
Soo, my gymbro just did a body chekup and found out he's at 26 FFMI...
How do I achieve this mode and how much time would it take starting from scratch ?
You wil never, ever, get a frame like this
Just hooked up with literally the perfect man. Muscular, fuzzy, heavy stubble, 6'3, med student at Oxford, really kind...
Manlet Thread
Hey guys, help a sister out
Climbing - best upper body gains?
Full natty body building
What are the most important supplements for beautiful smooth young skin? (I'm a man I just don't want to look old)
Why are beans so dank?
Is this what peak performance looks like?
So i went to the doctor today. Learned I am 388lbs, 6'1. I have been keto and staying well under 1500 cal. for 6 weeks...
Tfw finally done with exams
I recognize Zyzz and Scooby, but who are the rest of these fags?
Why should I do stronglifts 5x5 or SS instead of jumping straight into something like PHUL or PPL...
Why are you going to the gym, user? You already look so good!
How to help gf gain weight?
Body goals thread
/Chin/ General
What do you drink to stay Veeky Forums, but still get drunk?
Has being Veeky Forums been detrimental to getting you laid?
Can i still make it if i didint go to prom
Islee islee islee you neba lern mang you neba lern
Cardio or lifting?
Show us your other hobbies Veeky Forums. Whether it be reading, writing, making music, etc
You've been super liked! swipe to find out by whom
Hi Veeky Forums. I'm from /pol/ and some fags there said you guys give gr8 advice
Anyone here actually benefit from cold showers?
Pre-workout recommendations? I tried Animal Instinct a while back and it was pretty good...
Does working out REALLY make girls asses that much better?
Why do so many people online hate Crossfit? Recovering fatty here, and crossfit was what got me into exercise
Pullup v. Chinup
Who's your favorite fitness youtuber and why is it David Laid?
Nikki blackletter explains what she wants in a man
Veeky Forums Recipes
Is it really possible to make this kind of transformation in 2 years...
Fucking shit issues
Some anons post pics of this Veeky Forums girl
Daily reminder that if you've got shit teeth then you're not Veeky Forums
2 weeks left until new years
What's his name, again?
Be 6'2''
Why is this board so nice?
Talking with my mom, she makes a joke about me eating all day
Who's your favorite race to date/fuck /fit? Personally I love Latinas
Mile time?
Go out for drinks with a female
How many calories would you say are in this thinnn beauty?
Body hair
How can I stop myself from cumming 5 minutes into sex?
Kryptonite thread
Feels thread
ITT: Inspiration
Can yall' niggehs post some natty shoulderbros?
Fat + Appetite
/OWG/ - Olympic Weightlifting General
Functional strength
What does Veeky Forums think about MegSquats?
Which stroke is the most Veeky Forums?
Alright Veeky Forumsggots, I want to lose some stomach blubber so that it doesnt go over my waist when I sit down...
What are all his punches going to do when I have a shit ton of muscle padding my body? Couldn't damage me for shit
Ask a supplement store owner anything
/plg/ - powerlifting general
/Fraud/ Steroid General
Will you be kissing anybody under the mistletoe this Christmas season Veeky Forums?
No alcohol gains thread
Manlets BTFO again
Vegan Is Better
Sup Veeky Forums I need your help
thanks for taking me out user! That food was delicious
The press
You know when you, a heterosexual male, see a morbidly obese and middle aged woman shopping for make up?
Why arent you vegan?
Is this really the peak human body?
Whats triggers you at the gym?
Why can't Veeky Forums admit that some people just simply have better genetics?
Routine critique
Prep for the NY Comic
Let's get a home gym thread going boys
How mad are you right now
Starting Strength? More like Startling Strength
Over the past year I've been making an app for myself to log my lifts to keep track and see my progress without all the...
ZMA Dreams
ITT: we act as if Veeky Forums is majority female
Can i, a thicc girl, find a fit boyfriend who wants to be suffocated with my ass and eat my pussy every day...
Who is /ourboy/ and why is it Tyler1?
