Skull crusher

>skull crusher
>skull not crushed

>haven't even had the first sip

>Decline bench
>Do it anyway

Can someone acknowledge my post? I haven't even heard it before.

>French press
>get shot

>chest flies
>chests don't fly

Underrated. You are truly living the meme, friendo.

>ass to grass
>indoor with padding

>still alive

>Good morning

That can be easily arranged.

Oh yeah? You sure?


>military press

>Can do a chinup
>Cant curl my bw

>bench press
>the bench doesn't move at all

>power clean
>still need to shower

>back extensions
>still a manlet

>stayed in the same place

>hack squats
>... actually does look like a hack doing them

>leg curls
>legs still straight

>dumbbell press
>actually pretty smart exercise

>locker room
>I will NOT

>hair is still straight

>wothout a boat

>havent showered in 3 days

so autistic.

>still not warm enough

>Locker room
>I don't even know her

>Still sad

>Pull day
>Still a virgin

>Preacher curls
>Don't even own a bible

>ids acdually bregfast :DD :DDD

>French press
>Get French Fries

I've always wondered about this, why is curling your own bw and doing a chin/push up not the same?

I hanging form one hand the same thing?

>Goblet Squat
>Do it with a dumbell

you use more back muscles doing a chin up

>clean and jerk
>still need to fap



>French press

>miss protein window
>have my bf sneak some in through the back door

>my grandma never taught me how to knit sweaters

>cable crossovers
>still in the same dimension of the living

>incline bench
>do not feel inclined to do them

>first time using machine

>preacher curls
>do not proselytise to others about this routine

>cable crossovers
>does not involve and episode of the Simpsons on Fox where Peter Griffin appears

>does not grind down old tires

>leg press
>you actually use your feet to press

>do preacher curls
>i'm not jesus

>10 lbs medicine ball
>takes a very long time for this suppository pill to dissolve

>no chips

>donkey calf raises
>donkey won't touch my legs


>hammer curls
>hammer not included

>roman chair
>Sentence passers-bys to 50 extra reps for forgetting to Hail their Caesar

> Cable crossovers
> No cybernetic virus

>PT tells me to clean the bar
>wipe it down with soapy water and bleach, then dry it off

>clean and jerk

>skip leg day
>skipping really burns the legs

Le kek monsieur

>triceps pushdowns
>what is happening?



>landmine press
>pay 3rd worlder kids to run around on the spot before I start

>pistol squat
>own a rifle

>pistol squat
>live in UK

>calf raise
>I'm not a fitting mother for this baby cow

>dead inside


hey, that worked out nice for you.

>do hot yoga
>almost turn into a Sausage Zyzzle

>incline to failure
>story of my life



>trap bar
>no homo

>star jumps
>I only have 60 followers on IG

>EZ bar curls
>still pretty difficult

>farmer's walk before calf raises
>actually an accountant

>stiff legged deadlift
>no rigor mortis


he didn't lift so good

personal favorite right here

> calf raises
> calves are in same spot

>muscle up
>still dyel

>pull ups
>can't pull myself up out of this crippling depression

>deficite DL
>have to stand on something

>good mornings
>it's never a good morning

You're jumping into it aren't you

>I'm not even a slav

>clean and jerk
>jerk then clean

>preacher curls
>I am an atheist

>Nailed a snatch
>Still a kissless virgin

>dragon flag

>barbell flys
>cant even get them off the ground

>bear crawl
>I am not gay

>calf raises
>legs don't get paid anymore than they did before

>skater squats
>cant even do an Ollie

>alligator drags
>I am a crocodile

>pistol squats
>only brought my .50cal

>tricep extensions
>I actually have tyrannosorous rex arms

>Bulgarian Squat
>not a slav

>free weights
>have to pay to use them

>always leave before paying

>ham raises
>not a pig farmer
