Please gib fast and easy to make bulking meals

Please gib fast and easy to make bulking meals

I'm a student living in a dorm and even though I have the money for good whole food I'm just too lazy to cook 3 times / day

>I don't want to cook
Why should I help someone so lazy?

Jar of natty peanut butter.


Beans you mongoloid.

kidney beans, black beans, mexican beans, chickpeas.

It's like 1000 calories and 70g protein per DOLLAR (and that's the canned version, dried ones cost maybe 1/3rd as much but fuck that shit).

It's a million times better than oats/bread/rice/pasta/whatever shit you have

Protein powder.

And stevia.

Too lazy atm to help you out, sorry faggot.

Your own semen is always helpful.

Cup of almonds

Gallon of milk.

2400-2600 calories
128g protein
0 preparation

Second this.
Only watch out with gasses from beans, chickpeas are easier to digest in huge loads (At least for me)

beans are more expensive than that

one can is like a dollar and only has only 20g of protein a can

corn beef
Ham trimmings
go to aldi nigga this shit is cheap af.
Also cook a roast chicken (2kg) once or twice a week, if you can't your not gonna make it.
I'm off to get more booze, fuck you lazy cunt.

Lentils, bananas, milk, ground turkey

Nigga da fuq you sayin?

Your best bet is batch cooking. Meat, tinned tomatoes, tinned beans. Cook as much as you can and freeze the rest. Add rice/bread/vegetables as to your needs.

Also cold cuts, cheeses bread etc is quick and easy.

Activated or unactivated?

>mfw not at least activating your almonds three times before eating (but only after prayer !!)
>stay DYEL pleb

you actually get a gallon of whole milk for 4$ in Murica? I might actually have to move from socialist Europe

>I might actually have to move from socialist Europe
Only if you renounce Socialism and all its works first.

6 eggs, scrambled with a shit load of butter, on a couple of bagels, preferably slightly sweet ones. Good helping of salt and pepper. Fill up on whole milk after.

Total cost: what like £2? I reckon that's 1000 cals easily. Probs more with the milk. Good amount of protein. Takes 5 minutes.

Look up Gordan Ramseys recipe for scrambled egg. TLDR med-high heat, keep it moving!!!, add salt and pepper at the end, shit loads of butter, careful not to overcook it.

The only thing you digest in huge loads is Chad's ejaculate, faggot.

luv u rly

>black beans
>thinking they won't steal gains

I'll give you some of my favourites OP

Trailer park bulking:
>6 or 8 crackers depending on size
>one pint whole milk
>slather crackers in thiccc pb until you reach 1000 cals total
Ken Sama's Weeaboo bulking bowl:
>two packets of the cheapest ramen you can find, throw away the flavouring
>make broth with soy sauce and dashi stock
>fry thin slices of chicken in sesame oil, boil egg, chop spring onion
>add all the extra shit on top of the noodles and broth
Two ez and cheap meals around the 1000 calorie mark. Another good option is loading up a tortilla with rice, kidney beans, cheese and sour cream/hot sauce.

I heard if you drink just enough milk you might not need to eat additionally, but will have an amazing protein surplus.

myth busted