Literally have multiple attractive women hitting me up to come over my house and have sex with me
Baker's cyst
ITT we post how to let everyone at the gym know you're a douche
/post and rate diets/
Makeup for men?
How to prevent farting?
Be me
What was your first time at the gym like?
I don't want to do lateral raises. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it
Ask a guy on a 500 calorie a day diet anything
Height bully thread
Going to prison for the next 8 months
Negan strikes again
How to spot /fitizens in the gym
Progress Pics
How do I quit sugar, I just can't stop. I have no self control
Why are abs such a chore to workout?
Veeky Forums jobs
High test thread
What percentage of adult males have a visible six pack?
Veeky Forums social thread
If a younger/dyel male started looking up to you would you mentor them fit?
Discrimination against normal and healthy height people's
Minimum height to be a Chad
Chin ups
Fuck you Veeky Forums
When you spot a bulk bro
What the fuck is this for...
Do you guys actually enjoy eating this shit or am i being rused? Im really curious. Its cheap and the macros are great...
Lifting and Depression; Lifting and Anxiety
Faces of Veeky Forums
Squat pain
Approaching Girls General
Hi Veeky Forums bros
What do you think his routine is? How do you get this built?
How do you get power belly like this?
What's your gymbro like Veeky Forums?
What sorts of things do high test thicc baes like doing?
What's a good mg of test for a first cycle
Body Weight General /BWG/ GO!
Story Time
Where can you meet some sluts?
This fat ugly girl probably never gets laid...
What sports do girls watch?
There's plenty of advice on how to achieve bear mode
Are chiropractors a scam?
Anyone else /foreveralone/
Is it ok to do no fap but look at porn for hours
Is it normal to get a gut while bulking?
Will getting an engineering degree make me a low-test beta nu-male and kill my gains...
/plg/ Powerlifting General
This man gives fitness advice
Bruce Lee training regime?
How good are potatoes?
Why would you settle for a woman that doesn't work out?
Daily Routines
Pushup, Sit up, Pullup thread
Who here /cutcontactwithfamily/ ?
Redpill me on PPL
Rate/Review my beginner lifting routine
Working at GNC, not doing a damn thing. Ask me anything. I hate this place as much as everyone else
U mirin' my sips?
Who else /sweat/ here?
Didn't you hear the news Veeky Forums? Feminine cat men are now in!
What are the best biceps curl one could do? ALso, should i be doing 5x5 with my curls?
I think the reason my physique is so shit and my facial aesthetics are so poor is because of my constant fapping
Hey Stacey look at this loser and his pathetic 14 inch arms
Veeky Forums, why are women boring?
My first time here, I decided to do something about my body, but I dont have too much time to go to the gym...
So my friend has a stupid plan
Cut or Maintain?
Veeky Forums memes you fell for
Rippetoe hates arms
BJ, 10kg, Goat Tower
Intermittent Fasting
Anyone manage to make gains while regularly taking adderall?
Picture is the turnout of your future son...
/Fraud/ Steroid General
I just found this gem in /r/fitness
Mfw I fell for the cold shower meme
Have you ever seen a woman bench heavy?
Argue that there are many factors about why some people are fat, and they can't help it
Ham Planet here, I'm really trying to lose weight, but my willpower is just too weak...
Smoke a bit of weed
How much weight does a barbell have to have on one side on a squat rack to tip over and fall?
No Porn
Veeky Forums - Fit Ideals Thread
Who will be natty first?
Good feels/accomplishments
DNP thread
Veeky Forums made me insecure as fuck
Be me
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Girls run horny
Thoughts on fitbit?
Things you NEED to get a an 8 or above qt
Fat shame / obese rate
Looking like shit
Okay faggots, write the best tinder pitch you can others rate how virgin you are
Is this achievable natty?
Fat Inspo Thread
Defeatist thread
How often do you poo Veeky Forums
Opinions on this bundle?
ITT we post:
Is it ok to take 10-20mg crystal 3x a week on my workout days...
