>been lifting for 8 months straight 6 times a week on a typical bro split
>great gains
>love my routine
Convince me why I should be doing PPL Veeky Forums
>been lifting for 8 months straight 6 times a week on a typical bro split
>great gains
>love my routine
Convince me why I should be doing PPL Veeky Forums
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I'm not going to do that because you shouldn't be doing PPL as a natty and even as a roider there are better programs out there for whatever your goal is.
You could do PPLxULx though.
Full body is the best though
I do ULxPPLx.
It's pretty gud.
Please explain why? I love seeing my chest/bicep pump in the mirror on a dull monday.
Also, legs twice a week? Fuck to the no.
I do PPL
you do what you want senpai
Science says that each muscle group needs to be hit at least 2x a week. By doing full body e.g. 2-3x a week, you can fulfill this without living in the gym.
What would a typical week look like with this routine?
Once a week actually.
Once every two weeks to maintain.
What if I actually love being in the gym? I want to go there 6-7 times a week. Hell, I'd go there 8 times a week if I could.
You need recovery. Full body provides best recovery
Check out youtu.be
This guy only lifts 2x a week and is a natty
If brosplits work fine for you, keep doing them. If you have doubts, try ppl or pp ul and all that stuff for a few weeks and see if you like it. While beginners should do fullbody, after this stage you need to find what works best for you and how many days you want to be at the gym. I did fullbody, went over to ppl, didnt get much gains, tried a brosplit, thought it sux and went back to fullbody 3 times a week and im seeing great gains. You need to find out how fast you recover and how often you can workout, and then search for the optimal frequency. Also dont forget that a ppl emphasizes the back and neglects the delts, a brosplit is very push heavy and so on
>Also, legs twice a week? Fuck to the no.
he's a dyel though
Related probably question.
I've been doing ICF 5x5 for a few months now, and now that I'm aware that Jason blaha is a meme should I stop and do something that isn't full body? Or I could keep full body and switch to stronglifts?
Post me ur pic. If you claim him to be DYEL, than 99% lifters are DYEL bcs he's one of the biggest natty lifters ive ever seen.
You'll plateau eventually if you don't mix up your lifts. Muscle confusion is KEY to constant growth
ICF is just SL with accessory workouts. Blaha is a meme, the workout is proven and good.
The reason as to why my routine feels so good is because it's never exactly the same. I switch exercises based on how/what I feel like while I'm in the gym. That way I still "stick to the plan" while constantly leaving my muscles with a "wtf" look on them.
Most gym goers don't lift they just pretend
>Jason blaha is a meme
How so?
Has been lifting since 1929 still looks like absolute dogshit. All while taking steroids, so you can't give him points for being "the biggest natty guy u'll ever see". I'd rather take advice from ronnie coleman, jay cutler, arnold or literally anyone else that has actually made it
Just bcs he looks like shit doesnt mean his program doesnt work. Perhaps if he tried other programs he will look even shittier. The program is based on stronglifts which are proven to work.
>Just bcs he looks like shit doesnt mean his program doesnt work
ICF is inspired by Stronglifts. Stronglifts is inspired by Reg Park. Reg Park is Arnold's idol. Boom!
that may be true, but last time I checked, arnold wasn't doing 5x5's
Arnold in fact did 5x5 when he started lifting. Lol.
Here is a pic of Reg Park
>when he started lifting
Well now that you mention it, everyone has to go through the process of builing strength. What I'm saying is that Arnold wasn't doing 5x5's his entire life. The whole Arnold way of lifting if I'm not mistaken is 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Here is Arnold's mirin quote. "He was so powerful and rugged-looking that I decided right then and there I wanted to be a bodybuilder, another Reg Park."
You get recovery every night and on PPL some muscles don't see any action.
Yes. And OP most likely has no strength base.
The guy obviously has absolute shit genetics, which is why he looks like shit. How is that relevant though? Most coaches in most sports never were the best athletes themselves.
Blaha bases his opinion on science and other non-anecdotal evidence. Just because of this alone it is atleast to be concerned, no matter what he looks himself.
Coleman, Cutler, Arnold etc. have absolutely no clue what training as a natty is or requires. They don't base their training programs on science. They do what works for them in their extreme situation (gear, genetics, professional). Also the programms they tell everyone are pure marketing to get fuccboys like you to go all 'omggg I do the Arnold bicep programm!!!!'. None of what they say is relevant to anyone but themselves.
I'd rather follow the advice and programm of a guy that looks like shit but bases his stuff on science and is proven to work good hundreds of times instead of getting a hardon over Arnolds memesplit™ (pls buy) that isn't based on anything remotely relevant for me as a natty.
Young Arnold & Reg Park
>tfw i go 8 times a week on tren
little did you know that the plan was always to leave the natty stage and to ascend to the next level of aesthetics
Fuck science, the earth is flat and ze memesplit™ is le best way of training for a low test natty fuckboi™ like me. Also, how dare you mock the arnold bicep programmmm!!!!! I TAKE HIS CREATINE I FOLLOW HIS WORKOUT ROUTINE I WALK AND TALK LIKE HIM I AM LITERALLY ARNOLD!!!11!!!
PhD in broscience > exercise science
actual accomplishment > theoretical accomplishment
water > cola
big dick > small dick
>thinking that you're actually making good progress on a 6 day split
>one of the biggest natty lifters I've ever seen
Breh he is 5"5
Now… I'm not saying that his traps, lateral delts, and upper pecs are over developed… but… wait yeah, no that's exactly what i'm saying.
>lurking around progress threads only to see dyels cirklejerk over their PPL program with attatched pictures of their amazing transformations
pic related:
having a brain > not having a brain
Is this you? YOu actually had a shaped core at that ridiculous bodyfat (still looked awful but you can actually see the fat rolling over the muscle). its pretty strange.
I do Upper/Lower 6x per week with HIIT on my lower days.
A-am I not making gains as well as I could be?
I just run PPL and go to the gym any day that I can, which ends up being 5-6x a week.
I love it.