New "questions that don't deserve their own thread".

Last one is in auto-sage.

Aside from the obvious diet changes, how do you burn calories at a decent pace when you can't do 90% of workouts due to disability?

I'd love to do cardio, I'm maybe around 20-23% bodyfat right now, and would like to cut down to 15-18%, but I have joint problems in my legs which make it nearly impossible to do anything that puts strain on them, including walking for extended periods of time.

I didnt know I had to fail 3 times before deloading in gslp. Is it legit? I deloaded everytimw i failed which led me to countless deloadings. Am i kill?

Also does this applies to failing the 3rd set, or is it the same if you fail on the second set?

To lessen caloric intake you either dont take them (diet) or you burn them (exercise). Have you tried cycling? It should be easier on youe joints than running. Or you could try swimming

can you swim? losing weight is pretty much all diet anyway

if you fail a lot of the time it can be fixed with just a little more resting. so you don't deload but try again at that weight next time

Two things.
Why in the shit would you want to get to that bodyfat level? Even for female pros it's almost impossible to stay at that level without drugs and heavy exercise.

Lastly, the type of workouts that you can do are swimming and maybe some bicycling.
But the most important thing needed for weight loss is eating less then you need to maintain your current weight, second most important, eating healthy, third most important is having enough protein to maintain muscle so that you can stay lean.
The most important part of a diet is changing eating habits and activity patterns permanently.

If i'm overweight, and do SS, and eat at maintenance, what will happen to my body? will i build muscle?

What do I do if I'm on a linear progression and I'm startimg to fail a lot (end of noobgains?) but im not yet at 1/2/3/4?
Currently at 1/1.65/2.5/3 per 1RM

I'm on pic related and am doing pendlay rows, I feel like I can't hit them without rounding my back. Are there any other barbell row variants that I can do? Anything that might be better?

maybe a bit

tried eating more?

If my bench is lagging behind on a linear progression would it be stupid to add some bench in the range of 10-12 reps on OHP day?

i personally fucking hate barbell rows and don't do them. but try yates rows

Im gaining around 0.5 kg per week, I don't think I should honestly, but I'm no expert. Do you think its not enough? Eating around 2700-2800 kcal and im around 77 kg by now (gained 12 kg in 6 months)

add dips instead

Already did. That's why I feel my bench shouldnt be where it is.

Btw I'm at about 73 kg bench (5RM) and +19 kg dips (10RM). And I'm 76 kg.

What type of weightlifting program should i be on while trying to lose weight, i have about 60 lbs to lose, should i be doing SS? will i still gain strength while eating a deficit.

Take a week off or just lift very lightly for the week

You tried deloading?

Yeah failing at 73 kg its gonna be my 2nd or 3rd deloading. Gonna tru it again next time since it might have been a bad day ( failed on 2nd set and not first)

Lifting beginner here.

I started lifting around 3-4 weeks ago and I'm having severe trouble with my squat. My knees are starting to hurt while doing the movement. It's a sharp kind of pain.

My current best is 3x5 reps of 60 kg / 132 pounds (including bar).

What should I do? Just push my ego aside and lower the weight to 50 kg or even lower?

I think you should post a video of your form in a plg thread, in the meanwhile lower the weight till you dont feel the pain or dont squat at all

Cardio gains - heart and vasculanity - is it possible to get them on a cut? Or do I have to be on calories surplus to get those sweet gains?

>including bar

Yes, but not as much as if you were eating maintenance and doing a bodybuilding workout.

73 kg is pretty light to be stalling aggressively. Could try eating a fuck ton. Do you do chin-ups?

How much should I eat a day to lean bulk, I'm 62kg 175cm 18yrs and not that active? Do I eat the same calories on rest days?

are you not meant to include bar in weight? Or is it just implied when you say "I can squat 60kg" that its just 40kg plates with 20kg bar?

Okay, I'll do that

Reverse-grip rows.

What kind of physique can I expect if my 2017 goals are 100 push-ups 8 pullups and 70km on a fix speed bike?
These are the only exercise I can do constantly because I have other goals that are more of a priority.
People who already have achieved those standards post physiques please

Whats SS?

SS With accessories sounds good. It is possible to get stronger and lose weight if you've not trained much before
Ideally you should do your cardio regardless of a bulk of a cut. You get more vascular as you lose water or body fat if you're asking that.
Scooby has good tdee calcs and even a meal planner
Starting strength. Go read the book please.