This motherfucker eats fucking WORLDS for a diet. He became so strong he now controls GRAVITY ITSELF. Also...
Life's cruel and unrelenting difficulties
Who was she, Veeky Forums? Who was the one who broke you?
Is this a good program for mass? Did SS and I'm pretty close to 1/2/3/4 but I'm not really as big as I would have liked...
Things you can say about your workout, but not your girlfriend
Tfw you can't sleep
/Fraud/ Steroid General
How do I make quitting smoking easier?
ITT we list acceptable manlets! I'll start
Anime workouts
Post outfit you wear to show off your gains
Best way to hit trap muscles?
Please help me estimating my bodyfat %
High test thread
Not Veeky Forums enough to honor my ancestors
HGH for height
CBT winter bulk edition
What are some Veeky Forums approved hobbies outside of the gym?
So I've been lifting for 2 years and it's not got me a GF
Sweating during exercise
Who else here is winterbulk mode
My diet is all fucked up and apparently I need to eat more vegetables. What are the most Veeky Forums vegetables?
How mentally developed and cultivated is Veeky Forums? Post your favorite book
Gym Playlist
Hi Veeky Forums fitness
What the fuck do I even do for my body Veeky Forums? Even if I gain weight I'm still going to have very womanly hips...
What kind of lifting/diet do I need to do to get here?
Culinarily-challenged college student here
Quitting smoking general
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Holy cow!!
Can anybody give me some tips on how to progress on pull ups and chin ups? Pull ups for example...
Where does Veeky Forums fall on the political spectrum?
/SIG/ Self Improvement General
Who do you lift for Veeky Forums?
How much you bench bro?
Veeky Forums height statistics
FIT/ give me your opinions !!!!!
How fukken big is his dong?
How popular are actually the fat health disorders? I'm talking about the real thing, not the excuse ones
New to lifting. What the heck is this thing?
So Veeky Forums I'm 6' 300lbs and looking to give weight
Is this still a health board?
What does Veeky Forums eat for breakfast?
Have not been to the gym in 2 months
/cutting gen/
Sup Veeky Forums I have a question...
Day 11 of no fap
Arbitrarily assigning a person's worth based on the measured distance between the top of their head to the ground
Shout thread
Get that gf yet, Veeky Forums?
How do you bulk if you're poor?
What is your ideal rep number
Anyone got any advice on how to eat 4000ckals a day? Preferably as "healthy" as possible
Tfw girls born in the year 2000 are 16 now
What motivates you both to go to the gym and to continue through life in general?
When cute girl thinks ur natural gains after going from a waffer to cut as hell are from steroids because you're dick...
Salmon Ladder
"manlets can lift more because they have shorter limps xD"
Ideal deficit for skinny fat?
Lifting Music
Find a gymbro thread
Squatting shoes
How to Ulfrbreth war bear mode?
Why do cyclers have such joocy legs Veeky Forums?
Deltoid muscle
I can't cum during sex
Be me
Help me Veeky Forums
Dubs and we're all gonna make it brahs
/plg/ Powerlifting General
H...How are you holding up, Veeky Forums?
Who else /<1400 cal/ here?
No QTDDTOT? There is one now
Started talking with a female co worker
Who /BlueCollar/ here?
Why am I balding?
What's the story behind this guy?
Anyone else take these multivitamins? Do multivitamins actually make a difference to anything at all...
Male that knows his potential > Hot female > Beta Female > Normie > Beta > Ugly/Fat girl
Training masks
Zyzz thread
ITT: times we felt alpha as fuck
What's wrong with David Laid's physique?
What are some good Veeky Forums related anime?
Face Gainz
"user, why do you do deadlifts? They don't even build any muscle or anything"
Is it possible to look like this without lifting weights?
Hey Veeky Forums, ive got 100$ to spend, what should i get? (No weights or equipment), Ausfag
Goal Body: Art Edition
I think my rotator cuff is injured
Ask a white guy who's hardcore flirting with a latina anything
/Fraud/ Steroid General
Veeky Forums confuses me. One minute, I come here and everyone here is a nogf aspie. The next...
