Veeky Forums nowadays
>FAT HATE!!!!!1
What happened?
Veeky Forums nowadays
>FAT HATE!!!!!1
What happened?
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What are you talking about? Veeky Forums has literally always been shit
70% of the people posting here have never been in a Gym
there should be a mandatory physique login picture that you send to admins to unlock the board.
that's not smart because fat people also go to the gym to make a change and they should be able to post here as well, but a picture ident. with timestamp in a gym would be ok I guess
B-but I'm b-bulking
Is my 1 rep maxes enough?
You forgot sips.
The forced homosexuality meme here has made all the normies leave to greener pastures
I used to come here for genuine advice but now I only stay for the keks
>attempting to discuss anything seriously outside of QTTDOT, /owg/ or /plg/
This is also part of the cancer that's killing Veeky Forums.
Literally everything is a meme here nowadays and all the newfags actually believe this shit.
I just had to explain to a newfag that the bar does count towards your weight because some asshole keeps spamming >counts the bar
Ah yes, that one is a classic, it's been around in fitness circles since before Veeky Forums was even thought of.
hahahah that's kind of funny
I thought that would be common sense
You thought really that the person doesnt know and its not just baiting?
topkek, you fell for a bait.
what if I am moderately fat with a homegym?
>implying the generals are anything put tripfag blogs
I sometimes come back here just to see what my good ol' Veeky Forums has been up to. Everytime I see this place descend into deeper and deeper shit. It all started when half the people left because Scooby got doxxed
Veeky Forums has been downhill for years now
What did you expect?
Veeky Forums hasn't been the same since...
This. Coming from a trip.
signed up and became a Veeky Forums Gold™ member in2010
1) fat hates been a staple thread since ive been here
2) thicc/very muscle (traditionally less-than-optimal sexiness) has also been around
3) height thing has been here too. google tinytrip
4) tfw nogf i think that started a year or two after i got here but posting about being lonely as fuck was still a thing even before 'tfw nogf' finalized into meme status
5) boipussi started elsewhere and its a meme now, memes are used all over. its just what happens. this thread been closet gay since day 1 tho
6) all the bait this is fuck Veeky Forums what do you expect
Veeky Forums has always been about 5% genuine info about fitness, 15% casual discussion relating to good topics about fitness, 50% memes and lols, 10% non-fit related and 20% bait/trolls.
Faggots today have to google tinytrip? For real?
i cant remember the last time i saw anyone mention tiny...
99.99999% of fit have no idea who that is. or even that it is a "who"
link me to the boipucci thread pls
Manlet this, lanklet that, FPH, high test thread, that faggot with the weird pointy chin that has shirtless sperg fits in front of girls...
You forgot SIP
it's his fault for being a retard
the bar itself has weight so use common sense