I just received my new power cage for my home gym. I got a bench too. Also got olympic bar and some dumbbells.
Help me build a routines with these equipements.
I was thinking a mix of deadlifts squats bench press overhead press?
Just get back to it so im not sure about reps and what exercise works weel with another exercise.
I hope im clear enough and someone can help.

If you eat enough protein do you even need to bulk? If you eat a +200 calorie of surplus of carbohydrate or fat how can that be used for building muscle? Only protein can build muscles right?

What's the deal with accessories? How do I incorporate them? Rippletits says I'm impatient if i do them but others say I should be doing them.

100 pushups is some hollywood or anime bullshit. focus on doing good pushups with the elbows locking out on top and the scapula protracting(the extra push from your shoulders when your arms are fully extended). if you can do 20 of those just move on to dips and do negatives if they don't feel alright at first.

That's got a huge variance. I'm 104kg and over 30% bf and I can do those things.

I think I'm really inflexible.
How bad is it that I can't bend forward at all like in pic related?
I can sit like pic 1 with my legs/back straight and heels flexed towards me, body active, but I'm hard pressed to move forward even an inch (while keeping my back straight). Just sitting active in that pose itself is hard fucking work and I can feel the stretch.

(Disregard the likely broscience text, I just got it off google to illustrate).

Is that ridiculous or pretty normal?

I know about the whole calories in vs calories out thing, but can't figure out how to get enough calories out to even keep up with a massive deficit.

This is all based on theory from online calculators, and I'm a total newb who only started working out 1.5 months ago.

Maintenance calories - 2300
Lose 2lb per week - 1300

First of all, even to get 1300 calories seems like a lot of food for me. Just finished dinner and all I've managed today is 1079 according to online 'average calories per food item'.

And aside from that, even if I can get that amount of calories, how do I then burn it back off? According to more online calculators, an hour per day heavy weight lifting will burn less than 500, burn another ~300 if I jog down to the gym and back... that's barely more than half and that's if I lifted every single day with no rest days..

How the hell do you do it? I'm trying my best so far, but I just can't wrap my head around doing it the "right" way, and that's probably (read:definitely) gonna ruin any gains I'm looking to make, right?

Does anyone have ever had urine smelling sweet?

I have it everyday since I started mas last cutting (~3wk ago).

Dr. Google says it could be beetus, but I got tested and my blood sugar is fine.
(72, should be between 70 and 90)

Im starting to get worred

> inb4: I did not tasted it

If you got tested, couldn't you have asked a Dr with better credentials than Dr Google?

>deadlifts squats bench press overhead press
That's SS for the first 2 weeks before you swap one of the deadlift sessions with cleans. Forget the memes and do SS if you're new, cut if your'e fat, bulk slowly if you're hungry. You can spend the next few months researching routines while you're building strength.

Eating maintenance with plenty of protein is called 'body recomposition' I think, where you lose fat and gain muscle at the same time but slowly. Some people say it's good because you don't need to increase body fat to build muscle, other's say it either does nothing or is slowly than a bulk-cut cycle. Pro bb'ers bulk on surplus kcals, but then again, they're right at the peak and pinning gallons of shit. Whether a newbie needs to bulk is debated a lot, it's all subjective at the moment 'cause no one wants to fund research into unimportant shit. Personally I'd just bulk slowly (+250kcal/2lbs a month) and if I stalled, I'd deload, and if I couldn't push through after that, I'd increase kcals and see what happens.

Accessories are lifts/movements that aren't your main lift. If you want to build a chest, you bench, but an accessory would be flys or maybe a variation of benching. If you're doing SS, good accessories are chins and dips (I can't remember if they're supposed to be added anyway after a couple weeks). Although chins and dips are so important they could be considered main lifts. If want bigger traps, OHP and DL properly, and add shrugs. Bigger bis, chins and curls. pecs, bench wider and flys. I hope you get the idea. Add them after your main lift, but preferably give yourself a little rest by working on a different muscle between them.

Portions are quite relevant user. I recommend you to get a kitchen scale and install MFP.

If you want to lose 2lb/wk you WILL lose muscle mass. Its a hell of a defcit.
You must put in your mind that putting muscle takes much more time and effort than losing fat.
Is losing fat that fast is really that important?

Read the sticky. (Starting Strength)

You don't need to bulk. You can keep a slight surplus and slowly grow, bulking/cutting is just easier for most people because you *see* results much faster.

That's probably normal for someone who's sedentary.

More details. How tall/heavy are you, bf% estimate, activity per week, what do you eat.

Grandma has beetus, I just used her testing stuff...
Im poor...

I'm confused. You can't eat enough, but you also can't burn enough?