ITT: Reasons to leave your gym
Tinder thread
Weight vest
About to start training for size instead of strength, I know this means more volume and less weight...
Most Veeky Forums animals
If I had one alcoholic drink right now I would fall asleep and die, I have several bottles in my room...
We all know /fit takes care of their muscular bodies, but does fit take the time to keep their penis in good health...
Just lol at how many people on this boards life revilves around lifting
So I've been losing weight steadily for about 4 months (270 too 245). I've got a lot more attention from girls now...
/PBG/ protein bar generel
Training for Military
I need your help f.a.m
If you could look like one of the following guys, which one and why?
How do you change your life?
Gain Muscle Without Lifting
I just lost a fight and I dont feel like a man anymore can I get some help?
What's wrong with David Laid's physique?
What music makes you pumped to lift?
Which program/diet will make me look like this?
I found a fit girl, cite as fuck personality, caring kind funny. We talk for few days hours on end...
What dose Veeky Forumsizen do for work
Loose skin
I'm really hungry for pizza tonight. How bad is it to eat an entire large pizza from the papa?
How would you fix him?
TFW 22 years old loser
What's the fewest amount of calories you've eaten per day for an extended period of time?
What's their Veeky Forumstest sandwich?
Veeky Forums im 18 and going to uni. will i look retarded for getting braces?
Day 7753 of no gf
Is compression gear worth it for lifting? What do you generally wear when working out?
Remember I made thread saying I could only do chinups with 65lbs assisted
Name one thing wrong with Plant Fitness
Ask a guy who has drank drank 1 gallon of water a day since January 2nd anything
I have to do a 50mile hike with 100 pounds of equipment on my shoulders next week
Traps, not faggot boipussy traps
Progress Thread
Would you rather add 2 inches to your height or 2 inches to your dick length with 10% width increase?
So Veeky Forums, is there a work-out plan + diet that would make me visibly thinner by next Sunday?
Veeky Forums Music General - Yinzer Edition
ATTENTION Veeky Forums
Low dose LSD
Wtf I hate my parents now
Worst bodies of people you know
Memes and shitposting aside, how do you actually get a gf if you're not a CHAD?
Should every guy use OkCupid in? I've actually been on Veeky Forums since 2009...
Why are white men so obsessed with finding an Asian chick?
Why don't you have a "gymbro" yet Veeky Forums?
Be 5"9 "manlet"
/plg/ - "powerlifting" general
How are you holding up guys?
You're at the gym
So yea, this is me
I need advice Veeky Forums, it's a little pathetic but just hear me out ok I'm trying here
This fucking guy (me) is an actual MAN
Being a manlet
So by 1/2/3/4
Rate my bicep
What videogame was this monster from?
Give me one reason not to marry an asian
Have you ever been asked out by a person of the opposite gender?
A few years apart, and a lot of change
How fit u need to be to get a gf like this?
The proper way to wipe your ass is to wipe towards your balls, right?
Has anyone here genuinely transformed their psychological profile by becoming Veeky Forums...
Good feels and progress thread
Admit it Veeky Forums, going to the gym is just another way to repress how you REALLY feel inside
New year, new me
How do I become Viking Mode Veeky Forums...
Is 13% bodyfat healthy for someone who hasn't started lifting yet?
Do fit guys like facesitting and eating pussy in general or no?
Veeky Forums, do you think you could fight off an aggressive 500 lbs white trash whilst completely unarmed...
When did you guys grow out of strength training/powerlifting?
This is the average male in 2016. Can they make it?
Are k1 fighters on roids?
Wow little boys who are 13 years old can get little girlfriends but here I am at 23 and I can't even get a text back
Why aren't you playing the most Veeky Forums sport of all?
Veeky Forums humor
What does /fit think about Intermittent Fasting? I'm 18 and 178cm, would it help me gain any height?
