University of Maryland reporting in
Eppely recreation center gets the job done
UMD bro checking in as well. It's a quality gym. I wish the weight room was larger though.. gotta know when to go. Also qt tall brunette that works like a couple days a week
I go real early morning though. Summer I had no problem.
Cary Street Gym is the best I've found
Femanon terp. Eppley is ok. Sad face because V squat/Hack squat is not perfect. Inb4 every equipment is taken. Inb4 curlbro douches everywhere.
>that one black guy who's there everyday pulling 5+ plates like it's nothing
Saw a curlbro doing standing curls using probably more back than biceps yesterday baka
I wish the rec center wasn't way too small for the size of the school
Lifting for Butt at the CCRB
Curlbros frustrate me. Pro tip: grills don't care about your biceps as much as proportionality. don't skip leg day.
Boise state reporting in.
who /rec hall/ here also fuck white building
If anything I'll be the Brian in the kitchen.
>"Going below parallel is so bad for your knees"
Just go back to doing half bench presses bro
I swear the shit I hear in the gym makes me wonder. Still have 3 power cages so it's not so bad.
SRC, anyone?
University of Sussex anyone?
What's the Newark campus gym like? Probably going to enter the business school there and study finance.
Vcu is for freaks and niggers
Georgetown University reporting
3 squat racks for ~8000 undergrads :(((((((
N00b level. UMD is top tier. Your gains are belong to me.
You gonna help with my keto gains?
it's OK depending on when you go
Any Eurofags here? Just moved to Germany for Uni (from USA)
You're a Eurofag.
The RSF has been packed with asian manlets "powelifting" lately.
Memorial gym is alright, just a bit of a walk
roll pins
University of Montana checking in. The Adam's Center is great. It has squat racks, olympic platforms and associated weights, a ton of free weights, a track, a crossfit area with kettlebells, pull up racks and other associated stuff. It also has a big rock wall area for top rope as well as bouldering.
It also has a pool and basketball courts if you're into that sort of thing.
The Ohio State University here. Questioning possibly switching to JO North cuz it's closer, but the RPAC is just so comfy...
Where my gophers at
Right here my dude
What was he wearing? It seriously might have been me
We have 4 squat racks for more undergrads idiot
t. terp
I will fucking fight you bitch
transferring from Community college to UMD next month, should i keep my gym membership or is the weightroom not crowded af?
>that one obvious tall black haired autist that racked 7 plates on the bar while it was on the corner squat racks safety bars and bent the fucking barbell only to do some bastard form of deadlifts
Plymouth University
sup boi
What's wrong with transferring lad?
Other than not having a social circle and everyone assuming youre a moron, nothing
...and it's still 10x better than community college what's ur point?
The point is you already fucked up. Enjoy the next 2+ years of misery
>not having a social circle
i have on and i live in a house with three other friends
>everyone assuming youre a moron
how would someone be a moron for transferring, and how do you know the thoughts of all other students
you have to be pretty pretentious to assume something like that
team JO North. They switched it up and put in more heavy lifting stuff rather than cardio
When did this board turn into /r9k/ for big guys. Fucking pathetic.
Power lifter girls growing in number
Stand around platforms talking and slap each others ass after each set
I just want to bury my head between those thighs
>weather nice enough to have a platform outside
>tan while dead lifting
How so? Most people make their social circle during their residency. There is a huge difference between making some friends and having a social circle.
And youre out of touch with reality if you think uni kids accept transfer students as equals