>according to online 'average calories per food item'.
Don't trust online things, look first and foremost at the packaging of the food you're eating and calculate from that whenever possible.
Also keep in mind how large a serving size is compared to what you actually ate, you could be eating more than you think. Might be good to invest in a kitchen scale while you're getting your head around it.

If I only do incline bench for chest will my chest look dumb?

he's just being a faggot

>And aside from that, even if I can get that amount of calories, how do I then burn it back off?

You don't think you need to burn off 1300 calories do you?

The amount of calories you physically NEED each day, you need because you burn them by default. That's the energy that keeps your organs functioning, the energy that allows you to get out of bed and walk around.
Eating OVER that, even just a few 100 calories a day for a long period of time, will result in the excess going towards fat deposits. But eating AT that level will result in weight maintenance, and eating UNDER it will result in loss, because everything you eat is being used.
And in the case of a deficit, the difference will be made up by dipping into your fat stores - so if your body needs 2300Cal/day just to function and maintain it's current size, and you're only giving it 1300, then it'll make up the 1000Cal difference by using your body fat for energy instead.

Artificial sweeteners aren't metabolized so you piss them out. Consume a lot of artificial sweeteners and your piss will smell sweet.

As the other guy says, need more details, but if you're maintenance really is 2300 (online calcs aren't exactly accurate) then eating 1300kcals a day would result in 2lb fat lost per week. That's pretty much as hard as you want to go, unless you're a hambeast. If you're only eating around 1100 kcals like today, you'd lose almost 2.5lbs per week.

If you add exercise, you can either not eat those calories you burned, and lose fat even faster, or you can eat the calories you burned, meaning you eat more, but you will lose weight at the same speed as not exercising.

Personally, I wouldn't recommend the average male to eat under 1600kcals, so if you wanna lose 2lbs a week, you'd have to add 300kcals of exercise every day (1600 - 2300 - 300 = -1000 per day = 2lb fat lost per week). Casually walk for an hour and that'd easily make up 300kcals. Running will get you 300kcals much faster.

It's just a fucking meme here. Everyone counts the fucking bar because bars are not the same weight.

I do consume lots of them. Mostly Ciclamato..

Seems reasonable. Thanks user!

I just put the lose 2lb per week as a reference, I don't actually want to be losing weight that quickly. What I'm getting at is that I have trouble eating even that much, so how the heck am I meant to get to maintenance or bulking amounts of food.

>You can't eat enough, but you also can't burn enough?
Pretty much, yes. From what I've read I feel like it's because my body is storing as much fat as it can due to me under-eating.. but I don't feel like I'm under-eating.
Just for one example, what I just had for dinner
>1 chicken breast
>1.5 tomatos
>1 onion
>2 carrots
>Handful of '4 leaf salad'
>Small handful of cheese
>Dressed with apple cider vinegar
and I feel absolutely stuffed, but somehow eating like this is not making up enough calories for me to even hit the minimum that I should need.

Yep that is what I thought, but that does make a lot more sense than the way I was thinking of it. Guess I misinterpreted the whole calories in vs calories out thing to mean I was meant to burn as many calories as I eat per day (with exercise.. didn't even consider normal body function burning calories). Thanks for clearing that up.

Whats the best way to look more vascular? Is it just having a low bf% or?

What's the bare minimum to preserving my gains on a cut? Once a week with a couple of sets per muscle group?

I can do 15 good push-ups. 20 with ducky form. I also have 2 20kilo adjustable dumbbells. Suggest something with them maybe?
I want a push "workout" that doesn't take more than 20 minutes.
I thought I'd work on push-ups because Scooby had a progression for that.
In terms of muscle mass do you say you're intermediate or above?

As an intermediate level lifter, can I do light weight form focused training on rest days? Not for the lift I did previous day to recover best and not next day's lift to be at full strength

can anyone give me a conservative ballpark estimate as towards what weights I should be starting with for deadlift/squat/ohp/bench if I've been doing bodyweight training for a year?

Can do ~15 pullups and a few more chinups, 3*12 weighted dips at 20kg, 20 slow controlled pistol squats (probably more never tried) and can almost hold front lever

6'2 77kg

Pretty impossible to say. At your weight I'd start with 1pl8 squat. Especially if you can do pistol squats.

2 pl8 deads maybe.

OHP is a little safer because if you can't lift it you're gonna find out pretty fast.

Is it normal to have less of a pump while training for strength (with longer rest) than when training for volume?


Do I really need to cut?

