Is this possible?

Is this possible?

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A human can't stop even a little moped.

lol no

The force of the helicopter raising is greater than the joints in his shoulder. Not possible. If the helicopter is rising at even a quarter of the speed up as it would be falling due to gravity, it would be like trying to lift a car with one arm. His arm is gone.

but hes not natty

Only if you're on that super serum

Obviously you have video proof right here faggot

Yes, but only if you juice yourself with super soldier serum.

An average size helicopter weighs like 1500kg. Passengers and Cargo could easily weigh 500kg, if it can still fly with the passengers and cargo the helicopter can lift at least 500kg before a factor of safety is applied.

Chris Evans has effectively taken a double overhand grip in the gif, meaning what he is doing is loosely equivalent to double overhand gripping a 500+kg deadlift.

>Dyels will claim he's not natty

Really? If it was standing still and I had two good grips, one on the moped and one on like a rail I recon it wouldnt take much.

Can you run 50kmph?

If no, then a moped is more powerful than the largest muscle groups in your body

My IQ just fucking dropped reading that. What are mechanical leverage and bracing?

The helicopter is lifting itself up so it's maintaining altitude basically making it "weightless" pulling it over would be no problem right?

Like this is just like a hot air baloon lifting up people, you can move that shit around no problem even if there are 2 people in there.

>pulling it over would be no problem right

It's weightless, but not massless. You no longer have to exert the force needed to overcome the static friction, but you'd still have to exert enough force to accelerate the mass of the chopper.

god i hope that's the face he makes when he fucks me one day

boi, I don't know whether or not a human could hold a moped in place, but your argument is literally retarded.

Sneezes travel 100mph. Does that mean I can't stop those either? Will the sneeze knock me over or blow through me?

even if they rev it and dump the clutch it wouldn't exert all of it's power

you're forgetting the force of the chopper trying to take off

>people are actually literally debating this autism


>Gotta confuse the shoulders babe. I always throw in helicopters into my shoulder days

Veeky Forums is dumb

>Veeky Forums pass

At least you know it's not you

he's on super serum you fucking retard they even show it in the first movie

No they don't, sneeze travels 4 km/h

Yeah but most of that is offset by the weight of the chopper itself.

He juiced so hard he stopped being a manlet.

Average speed of semen right after ejaculation is 50 km/h. Are you saying I can't stop a hot stud's load from going inside me?

Scrawny horses used to tear people apart on a regular basis


They can cause hernias if you stop them. ;^)

Isn't cap able to strict press over 800 pounds? I mean the guy is strong, based on that his row and shoulder strength would be fucking nuts

Yeah a quick Google shows 2000 pound squat, 1100 pound bench holding casual conversation, 1600 pound max press, also a 800 pound press
Also, the serum keeps him from ever tiring, he can exert max effort, like the limit of his strength over and over, his endurance is crazy
He's the absolute max of human development, not superhuman, but he is to a world class lifter what a world class athlete is to average joe

He's also an olympic level gymnast can maintain a world class level sprint for hours never mentally fatigues can litterally go full yolo with his diet and his body is so efficient it can break down litterally fucking everything and use it(dude rarely shits), and he can heal from mortal or crippling wounds in hours if not days.
Break his arm? Give him an afternoon and that shit is as good as new.
But he's immune to poisons of all kinds so he can't ever get drunk or stoned so...yeah that sucks.

Lol no. Even a small helicopter needs to create enough lift to fly its own mass and the mass of any passengers.

This is bullshit though. All you need to do is break the tire's grip.

Close. So, 2000kg. Needs to accelerate upward, so a bit more, let's ignore that. He's holding it with one hand... So 2000 kg in one hand. Or, grip strength to pull 4000 kg in 2 hands. Or 8800 lbs.

Even for a rack pull that's hardcore.

Stopping a 50cc scooter going 30 mph is not same as preventing one from starting on its way. And it's mostly traction limited.

Sure, if you use bitchroids like Captain America did.

Batman trained his body to peak human conditioning, no shortcuts. Here he is stopping a speeding car to a standstill like the fucking beast he is.