Fat Inspo Thread
Absolutely disgusting
what the fuck
is this some kinda meme
is the sjw raid conspiracy that /pol/ warned us about true?
Before GOMAD / after GOMAD
3 is best from what I can tell.
People hitting the wall and becoming slampigs is like a drug to me. Keep them coming.
t. still kind of booty blasted about high school
Nah. Some (most?) Veeky Forumsizens were probably rejected by girls who looked like this, so them partying too hard/riding Chad's dick in their early 20s coming back to bite them in the fat ass is pretty exquisite schadenfreude.
> implying 2nd from right is not top tier
>This happened to all of your HS crushes and now none of them are fuckable
I didn't want revenge, man. I just wanted to hit that for my younger self.
Number 3 is perfect
Absolutely fucking perfect
Why can't she stay that way until she's 50?
Because then you wouldn't have the monster tits girl second from right to get violently drunk with and rut in the front driveway.
I honestly don't think there is anything more pathetic than a fat girl who still can't get tits.
Don't leave me 3!
The only girl ive ever loved actually got pretty fat and its so fucking satisfying to watch.
Tried to make a collab now, but its honestly too painful to even go on that whores facebook profile. Sorry guys
Post a pic of her prime
Do it user!
Come on, literally the only reason you aren't is because she's actually a 4/10 and so we'll be able to deduct how hopeless you are by the fact that she was your target.
>tfw ex moved to New York to study acting at NYU, cheated on you, and has since gained weight
Couldn't be better desu. As liberal as actors in NY are, they're still not giving good roles to fatties.
I mean you still got cucked by a fat barista
>them partying too hard/riding Chad's dick in their early 20s coming back to bite them in the fat ass is pretty exquisite schadenfreude.
This is pretty much literally all women these days. What the fuck am I supposed to do when I want to be married eventually? I'm stuck with some fat former whore. Fuck.
This: I don't want revenge, I'm just severely disappointed in younger me.
i'm..... okay with these
good taste sir
>What the fuck am I supposed to do when I want to be married eventually?
Former bitter landwhales (basically the woman equivalent to us) are top tier gf/wife material. I plan on marrying the one I'm with, we both love to look at people who hit the wall and reaffirm our vows to be as fit as possible and age gracefully.
> pretty much literally all women these days
uh no, im a 27 year old female and i haven't been to a "party" in years and don't drink more than 1-2 drinks a day maximum. I even live literally right down the road from the hollywood sign. maybe if you weren't the type of guy that jumps to assuming wrongful, biased absolutisms about half the worlds population, you'd reach some level of attractiveness yourself
> former landwhales
> saggy, drooping skin and features
> wrinkled, over stretched face
> newfound attractiveness combined with insecurity and desire to have what they missed means they will cuck you all the time
> drinking every day
Both unhealthy and boring. Best way is to never drink except once or twice a year with your partner and get ass-blastingly fucked and have sloppy sex everywhere.
Like he said, female versions of us
I never said I drank every day, I said that Ill have a maximum of 1-2 drinks a day. I actually drink maybe a couple times a month, and usually only one drink a day.
>what is reading comprehension for 200 Alex!
Higher education at a prestigious university, and study something that isn't a social science.
There are not THAT many girls there, but most of them are smart and high quality, besides if you're Veeky Forums and intelligent you have a good chance.
> saggy, drooping skin and features
as a former landwhale, the only saggy dropping skin is the skin on my thighs and a bit on my ass.
> wrinkled, over stretched face
my face is actually younger looking than most people my age and i tend to be mistaken for someone 7-10 years younger. most people dont gain weight in their face, idk why you think you'd end up with a saggy over stretched face lol.
> newfound attractiveness combined with insecurity and desire to have what they missed means they will cuck you all the time
my newfound attractiveness actually combined with my insecurities to create a desire to run away and hide from everyone. I'm not used to receiving attention like that and it makes me feel extremely uncomfortable. i've actually learned to garner my self confidence by being intelligent and competent/through studies. I dont feel like I "missed" anything, if anything i feel like i have an extra perspective that most people don't get to see.
you obviously dont have much experience in this matter, why did you feel the need to share as if you actually knew jack shit?
or ass, in that case
what the FUCK, the fatter she gets, the more I want to fuck her
This. Perfectly thicc at #5
This. I'd take a body that learned its lesson over a perfect-looking girl who is going to balloon the fuck up once I've got a ring on it.
