Pulls are the most important lift edition!
Pulls are the most important lift edition!
stop hitching your deadlifts my friend
anyone have any experience with OFW bumpers or fringesport bumpers?
Think im gonna buy some.
Will these threads stop dying so fast now trappy is back to bump with all those webms?
I don't see any hitching. Those are clean shrugs off of blocks not deadlifts or rack pulls.
Extend, you fucking cunt.
I have the OFWs. They are perfectly serviceable.
that wasn't trappy, that's me i dont post anymore because u people are retards
Anyone else get that bittersweet thing where you make some tech changes and the good ones are best ever but when you fail it fails spectacularly?
never done olympic lifts before so excuse ignorance.
I know these lifts are full body, but i just wanted to ask if clean and jerks will work the upper back. Mainly asking about the area with rear delts and rhomboids and teres.
1) yes
2) 50 total reps chinups won't hurt either
ya i do pullups, im thinking of adding simple fullbody workout day where i only work on clean and jerks. and improving and getting real good at just this.
this is just my weakest area and wanted to make sure my fullbody day wouldnt skip it
well, a powerclean would be your best bet, as the clean involves a ton of legs, and the jerk will be comparaby easy. just add in power cleans for trap gains, all the other muscles u mentioned shouldnt be focused as a beginner
Ya I got knocked on my ass a few times after narrowing my starting stance for snatches
Trappy was doing it a lot when she was here
shut the fuck up trappy
listenm asshole
i was dealifting 2 more lpates than you back in my heyday
these days i'm just try8ing to get a toned belly
im better than you'll ever were
trying to copy my posting style u sound like a retarded and unfunny
nice try kid you'll dont even know who i am
and i dont even know if i like you dude stop getting defensive??
rip shoulders
It's funny that people like you say this yet there is literally nothing wrong with what he's doing with his shoulders
Just cos it's blueshoes doesn't mean everything he does is retarded
>Just cos it's blueshoes doesn't mean everything he does is retarded
But that's wrong
Please stop the autistic filenames
aside from shitposting "advice" from Klokov videos and posting webms, not really
asking blueshoes to not do autistic shit is like asking an amputee to walk
R8 my technique
the narrowness of that stance could become problematic
Working on that. My hips are practically concrete. It used to be worse
The 1980s olympics weightlifting video was so hype, but the 2012 one sucked ass.
god my snatch tech is still so shit. I just looked at your page, and I CnJ 125 kg, but still can't snatch more than you. Gotta get my snatch better
sux but at least you got it
Teach me how to clean
Not that guy but I'm only just really concentrating on my snatch tech and mobility and it's been over a year of lifting now.
It's easy to make progress with shit tech at first I wish I'd have got a good coach from the start, feels like a lot of wasted time. Ah well.
honestly if you change one small thing, it might make all the difference. For cleans, narrowing my grip helped immensely. and if you're not already, I'd recommend front squatting 3x a week. Usually, during my lifting phases, i backsquat 3x and frontsquat 3x
But also don't take me as an infallible source, I can still only snatch 195. I partially attribute this to my right shoulder being tighter than my left, but idk. I'm working on it
Who even is this?
Future special olympian and strongest autist alive, BlueShoes
bluehsoes big guy famous around here known as big advice guy around here
yeah it'll be a year for me in late January. I'm just now starting to get into the finer details of the snatch. I was uneasy about doing the lift, as I learned and practiced with iron plates. it was nice because I learned not to miss, but consequently didn't practice snatch
btw if anyone ever discovers a secret to fixing chronic hip pain centred around SI joint let me know :)
otherwise I'm just gonna kms
fix muscle imbalances across the hip with stretching
get rid of piriformis
euther do this yourself or better is get a good chiro to adjust tour SI (one side higher than other)
then you need to do a variety of rehab excercises to stabilize the SI
you may need to do multiole adjustmemts as it may pop out of place while rehabbing and thats fine and itll be neccesary if it pops out fo place
done all of those except adjusting height imbalance. How do I do this (not gonna bother with a chiro)
well first off do you have an apparent leg length imbalance?
do you know which side is up and forward, whicj is down and back?
i have a thread on a forum i want you to read le me get it. you need to sign up to read it though.
i hope this helps.