I see myself as over 25% BF, which is obviously screaming cut, but I'm new and I know you make the best gains in your first year, so do I really need to cut and risk muscle loss, or should I maintain af to make sure I MAXIMISE my muscle growth? Also, how often is too often when exercising the same muscle groups? Please advise bros, thanks

How to improve my left arm strength? It's really weak and holding my bench back.

> Age 30 almost 31
> 6ft
> weight 267-277lbs (it fluxuates on my scale)

I stopped drinking soda's about 2 months go, I usually skip breakfast, and may eat a sandwich or something small for lunch, but then during the evening for the last several years I have drank between 6-10 beers every single night, and then I come home hungry and eat a pretty large portion of what ever we are having for supper, now I know cutting out the beer is going to be essential to my weight loss, I have a previous hip injury that limits my ability to walk great distances much like the first poster in this thread, also I don't have access to a gym or pool, looking for someone to guide me in the right direction, what kind of losses should I expect just by cutting out the booze alone?

Yeah. I pretty much do sticky's greyskull. Chins are currently +27 kg

What kind oof beer? Natural light is like 100 cal per can. But heavy beers can have 3 or 4 hundreds per bottle so dj the math depending on the macros in the beer. Btw, alcohol poisons your muscles and raises your estrogen. But hey, everybody uses something! I'm trying to quit dipping, but I love my /dips/

Absolutely check your form. My guess, because i had the same thing when i started, is that your feet+toes aren't spread enough. Heels should be just wider than shoulder width, toes should be pointed outward at a comfortable angle

hey Veeky Forums, can someone please tell me what the fuck is wrong with me? Last week I almost managed to do 5x5 with 32.5kg on my OHP, and today, I couldn't even manage it for more than 3 reps, and throughout the sets the reps tapered down, so my last set was 2 reps and I even struggled to get that. I train fasted all the time and specifically today I felt extremely fatigued throughout my workout, I don't take any preworkout stimulants either. My sleep was OK but not the best, I could've slept for a little longer and deeper. i'm just worried about losing strength for no reason, my plan is to start eating BEFORE I work out but i don't know what to eat, any suggestions? I'm also thinking of drinking coffee before working out, should I do that before my breakfast or after and how long should I eat before I start lifting? Advice will be very much appreciated, I feel like once you're past your extreme novice phase you need to start fuelling your body for your lifts.

>I train fasted all the time
I wouldn't do that, I want my muscles full of glycogen when I train. I usually eat a big meal 2-3 hours before training and then a small meal right before I go to the gym.

Have you ever tried working out fasted? If so do you feel a difference when you eat?

I started couch to 5k for the third time today, and my shins are already starting to hurt. Last time it got so bad that it hurt to walk for weeks afterwards. How do I prevent this? At first I ran "normally" with my heels touching the ground first and then kind of rolling the foot from heel to balls before taking the next step. My shins started hurting by week 2. Then when I had to restart the program, I ran by striking with the front of the foot first, letting my calves do most of the work. Again, it started hurting by week 2. Today, I tried doing both to see what felt best, and my shins are starting to hurt.

Besides running, I also lift, btw. I squat over 4 plates, so I assume that my bones are strong enough?

I'm also pretty fat, 104kg or 230lbs, which is probably why my shins hurt in the first place, lol. So again: How do I prevent it from happening?

Yeah, I feel incredibly weak when I do it.

I have a healthy diet, I believe I am getting all the nutrients I need. I come home form work at 6pm, cook & eat dinner, digest, then go to the gym. So I usually hit the gym at 8:30-9pm. I go about 5 times a week. Should I take a pre workout if I need to be in bed by 11, will it keep me awake. Also should I start having a protein shake?

I went sleep at 10am yesterday and woke up at 9pm (11 hour sleep). I'm still awake (currently 1:30pm, been awake for 16+ hours) and want to go to sleep at 8pm-ish to reset my sleep schedule.

I want to go gym in an hour, I just ate some fries and 3 pizza slices since they're high in calories and carbs. Will 1 or 2 monster energy drinks get me through ?

how much did lifting raise you in the attractivness scale?

I went from 5/10 to 5 and a half

Only just noticed the (you) in this post.
guy here.

I am 6ft, 181lb, estimate bf% around 25-30%, only started getting active recently but been adding more and more pretty often, current schedule is -
>30 min treadmill, 5 days a week (roughly half/half brisk walk/jogging, working up to jogging the entire time.)
>2 hours rock climbing, 4 days a week (1hr climbing, 1hr belaying partner)
>40 mins calisthenics 7 days a week (split to 20 mins morning 20 mins afternoon- as many as I can do in 5 mins of pushups, crunches and squats, plus a 5 min plank)
>20 mins light weights every second day (2x 18lb dumbbells, as many as I can do in 5 min each of deadlift, rows, squats and OHP)

Been doing this routine consistently for almost a month now on a serious calorie deficit and I feel like I'm putting on muscle (the exercises are getting easier and I can do more of them) but not losing any fat, which is the opposite of what I would expect.