>I dont feel like I "missed" anything, if anything i feel like i have an extra perspective that most people don't get to see.
This is how we both feel, although we're both spiteful shits about it. God it feels good to be almost 30 and more attractive than 80% of your demographic just by virtue of not eating too much too often.
you are illiterate.
>and study something that isn't a social science.
of course someone from Veeky Forums would be scared of social sciences
never seen jeopardy ehy? why is that not a surprise... thats right, because you're probably an 18 year old idiot!
i know right?! and i don't even like whales.
3 > 4 > 2 > 1 > 5 > 6
Albeit stage 5 seems to have the biggest tits
> dont feel ive missed anything
> god im spiteful, yeah im so much better than other people
Yeah, im really believing you there
No, you said it wrong the first time. Can't expect more from an alcy.
It's not like it's all we do every day user, geez. Feeling good about yourself when you had a shitty child/young adulthood, especially when you're clearly better looking than other people, isn't a crime.
>tfw it's actually pleading to get laid
Yeah faces do put on weight, sorry to burst your wrinkly bubble there. I know a few girls who were heavier in their youth and lost weight when they got to uni - i've even had the displeasure of seeing a couple topless.
Their faces are always wrinkled beyond their years due to the loss of fat and skin being unable to pull back. And god their tits might as well be socks.
At this point you should either: a) kill yourself b) get surgery c) get surgery but secretly tell the anesthetist to kill you
> clearly better looking
Why don't you quickly celotape all your excess skin behind your back and head and take a pic for us.
Literally the only way to stay young looking is to be lean when young and then very slowly start gaining weight at 50 to fill out wrinkles.
ya got me
I think she is pregnant.
The getting fat though is unnecessary
Anything else is objectively incorrect, screencap this
5 pls
pregnant? you retarded man? that's a big fat jelly doughnut gut
bulk thread?
Anyone have 5's name?
Yeah, I kind of need to impregnate 5.
Good stuff, on any other board they would be saying 1 is too fat and also too above 18 years old.
Holy shit I've known that girl since HS! She is a massive slut, and has been since she was like 16
All the flavor in the world and you chose to be salty.
There's a rope with xer name on it.
So, you drink everyday? You don't party anymore, meaning you partied as a teen? You are exactly the kind of former whore we are talking about.
Kill yourself.
Holy shit these are horrifying.
Take joy in that she will never make it and will be ridiculed for being a fat fuck. DESU if females havn't debuted by the time they are 24 they are fucking done in this industry.
i-i came into this thread for inspiration...
haha fuck guys. If this thread is active in two hours ill do it. But seriously the resason i dont want to is because the feels comes back when i go into her profile. But she (was) very hot, believe me, tall, 175 i think, big firm tits and wide build.
I want 5 to sit on my face
Just get someone with EDNOS or someone whos had an eating disorder, they hate fatties. I'm a recovered ana/bulimic who decided to get Veeky Forums and the disorder never really leaves you, just don't go for the ones who use anorexia as an excuse to get fat.
op pls
Still waiting goy
fucking hell man, ok
I know who this is she did this on purpose.
Would still bang easily.
She became a semen demon at 3
really? i can understand the 3rd and 4th and maybe the 5th but if you want to fuck the last pic youre fucked
pics are in reverse order
So she went from "would never fuck" to "Would never fuck, but would be funny to fuck because it would be a good story about the time i fucked that extremely huge fat chick"
Id say thats an improvement
store tits
Shes not pregnant. Just fat.
>fat fetish.
Man, those tits just keep getting bigger.
Sorry Dude, I literally can't get hard for normal chicks anymore. I have transcended high test, I have become test itself.
>white people fuck
What did he meant by that?
Guiz this thread is trying to give me diamonds! I'm at the gym rn everyone will see my semi erect Benis
I love the high test meme.
glorious days ahead.
forst fikk jeg noia fordi fuck han veit hvem hu er. Så tenkte jeg lol bunad
And you have no idea man, tits were superb. Solid D cup with a perfect nipple and they couldn't hold a single pencil when she was standing up.
>than 1-2 drinks a day maximum
Uh, user, that's a lot actually.
>It's a damage control and self importance episode