What's his problem?
Anyone else smoke cannabis while working out? It makes me significantly more aware of my form and makes me better at it...
What happened to cheekie? She actually lifted and could handle the banter
Symmetric Strength
Stupid cuck sports. I'll start
How can I reject a girl without hurting her feelings? Ever since I've become Veeky Forums...
This shit tastes awful with milk
Only those with necks of Thor may post ITT
Hows ur no fap december going?
When was the last time you saw her, Veeky Forums?
Penis girth
Pick one Veeky Forums
You fuckers told me this machine was shit. I tried it today after doing squats and holy shit it's amazing...
Sexual Health Thread
Tfw going bald finally after anticipating it for years due to both sides of my family having this issue
Is this possible?
Trying to get fit
If you were me what would you be doing??
Who do you mire the most Veeky Forums? Who's your inspiration? Pic related
/Fraud/ Steroid General
/gym bully general/
What body mode is this?
Why lift if we could get it all surgically done in shorter time?
What exactly are Manlets supposed to "learn" ?????
Have you ever had sex with a fat chick before?
Ctrl F
7g protein per slice
Is this stuff worth it for jaw gains??
Hi guys, I'm getting into weight lifting because I am trying to lose weight while gain some muscle...
/plg/ - powerlifting general
/Plg/ powerlifting general
Stuff that Annoys you at the gym
Average 5"7 spic here
Is/was Frank Zane the most aesthetic bodybuilder of all time?
Nofap December
Sloots squating in yoga pants
Supplement Thread
My hairline started receding at the time I started lifting, at 23, which is when I started taking creatine
At xmas party
Routine thread
Name something fitness/health related that you believe is overrated or overhyped
Proper hydration
Kryptonite thread
Ohp is 90lbs
Bodyfat% guestimation thread
Tfw gf arms are bigger than mine
Tfw intelligent enough to lift thread
Watcha doing tonight, fags?
M-muscles don't d-do shit in a f-fight
Weightlifting glove recommendationss
No Asian qt thread? Let's change that
/friday feels/ get in here
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Can I get a strongfat boyfriend if I'm thicc but not fit? We can binge together and his lifts will go up :)
Tfw i wasted half a year focusing on macros when eating below TTDE is the real secret
Just ordered vitamin d3, zinc, magnesium, and 30 sticks of chewing gum
Fruit thread
Finally Quitting Veeky Forums
How do grills react to being approached at the gym?
Lifting motivation
/pol/ here
Hmmm... it's almost like being vegan is the healthier lifestyle
Since you guys are so tough and think you can beat a German shepheard in a fight...
The girl looks exactly like Pepe
Veeky Forums humour thread
Motivation Veeky Forums
Woke up this morning
Is cellulite really that bad ?
This man whispers into your ear in the gym shower room "nice ass, no-homo" and then slaps it
What the fuck, Veeky Forums. Why did nobody tell me that gaining muscle means you need pigger clothes...
How can I increase my testosterone legally?
Today, I finally did it!
Veeky Forums nowadays
Veeky Forums, do you think you could fight off an aggressive 40kg German Shephard whilst completely unarmed?
Help im a fat black girl
Destroy genes for a girl?
Processed food
Motherfucking gym time
I am a female chubby chaser. I even like fat guys. They have to be tall though and beards are the icing on the cake...
5'2 female here
How do you expand your chest and shoulders? Not just in terms of muscular gains, but natural posture and bone size too...
If you had a choice to wake up Christmas morning with one of the following which would you choose?
Daily reminder that each muscular man's secret fantasy is getting his ass destroyed and being throat raped by a cute...
Good morning
'mirin general /mg/
So, the new Spiderman trailer dropped today and Tom Holland is otter mode af
How much and how long does a woman have to lift to become stronger than the average non lifter male?
Has anyone here used DNP?
Im at a crossroads here fit
Why are Veeky Forumsfags obsessed with getting big?
What do you think is the hardest compound movement?
What's the maximum weight that a natty female could realistically squat?
