Hey Veeky Forums, I normally buy the >pic related gloves for working out and they last me 3-6 months. Unfortunately they just discontinued this style and the price has almost doubled on them. The new version looks less durable and gets poor reviews. Are there any other gloves you would recommend? My requirements are:
>don't retain sweat smell >don't use waaay too much dye so they stain my clothes and hands >durable
Cooper Rodriguez
Are you girl? Then 99.9999% of this board can't help.
Are you guy? Yes, it is called skin faggot.
Ryan Gutierrez
Dude, this is what my hands look like WITH gloves
Maybe you need to move into some heavier weights or quit doing push-type exercises all day long on the bench
Jeremiah Diaz
It's very possible that the bar you are using has too agressive knurling for the type of work you do. Agressive knurling is good for low rep things where you don't expose your hands to that knurling too often and where a good grip is important.
Nolan Sullivan
lmao, do you work an office job or are you a girl?
Zachary Collins
office job, also means my hands need to be in good shape for handshakes and presentations
Sebastian Wilson
The gloves are why your hands look that way you little baby girl. If you can't grip and hold 5 plates double overhand with nothing but chalk without tearing a callous you're a pussy
Parker Brown
Learn to grip the bar properly newbitch dyel.
Michael Moore
This 100%.
OP, gloves are for bitches. They weaken your grip strength from my experience.
Christopher Price
I'm 6'6" and have huge hands. Barbells seems so small to me that they have to rest in that area of my hand, there's really no other way unless I shift it completely to my fingers. I can't wrap my hand back around on itself unfortunately. Wearing gloves makes the bar seem a little thicker.
Gabriel Scott
dyel detected
Tyler Adams
kek im laughin cuz u prolly dyel af
John Nelson
>Weightlifting >glove
Dylan Peterson
>tfw you realize Veeky Forums is filled with skinny dyels that get triggered by what other people wear at the gym
Luke Gomez
t. pic related
Hunter Hill
>I don't wear gloves cuz I'm not a little PHAGGOT
Angel Rodriguez
>my gloves don't match my purse
Logan Morris
cept he's big and you're dyel
Nolan Hall
William Hernandez
The only time the use of gloves is ever even slightly necessary is when handling barbells or dumbbells that are too skinny to get s decent grip. The gloves effectively increase the circumference so you can get a good grip.
Else, they're a hindrance and you should learn to live without them. The fact you're getting conned into repeatedly buying them from fitness companies should tell you something.
Parker Fisher
lol what a fag wearing gloves. I bet I could cuck him (assuming he could even get a GF!!)
Ethan Reyes
>same calluseslet
Cooper Morris
sorry your narrative is broken
Luis Martinez
I use these. They're pretty good, if you get the right size.
Grayson Rodriguez
I also has those OP. I find that they fit snugly when you get them, then they get really loose and sloppy after a while...
I've been looking at a pair of Casall ones with more fit around the wrist.
Jaxson Wilson
Have you ever seen or heard of "weightlifting" gloves that have been worn out?
I haven't. Ever.
Think about that.
Josiah Scott
>Have you ever seen or heard of "weightlifting" gloves that have been worn out? Yes. They wear out constantly.
Christian Flores
I'm literally looking for new gloves because mine are worn out, that's the whole point of this thread
I usually wear through the leather or the stitching fails after 3-6 months.
Aiden Thomas
It's easier if you have big hands you fucking newbie
Grabbing a thick bar is like jerking off with lube. If you're not careful, it's going to slip
Carson Jones
Also > shift the bar to my fingers Just buy and read starting strength 2bh
Henry Parker
Your hands are literally so big you can't clench it and make a fist?
Bull fucking shit, the mechanics are the same. Bigger hands makes it easier, not harder.
Noah Nguyen
Men will respect you more if you don't have soft bitch hands.
Sebastian Turner
Huh, generally novices tend to outgrow the gloves before they wear down.