I eat 2 bits of toast with PB+J for breakfast, snack on fruit, nuts and seeds after treadmill run and morning calis, a decent sized sandwich for lunch (avocado, spinach, tomato, deli meat, cheese, sprouts), then dinner as described in Already got the answer to my main question (I was just thinking about it the wrong way, thought I need to burn all calories eaten through exercise didn't consider normal body functioning would burn them too)

But new questions- with the low intake and the amount of work I put it I must have an even bigger deficit than I thought, so
1. How am I gaining muscle? Or am I not, and it's just increased stamina that is allowing me to do more reps and feels less tired afterward?
2. Why haven't I lost any fat? Am I just expecting it too quickly? I thought I would see at least some kind of result after a full month..

Please help,

I'm on my finals week and very stressed, the problem is that I won't be able to go to the gym on wednesday and thursday, and I'm wondering if I should go today (since I'll have 2 rest days) or go on tuesday, then saturday and miss a day

I'm not sure how to proceed missing days get the worst of me fuck

So I bulked hard and went from weak shit to lamo 1.5pl8 bench at the cost of gaining around 22lb in 5 months.

I'd like to go on a cut soon so I can enjoy my new found gains, but how do I set my goal? Obviously I've gained muscle since then, so I wouldn't shave all of those 22lb off again, right? Is there a rule of thumb to go by, or some calculation?

I meant tuesday/friday/sunday

How many calories in a planet in a stew of beans, potatoes, carrots and tomatoes? 200 to 400kcal sounds about right?


Jesus Christ, I meant Plate.

lol.. depends on how big is your plate

use a fucking scale!

Was doing dunbell press at gym, then after i finish this huge guy complimented my focus and gave me tips. Gym was packed with ppl too, felt nice, anyone know this feel?

Gonna buy one tomorrow, but I want to record accurately today.


eat the same tomorrow and measure the same amount. Retroactively record today.


How long should I wait after eating to lift?

>Already got the answer to my main question (I was just thinking about it the wrong way, thought I need to burn all calories eaten through exercise didn't consider normal body functioning would burn them too)
Lol. Seriously though. Get that right. You'll hurt yourself if you're starving yourself this way.

>1. How am I gaining muscle? Or am I not, and it's just increased stamina that is allowing me to do more reps and feels less tired afterward?
You are probably gaining a bit of muscle, but only because you are a complete beginner. It's mostly stamina and neural efficiency.

>2. Why haven't I lost any fat? Am I just expecting it too quickly? I thought I would see at least some kind of result after a full month..
Yes. A month is basically nothing.

I assume you haven't lost any weight at all? It's hard to tell, maybe you're underestimating your calories or overestimating your activity.
But what's for sure is that you will not get far by eating 1000kcal and exercising 15 hours per week.

225 lb fat dude here, If im reading the sticky correctly, most starter programs are 3 days a week, while full rest on off days?

Can I go running on off days, cause I like running, or are those lost gains.

Yep 181lb exactly the same as when I started 1.5 months ago.
The gist I'm getting is that I'm "starving" myself and that's the reason my body is trying to continue storing fat despite the intake deficit and all the exercise?
But I don't feel hungry, if anything I feel more full all day than I ever used to before I started working out and I used to eat loads of crap like mcdonalds at least twice a week. Now I'm eating a lot less calories but they are much more nutrient-dense and it makes me feel so full I just don't feel like I possibly can eat any more then what I currently am.
Do I just force myself to keep eating till I'm on the verge of throwing up or something? How do you Veeky Forums guys do it?

are you a dyel

Yes, you can. Especially when you first start out.

Lift-run-lift-run-lift is a great schedule. But you do NEED some rest days.

Can I do just sunday rest day?

That's going to be very difficult but if you can stick to it, make sure you're getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night.

I fell for the stronglifts meme and made no gains for 3 months while I was on it, only a bit of strength gains, I switched to iCF 5x5 a couple of weeks ago and i'm already seeing progress. Is stronglifts supposed to be run for a couple of months? What numbers do people aim for on that program?

Actually considering Lift-Run-Lift-REST-Lift-Run-REST

Thanks user.