prove me wrong that my routine is not better than SS, SL etc
>protip: you can't
prove me wrong that my routine is not better than SS, SL etc
>protip: you can't
great way to make zero progress
who cares
if it gets you from being weak to being not so weak its good
>you will progress slower on 5x5 than 3x5
>will will stall faster on 5x5 than 3x5
>you do not need so much weekly volume as a beginner, your body will adapt, grow, and get stronger with less
>what is supposed to be max effort squatting the day before what is supposed to be max effort deadlifts, not once, but twice per week
You'll make slower progress and stall faster than you will with SS doing this stupid meme shit.
>only doing 3 exercises a day
psshhh have fun being small forever
Try actually lifting newfriend.
>implying fat fucks will not make any progress just starting out
wew lad
This is fairly similar to what I do but I'm less of a leglet.
> A: Chin Up, Front Squat, OHP, Power Clean
> B: Pendlay Row, Back Squat, Bench, Deadlift
> 3x5 on everything but 1x5 on deads and 5x3 on cleans
> ABxABxx
>1x5 deadlift
>SS, SL etc
How's your first month of lifting, FAGGOT?
Wait till the weight gets heavy newfriend.
2 squats plus DL in two days?
Everyone posts this graph, but is too dumb to understand it.
That graph says that more volume equals more gains. Although volume gains relationship is approximately logarithmic, more volume equals one gains
Yeah. It's somewhat inspired by Dan John's Even Easier Strength. So far it seems okay. Definitely need to work hard to recover though.
try not being a newfag who hasn't gone beyond newb gains and doesn't need periodization
Candito 6 week program master race present.
Eat more newfriend.
Is it good for a beginner?
its shit OP. you'll stall after like 3 weeks
now explain why "optimal" is not all the way to the right where more volume doesn't equal more gains.
I pull 565. I still typically do 4x3 or something similar on my deadlift days. One heavy set of deadlifts is fine enough to stimulate growth in beginners, but is shit in experienced lifters.
Nigga I do 9 sets of heavy deadlifts (>75% of my 1RM, varying rep range) on my deadlift day alone, plus 5x10 at 60% on my squat day. And sometimes I will work up to a max on saturday just for fun.
I don't give a shit what you say, doing 1x5 of deads, once a week, is fucking retarded and lazy.
Wait until the weight gets heavy kiddos.
Weight until the wait gets heavy brehs
Bait until the wait gets heavy lil' son.
5x5 Squat
5x5 The Press
1x5 Deadlift
3x10 Pull-Ups (can only do like 6/5/4)
Squat 5x5
Bench 5x5
Rows 5x5
Weighted Dips 3x5 (5 lbs added)
Deadlift 210 x 5
Squat 160 x 5 (already stalling)
Bench 135 x 5
The Press 95 x 5
Row 115 x 5
I want something more aesthetic oriented than what I'm doing now but can't find one in the format I want.
Bate until your gait gets heavy children
LMAO at this little faggot who thinks he's hot shit because he can squat 185 pounds for some convoluted bullshit "strength program" like he's a big man or something.
fuck off kid, your shit's garbage.
Pretty good routine. I would add bicep and ab work, but other than that I like this a lot.
It's kind of like a bastardized version of Reg Parks. Just trying to get my squat and deadlift up at the moment.
>taking rest days
absolutely disgusting. use those days to do isolations and run a few miles you low stamina pleb.
Isn't the idea to easier strength to practice a lift as heavy and as often and as fresh as possible?
why changing between front and back?
why 3*5 and not the 2*5?
