Vegan Is Better

A plant-based diet is proven to be healthier and more efficient for weight loss and for maintaining weight loss.
There are tons of testimonials where people from all walks of life have been able to lose weight, feel more energetic, and even wean off of prescription medications.
The World Health Organization has determined that 30% of cancer cases are caused by improper diet, and countries with a higher intake of fat from meat and dairy products are proven to have a higher incidence of cancer.

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a vegan diet contains more protective nutrients that prevents more chronic diseases. Compared to vegetarians, vegans are thinner, have lower cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.

Oh and did I hear animals?
Over 56 billion farm animals are killed each year. This number does not even include sea creatures that are caught and killed.
As for eggs - every chick starts out at a hatchery. Since male chicks are deemed useless since they cannot hatch more eggs they are suffocated, gassed, or minced alive at a day old.
As for the females that survive this, they are kept in tiny wired cages not even wide enough for them to turn around. Oh, and if you're feeling good about your "free-range" chickens, they can legally be kept locked up in a shed with thousands of others.Then the moment they start laying slightly fewer eggs than before, they're slaughtered.
Male cows are mostly killed at birth or raised briefly until they can be slaughtered and sold as veal.
50% of female cows develop mastisis and lameness because of the terrible conditions they are kept in since they are made to produce more milk than their bodies can handle. Cows have about a 25 year lifespan but most are killed by 5 after being tortured their whole lives.

If you still think that eating meat is better than:
Improving your health
Increasing your lifts
Saving animals

Then enjoy the whey that is literally just leftover crap that couldn't pass for the milk carton

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10/10 body.

A nigga needs test, vegetables make you squishy.

Next time you try to promote veganism, post a thinn qt.

Also, where can I get 150g/day protein other than soy or vega powder? I'm considering different diets and trying to see which one has the best results.

I like killing animals.

Try actually looking at protein counts on greens
Broccoli, kale, leafy greens in general have a surprising amount of protein and you'll have to eat quite a bit but you should be eating a substantial amount anyways

>he thinks plant protein counts

I'm sure that gets your dick almost as hard as clogging up your arteries

Vegan IS better. IF you do it right.

However, it is hard to get a well rounded vegan diet. Most people will end up with deficiencies because they simply don't know the vitamin/mineral content of all their food, and don't/won't go through all the effort to fine tune all aspects of their diet.
Supplements - as is pretty widely excepted on fit - are not an adequate substitute for the nutrition we get from our animal products.

A complete(mostly) animal based diet is better than an incomplete vegan diet - which is what most people will have.

I beleive that we should all cut down A LOT on our animal products, and think about what we eat.
But a fully plant based diet is impractical and too much effort for most people.

Yes. I can afford cardiac bypass surgery too so I can keep eating your precious animals without a care in the world.