Ask a guy who has drank drank 1 gallon of water a day since January 2nd anything

Ask a guy who has drank drank 1 gallon of water a day since January 2nd anything.

pee alot?

Have you drank 1 gallon of water a day since January 2nd?

Weight loss ? Did it clear up acne or anything you had

Yeah I say at least 8-12 times a day.Depends on how much I drink at a time.

Why did you choose to write "drank" two times? OCD or too lazy to spellcehck

Yes ever single user.

As far as acne and weight loss,I had no acne after five months,the weight loss is definitely there but I hardly see it because I lift and eat a shit load of proteins every day.

Simple mistake I dident see user

Been to a doctor lately, are your kidneys fucked up?

i've been doing around a gallon a day for about 2 months.
Biggest things i've noticed are:
water retention is super low, weight barely changes through the day because of it. makes pinpointing my actual weight really easy.
Never feel thirsty anymore.
Have to get up to pee every night at like 4 am. only annoying part.

A gallon a day is not deadly haven't had a problem with my kidneys yet.

Dude i drink like a couple of water bottles a day and i cant stop pissing. How do you do it?

That's too much.

Huh, sounds interesting. Might give it a shot myself. Any other problems/inconveniences that have come out of this?

isn't that like the normal amount to drink? I feel like even if I drink about 3L i'm still not hydrated well. Especially if you do cardio you need a bit more than a gallon

I drink 2 gallons of water a day on average. Is this an accomplishment I wasn't aware of?

Why didn't you start on January 1st?

you have been visited by t he water jug of mental illness . drink a gallon of water a day forever or you will die from cancer that you decided to treat with a fruit smoothie diet

what is this faggot ass bottle

Would you say it improved your health overall? Has it affected your face in any way (other than the acne)?

why the fuck do you have a timestamp with nothing else? What the fuck did you try to prove with it, that you exist?


my dude

Theres a gallon jug full of water next to it birdbrain

That still doesn't actually prove anything

You realize once you see your urine become clear it's a sign you're overhydrated and you're just overworking your kidneys.. right?

What if
What if we don't exist
Dude lmao

this is not how physiology works

you're so stupid oh my god

Clear urine signifies hydration
Not over hydration

You do realise 1 gallon is 4 litres, right ?

I had no idea drinking loads of water helped acne.
Did you have much before to make a decent comparison?
I already drink quite a lot but could probably do more

fuck off dude

>Do it for confidence

have you noticed if it's easier to take a shit? Has your skin improved? How much do you drink at a given time?


I don't understand how that's possible unless you're some kind of animal that sweats all day.

What color is your gizz?

Literally the reddit way of drinking water.