What dose Veeky Forumsizen do for work

What dose Veeky Forumsizen do for work
Free gym membership

Telemarketing. I sell newspaper subscriptions to dying old ladies.

Computer Forensics. Too many people I work with don't lift.

High school teacher. I get to flex on all the young bucks in the school gym.

Firefighter/Paramedic in a rural county.

If I was American i'd join the marines

Canadian. Warehouse. Trade school next year.

Army 11b
Free gym membership

Penis Inspection Agent
Get most civic holidays off

District Attorney

I stick my arm up poo pipes all day

Computer animation

I work at a cinema while i go to university

>be danish
>get paid by the government to go to school
>dont have to work
my life is sooo fucking easy..
>go to school
>get home
>go to gym
feel bad for you americans..
your parents have to work their asses off for 18 years for you to go to college! (XD)
and i can get ANY education i want while getting paid to go there!

Retired 11B here. RLTW.

Now in data science as a product manager for a tech company. Fuck yeah, Vocational Rehab.

I havent don't shit yet, E1 fuzzy inna 101st just waiting for HBL

Rah, you devil donut. I love you dumb fucking idiots.

FMF Corpsman
Free gym membership

Going through field med soon. But for now it's my ass in sick call you'll see when you don't feel like going on a hike

I manage employment insurance and welfare claims for the government in my district.
It's not glamourous, but it's a comfortable office job that pays reasonably well and requires no hours of work "off the clock".

We love you devil dolphin. Especially when you take care of us for eating too many crayons and drinking too much glue

Lifeguard, free gym membership + sauna, olympic swimming pool and food.

68w in the 82nd

82D as well. Devil bct