Rate my cutting diet
Progress Thread
Would you rather choose living with loyal fit smart and cute gf or live without gf and chase chicks to bang from time...
Do you shower at night or in the morning?
Daily reminder, if you have a bmi in the overweight range and but you are still sub 15% body fat...
How do I get spiderman tier abs?
Ok guys, I need your help. I can't masturbate till Christmas Eve. I hate nofap and thinks it's a fucking cult...
Is a body builder
That guy that asks for a spotter on bench
How much muscle can I build in four months without bulking? I'm a girl that never lifted before
How do you guys cope with life being so difficult and all the endless setbacks it throws in your face?
How did pre-industrial civilizations like Greeks or Vikings get so ripped like statues pretend when they didn't have...
Have measurements of height marked on garage wall as I grow up
Tfw failed my squat license exam
How do I stay fit homeless? I got kicked out of the house because me and my dad had a big fight...
How mentally aesthetic is Veeky Forums? post your favorite work of art
Is it normal to be in your late 30's and to have never had a wet dream?
Youtube Work Out Videos - New FPH/FPS
Tfw weightlifter
"That guy at the gym"
Is it possible to be Veeky Forums and a gamer? I love gaming but it seems to go agaisnt every Veeky Forums principle
Be 30 year old kissless virgin
That first bite of the day
How do I get a gf at the gym Veeky Forums without coming off as creepy?
What fighting styles should a Veeky Forumsizen learn to defend themselves from fast lank monsters?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
What should I work on next?
Can anyone identify this anime girl on this tank I just copped for 10k Colombian pesos
Deadlift thread
Cutting diet
What's your PR song Veeky Forums?
Why are my Presses so shit?
Is this a good ULxULxx program for a beginner
Whats your definition of being Veeky Forums?
This is me after six months of bulking. You can laugh at me and call me a DYEL all you want and i accept it...
Anyone had success with completely replacing squats with leg press?
I've been trying to figure out what mode Lenny is for the past few weeks
Is this natty
Is there more to life?
Post your goal body ITT
I'm tranny garbage and estrogen is making me rapidly gain weight...
Why is it socially acceptable to take female hormones but not male hormones?
Anybody have the greentext of the Veeky Forumsizen scoring with a MILF who turned out to have a horrific pussy...
Veeky Forums people from your country
How do I chest, and how do I get rid of muffin top?
Why aren't you rich Veeky Forums?
Ideal body thread
How long do I have to lift to reach this mode?
Does anyone here masturbate to 2D images only. I have PIED, from years of masturbating to hardcore bondage porn...
So, uh you got that gf yet Veeky Forums?
/rpg/ - richard piana general
Fitness and Sexual Health
Zercher squat
Let's get a good calisthenics thread going lads
What lifting app do you use to log your sets? Pic related is what I've been using but I don't really like it
Will lifting give me a white wife in 2017?
Can we get a skinny to fit thread going ?
Progress thread?
Spiritual Gains
How bad is cardio for gains?
Fat person hate thread
How real is this graph?
How do I stop being an ugly piece of shit?
How to get blue eyes?
Who here is /study/ing?
Tfw going clubbing first time in my life tonight
If you could go back in time, and give yourself some pointers as you were just starting to lift...
How long does boogie realistically have to live?
Tfw 6'2", decent build...
How the fuck do I quit sugar?
Workout with gf
Can you get girls' numbers without talking?
How tall are you Veeky Forums?
Left or right?
Best lat exercises? Been working them 3 days a week and they still look like shit...
Wikipedia article of "Gym"
God it is fucking hard to feel sharp enough to wanna be able to go to the gym here in the north atm when we have a...
Im sorry,but if u cant dead squat or bench 225 then why the fuck do you post here?
Lets get a home gym thread!
Workout name?
He shows up in workout clothes and doesn't change or shower after
The true alpha test
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Dealing with cravings for junk food
Christmas Thread
What does Veeky Forums do for core...
Who /shitpotential/ here?