I often feel more comfortable with my right foot fractionally ahead of my left when squatting
Liao Hui/ Lu Xiaojun/ Tian tao general training/bodybuilding
hey lu fatjohn here finna kiss my boy
Finish your extension.
My knees feel bad for you.
Fake plates.
>that singlet
Hope this becomes a trend
for men. Again.
close 130fs from after Ontario juniors
are you actually retarded? why would you greentext links making it harder to highlight the link?
some people are idiots
fuck, yeah sry
thought it was 130 cj att lol
why r u so weak holy shit!!
idk senpai
Hey, don't bully OB. 130 is like 2.5x bw for him
dressed like a whore
seriously shouldnt be allowed to lift
the west is promiscuous and filthy
t. Ahmed
2nd comp today, weigh in in 3 hours, start in 6.
I checked up on the thread guys in my class and two are way better than me (around 100/120 and 100/130)and one I couldn't find anything, so might get 3rd if he's a noob like me.
manlet fitness?
>she is literally fucking Chad LOL
Is his technique correct?
hard to tell by what he's talking about
p important to keep shoulders over the bar tho which is the main thing
I'm talking about how he turns his body vertical after first pull (on 44 second for example)
Not great 2bh but keep at it.
i just recognized a few weeks ago that i put my left foot a bit further than my right one when pulling and squatting.
is that a sign for muscle imbalances?
yo any of you guys doing OW at normie gyms where you are being looked at when you drop weights/ do unconventional lifts and the staff foes not want you to drop it, how do you handle that?
No, that's not good tech
Tell then to eat a dick.
But be polite about it.
I'm not him but I totally agree.. sure I like to look at butts. But god damn she is there for the sport not to get guys staring at her ass. Its definitely disrespectful and unnecessary.
nah if you arent erect with precum leaking through your singlet you arent lifting right
and if we cant see your tits or pussylips then its not even a singlet
Could be but could be skeletal too
I do it quite badly and it's getting worse, I really need to have it looked at. Doesn't cause me any discomfort or pain but it's making my pull a bit fucked so...
I am the ghost of Doug Hepburn and I hate that fag blueshoes and the shame he is bringing to Canadian weightlifting! While browsing the internet between a mega-wankathon I found this:
>blueshoes pictured with his team
>Jacob Brindle
His name is Jacob Brindle.
>Son, I'm disappoint
We already knew this?
we have known jacob's name for months now
>jacob 'blueshoes' brindle on damage control
you just haven't lurked here much clearly
That is not a "clean shrug". He is using all of the momentum of the lift to complete the motion. End result: Torn traps and shoulders.
Jacob already doxxed himself.
I wonder if Clarence ever comes here
I'm having some difficulty understanding how people seemingly are able to clean and jerk more weight than they could push press. Is the jerk more than a push press exactly? How do you differentiate the two?
>I'm having some difficulty understanding how people SEEMINGLY
you might be retarded, im sorry
blueshoes here taking Q and A for my vlog please email me with your questions my email is in my name field thakn you
>i frotnsquat moer with a 5 sec pause than the majority of u back squat or pull
Listen to me asholes
i may be fat but im toneing mine belly right now as we speak and im stol stronger
You'lll enver gonna be as good as me you lanklet ottermodes bro
How can you look at this and not think "holy shit my technique is terrible"?
you weigh more than the majority of owg put together
>implying majority of OWG are "males" below 100kg
You're right
yes. you are quite fat and disgusting
>spotted the insecure weakling
spotted the morbidly obese guy who comes to owg because he's a glutton for punishment