Why have you not transitioned to the most muscle building and full body strengthening version on squats?
But seriously, i used to look like a bitch before i did these, now i got MASSIVE legs and traps. i recommend these in place of bitchboy back/front squats everyday.
Zercher squat
memetic as fuck
Because it's an inferior atlas stone lift.
Also, I do not look like a bitch and whenever I try zerchers for fun, I can top out at ~95% of my back squat 1RM (which is 455 currently)
I do do zerchers, they work your core like no others
Lmfao my fuckin sides
>do do
I laughed at your post more than his
>only one person at my gym does zercher squats
>30 extra pounds of fat on his body and exclusively wears muscle shirts
>has added exactly 10lbs to his squat in 6 months
>95% your back squat 1RM
Such bullshit, no you don't
muh anecdotal evidence
>OP pic is a guy with a body that should easily squat 3+plates
>He zerchers 1 plate
Keep pushing your meme workouts you fake Veeky Forumszen
Well, either my back squat is fucking shit or I'm limiting my self, because I can zercher 200kg and my best back squat is 212 kg
This is Ed Zercher.
does this not crush the veins in your forearms?
The first time I saw this image it was reversed and it took me a while to figure out what was going on. I was thinking man this guy is strong as shit picking that up from a sit up. Kek
Tried to find the reversed gif, but couldn't.
because its impossible to do them comfortable with higher weight
I feel like those kill my bicep tendons
He looks like a turtle without its shell.
I want to see you do what he is doing. He is also twice your age. Your move.
>He is also twice your age.
I'm not 45.
is this guy your dad or something? why are you whiteknighting him so hard?
>because I can zercher 200kg
of all the things I've read today that didn't happen, this one didn't happen the most
'Cuz he was one of the strongest and craziest motherfuckers to ever lift a barbell. The guy was an absolute nutcase and all of the lifts he invented/pulled out of his ass should be done at least once just for the hell of it.
If you can honestly zercher squat 435 lbs
1. I'm extremely impressed and I apologize for calling bullshit
2. You can probably back squat a hell of a lot more than 455 lbs, my back squat is 385 and I can barely zercher squat 225x5
You guys are lame. I've done a double bodyweight (385/175) zercher and I'm not very good
I don't want my arms to rip off
they're........ different exercises.......
like..... why don't you do leg press instead of squat..... you can put sooooo many more plates on....... Stacey will totally notice you..............
Is you '.' key broken?
Lol that looks like a little Mario object face
it's probably 15 degrees of motion
Untrue because your front squat is not 400kg
Never happened
lol like he's that powerful
Why not?