What am I in for?
Why are rotator cuff exercises (mainly external rotations) barely mentioned or talked about among any fitness community...
Is it bad if I barely sweat at the gym? I don't do any cardio when I go there...
Been lifting for a year and a half
Some lifter wants to unlock his full strength
Does anybody feel like life is a constant and unbearable struggle when it should be easier?
Good feels thread, I'll start
Shit routine?
Weight loss
Proportions, tips, work on what?
Veeky Forums in a nutshell
Bulking food
What did they mean by this?
What norwood are you?
How do I look Veeky Forums?
I ego lifted 50kg deadlift and hurt my back. When I went to the doctors they told me I have bone spurs...
If your single how many dates do you have?
Im going Vegan
Feels thread
You can only post in this thread if you're 5' 11" and below
Why aren't you cooking once a week?
Is it bad to do a lot of pullups? I have a pullup bar that i do variations on...
Chad Nationalism
Tfw lifting and getting aesthetic
What's your excuse faglords?
Getting massage at gym
Is this possible?
At what point are you going to stop putting so much effort into your body?
You can only post in this thread if you're 6 feet and above
Quitting Veeky Forums
Is crossfit really that bad?
Feels thread
Need help with social anxiety
The Art of Manliness
That's what an action star's body looked in the 50s and 60s
What do you put in your shakes? I am on a slight cut and this is a meal replacement after my workout
Tfw to smart to lift
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Veeky Forums why is my nipple so hairy?
Why are we beta Veeky Forums
Cat fit bread
/fraud/ general
Is anyone here actually alpha?
Pathetic Veeky Forums confessions
Is eating fast food bad, even if you stick to your calorie defecit?
Cutting and ED
Study break bread
Fat people are lazy and unaccomplish-
How do I minimize estrogen supply in a modern Western country (Finland to be specific)...
Youre grinding to get fit
Dips in the squat rack
Gotta bulk up for the big game
Sometimes I think I'm not gonna' make it
What do you do in-between lift days? I always feel guilty not doing something
What deodorant you use. I'm currently using this, it's not bad by I'm open for recommendations
Hows your no fap december going?
Advice on standards
Post a fitter femanon you know
Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
My forearms are really scrawny. How do I fix this?
Wheres the THINN thread?
Time for your check-up, Veeky Forums
You're at the gym and this DYEL challenges you to a lift-off
Questions about posture, proportions, etc
Suspension ring training
Bareball bar
Please gib fast and easy to make bulking meals
What do you do in between sets?
Symmetric Strength Thread
Good Feels Thread
Oh hey user!
So, holding breath increases HGH
Estrogen bad?
Want gf
Post god teir bulking subs
Who is your favourite bodybuilder and why?
/cgt/ - current glutes thread
What does Veeky Forums's leg day look like?
Tfw naturally bad squatter cus 6'4
New /cbt thread
How do I get a thicker neck? What are SAFE neck exercises for it? And I really do mean safe...
/let feels/
Got too fat on my bulk guys, i'm not really sure where to go from here cause i'm scared to lose muscle
Used to use fancy pre-workouts such as MR hyde
How fit is your gf ?
/sqt/ Stupid Questions General
Coconut Oil Diet?
Why do I never see my favorite female fitness youtuber on here?
Skull crusher
Routine Rate Thread, go!
I love the idea of running to loose weight...
That guy who goes to the gym 6 days a week
Reminder that you can never achieve peak aesthetics without a tattoo
What's his name, Veeky Forums?
So how much carbs can I eat and still be in ketosis, roughly...
What do you guys think of Martyn Ford?
After fighting, everything else in your life got the volume turned down
You accidentally revealed your power level to a girl
Would you date a woman that is physically stronger than you?
Fit girls thread
Ogus 753
Why is life so shit and difficult?
Bros I need your help
Tfw no gf
Reminder that you're wasting your time because you don't need to workout to get a girlfriend or be happy
Why are these called again fit?
Advice thread and QTDDTOT
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games