At least that's how it's supposed to go. Guess we found two unicorns in one thread.
Kevin Evans
>...right, guys, right?
Mason Green
Hay will tear your shit up though desu
Brody Jackson
if I extend my hand out and hold it like is suggesting, it sits completely in my two most distal knuckles
which is why I hold it here unfortunately this doesn't jive with a lot of the philosophy of business and deal-making. You aren't trying to overpower people physically, you need them to see you as an equal so you can slowly convince them of whatever you are trying to accomplish as being in their best interests too
I see about 1/4 of the guys at my gym wearing gloves, most of which I've seen steadily over the past 8 years I've been at this particular one
yeah I used to bale and the funny thing is it fucks your forearms up way more than your hands
Dylan Rogers
boo fucking hoo the only solution is to stop being a little bitch and lift through the pain
Easton Taylor
The only thing I am suggesting is for you to buy and read starting strength
Adrian Lewis
>I see about 1/4 of the guys at my gym wearing gloves, most of which I've seen steadily over the past 8 years I've been at this particular one How many of them are the biggest guys in the gym? How many gloves do you see when you go out to comps and meets?
Using gloves past novice is shooting yourself in the foot. You train bad habits, and neglect improving your form.
It's the equivalent of going into adulthood and still having training wheels on your bike. Or swimming with those inflatable things on your arms.
Makes you a joke to literally anybody who isn't doing the same thing as you.
You trick yourself into thinking it's a vanity thing. It isn't. I deadlift 200kg, I work as a mechanic. My hands are silky smooth. Get a good lotion, learn how to hold heavy things without breaking your hands.
Adam Morris
I've been weightlifting for over 20 years now
I do 315x5 bench 19 consecutive fighter pull-ups (when my tennis elbow isn't flaring) lol 3 pl8 squat (should be higher but I'm tall as fuck and therefore stick to other leg exercises that let me keep my weight back more like front squats) lol 5 pl8 deadlift (always been my strongest lift)
I'm not some flaming faggot, it's hilarious how many of the posters on Veeky Forums somehow tie your mascilinity to stupid shit like whether or not your wear gloves
I don't like calluses. I tend to pick them at work because it's a nervous habit. My wife doesn't like me rubbing her with callused hands. I don't like giving handshakes with callused hands.So I wear gloves and don't fret about how 'much of a pussy' that makes me.
So if we could get back to some recommendations, that would be great
>Makes you a joke to literally anybody who isn't doing the same thing as you.
I honestly don't fucking care what other people think about me wearing gloves.
Thomas Gutierrez
>I honestly don't fucking care what other people think about me wearing gloves. Yeah you do. That's why you reply telling us you don't care.
People who really don't care, don't go around talking about how much they don't care.
Eli Baker
>unfortunately this doesn't jive with a lot of the philosophy of business and deal-making. You aren't trying to overpower people physically, you need them to see you as an equal so you can slowly convince them of whatever you are trying to accomplish as being in their best interests too
Breh just get fucking huge and bully those faggots into a deal.
Gavin Perez
ok, then please just recommend me a good pair of weightlifting gloves like I asked for in the OP
Colton Edwards
Make sure you get a pair with a colour that matches your purse. Pussy.
Bentley Bennett
lol calm down guys.
Jacob Torres
The emperor's new gloves(tm)
David Gomez
> so if we could get back to some recommendations, that would be great I'd recommend you buy and read starting strength
Also > I've been doing poor form for 20 years, that means by form is good form
Caleb Cox
>I'd recommend you buy and read starting strength
I'm extremely happy with my current routine and practices. I'm motivated to go to the gym every day, enjoy what I do, and I enjoy the results. I would just like a pair of weightlifting gloves that don't wear out quickly, don't retain odor, and don't have too much dye.
Connor Campbell
ITT: OP triggers Veeky Forums
Isaac Russell
>still 18 posters Hey OP get your little ass over here and give me a handjob you dyel sweetbitch.