I don't understand why you guys have to be special snowflakes and can't just do the programs as they're designed to be followed.
that effective volume is so god damn low lol. also
lots of dyels itt with cookie cutter routines that they think work for everyone
>1 beginner
do some generic linear 3x5 or 5x5 program (ss, sl, icf, etc.)
no point on doing gajillion chest flies and triceps extensions if you can't even bench 185
once you can't add weight every workout, you're stuck with few choices
you can try to force your way through by whatever means (microplates, bulking through plateaus, etc.) but that's just delaying the inevitable stall and fucking yourself over in the progress
just don't start a thread here in a few months how you're "plateaued" and hit your genetic limit at 225 bench because you don't know what to do when you stall
(experience has shown that most of people will be at around 1/2/3/4 here, but some can progress linearly even at much higher stats)
next correct thing to do is to start using DAILY UNDULATING PERIODIZATION programs (think texas method and all it's variants, etc.)
what's good about these programs is that you periodize only main lifts and do lots of smaller stuff the way you want to
you can organize the training in whatever form you like: fullbody, upper-lower, push-pull or ppl or various combos of these as long as you respect the basic guidelines for DUP programs
it's all about volume:intensity relationship
>3 advanced
once that stops working it's time to stretch your training to weekly-monthly periodization
here the training cycle lasts up to few months
so you'll have volume, intensity and deload weeks
(think of routines like 531, westside, juggernaut method, maybe HST for those with more "hypertrophy" in mind, etc.)
these will ensure optimal progression in weight which translates to greater muscle mass
as a natty, forget about "Arnold's uber turbosplit" routines
they'll only make you sore
also, don't blame your lack of self control on a fucking training routine
205lb natty with 2.25/3.5/5/6.5 with 5years in the gym so i'm talking from experience
just my advice, do whatever the fuck you want
lol didnt read dyel
my max squat is 495, and I've torn my meniscus and MCL playing college football, and had to get surgery on both, so my legs are lacking. You don't get to talk to me like that. You just don't. I know girls mire most places I go, I've litterally been at a party just talking to my friends and girls just comes up and pulls me to the side a starts making out with me. This has happened twice, I fucked both of them probably only saying 20 words to them. A girl literally pulled over once and asked me if I needed a ride. I said "yea" hopped in, and after about 5 mins of talking she asked me if I wanted to come over to her place, and I ended up fucking her. Trust me, girls mire everywhere I go. So yeah, I guess you could say I lift.
not natty. Rate
Incline Bench 4x5
Flat Bench 3x10
Lateral raises 3x10
Front raises 3x10
pec deck or cable fly 3x10
pullovers 3x10
dips 3xf
pullups 4x5
bb row 3x10
lat pulldown 3x10
seated machine row 3x10
Facepulls 3x10
rear delt flys 3x10
21 curls x3
OHP 4x5
DL 2x5
sumo dl 2x5
zecher squats 3x10
Glute bridges 3x10
So why do people get so defensive over SS/SL and its philosophy?
There is no way in hell that More Volume means Less Gains in any way, shape or form. Get real.
10x10 is a good example, like in GVT, most people who run the routine report very little size gains and obviously negligible strength gains
okay, is this a novice one?
where are the accessories?
what is the rate of progression?
law of diminishing returns
it isn't optimal because it requires almost double volume for slightly better training effect
For example you do 3x6-8 of flat bench, 3x8-10 on incline db and 3x10-12 of flys/crossover
this is where 80-85% of your chest gains come from for that session (HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING)
now to get those extra 15-20% you'd need to do few more sets of incline, few more sets of flys and maybe some dips
you'd really annihilate your chest
but think about the potential for tendon overuse injury and how such volume will effect your next training session
your cns prob wouldn't recover so you'd be forced to use lower weights, making your next session much less productive, etc.
also doing fuckton of volume constantly and with high enough frequency leads to overtraining, and you could fuck up your hormones (such as chronically elevated cortisol levels and lowering of natty test levels, etc.)
to simplify, most natty people could get away with doing much less, but they still chose to do too much unnecessary volume
it's the "hit dem from every angle with high volume otherwise you didn't do shit" pro-bodybuilding dogma
Why would you do both sumo and conventional while also doing some retard squat variation.
>not natty
You can do whatever the fuck you want and gain muscle.
Go all-out German Volume.