where is this even from?

Correct, I am feeling extraordinarily serendipitous.

yeh, i'm a lucky guy.

yeh im just a lucky guy (reference to this site's 4 leaf clover)

yeh, I'm just a lucky guy

Question, is this a reference to this site's 4 leaf clover?

Y-you too
wait, fuck

Yes it is!

no, i wish i had a screencap of when this happened but we were trying to find a way to ID another Veeky Forumsizen at the gym
Someone posted to ask
>"feeling fit, buddy"
respond with
>"yeah im just a lucky guy

feelin fit yet?

i see it's tuesday

Yeah, im a lucky human. (reference to 4chans 4 leaf clover)

tuesday is black or yellow bruh,

Which colour shirt should I wear on a Thursday?

>tfw made it into the screencap



for you

Is this actually become a meme? This happened earlier

Christ, this is the quality of thread that gets screencapped these days?

It's not even Saturday OP, why are you wearing a blue shirt?

I guess I'm just a lucky guy

yea, im just a lucky guy
but maybe i can help you become one too ;) OwO

how do i say it in german?
"Fühlst du dich Veeky Forums kamerad?"
i want to meet some other autists :(((((((((((((((()))))))))

it is now

Bitte sag das und mach ein Video.

Heh, I guess I'm just a lucky gy ;))

>exchanging autistic code-phrases
>not simply downloading Veeky Forums crypto app and wearing the assigned shirt colours day after day until potential Veeky Forums bros can look into their shirt-colour logs and ascertain that there is a less than 0.01% chance that you are just some normie that wore the shirts by random chance.

>Feeling fit buddy?
>Yeah I'm just a lucky guy

>that there is a less than 0.01% chance that you are just some normie that wore the shirts by random chance.
Assuming the 7-shirt matrix becomes the accepted standard, that shit would take 25 days. I don't have that much time to wait for the sweet n-no homo moments I'm craving.

Fuhlst du dich Veeky Forums, her oberscharfuhrer?
da li se osjećaš Veeky Forums, druže?
allahu ekber masallah eadilla, habibi?

I want to read this thread but I'm scared I will burst out in this quiet library

>tfw I got to witness the birth of an epic new meme