What are your favorite protein bars? For bulking, and cutting?
/PBG/ protein bar generel
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I was actually thinking of starting a /proteinbar/ thread op.
I've tried brownie and cookie dough from costco and they weren't great, but they actually list whey protein rather than soy.
Best I've had so far were peanut butter power bar and peanut butter protein plus
Eat meat or drink milk, faggot.
This is the issue I have been having, is finding bars that taste good with whey as a base. The Clif bars all use soy. If anyone has found one pls post
this guy gets it
Not everyone is NEET anons, some people have to work instead of jerk off at home and chug milk all day
those are all soy protein
enjoy your tits
Thanks Rich.
ELI5 why is soy bad
i've heard quest are the best tasting but they too use soy.
I mean, it's not the end of the world, I'd just rather finda bar that has whey in it.
Posting the GOAT
>can't prepare fresh food
>has time to shitpost on Veeky Forums
spot the fat dyel
I work and go to school bud, come up with another excuse
Yeah probably a dumb ass minimum wage job too. I work out in the trenches forming pouring and finishing concrete buddy, most days are 10-12 and longer when we're pouring floors instead of foundations.
Pic related is also one I like, but once again uses soy protein.
The old brown wrapper ones had a lot more packed into them, but they're still tasty.
Damn straight it's a dumb ass minimum wage job, sorry i'm working on my degree while you're doing manual labor. Either way the meager 8 hr shifts i work don't allow me to eat all day, yet i still manage to eat at a surplus.
QNT Protein Burst bars that they sell at my gym (strawberry flavour). Holy shit, they're heavenly.
>implying I am not working on a degree in engineering
stay cucked
Builder bar. Truly the best except for all the carbs. They are high quality ingredients, fairly clean. And they even taste really good.
Quest bar. Very low carbs, only about 5 grams net with 20 grams protein. They aren't as clean as the Builder bars, but they arent as bad as most other bars are. And they have the very best macros of any bar I have seen. Which makes them great for a cut.
>honorable mention
Think bars. Very tasty and a good 20 or so grams protein. And they are fairly clean. But again they have a ton of carbs.
Power Crunch because of the honeycomb crunchy texture and the good protein content, and fairly low carbs. But the ingredients are not very clean.
>tfw can't eat protein bars because of lactose
>Implying i'm not either while still making all these gainz
Soy is much worse for building muscle than whey protein
No they do not
holy shit quest does use whey protein. I was certain they were soy.
That price though. My costco shit bars are a buck per.
recommend me a quest flavor please. Gonna ask for a box from santa
I believe they have a variety pack
I've never had a bad flavor however
Blueberry Muffin, or Apple Pie
Objectively the best tasting protein bar ive had. the best flavors by them are Birthday Cake and Cookies n Cream
Peanut butter pretzel is the GOAT
Enjoy your heart attack ""powerlifter""
They are all breddy gud thb
I usually just mix and match a bunch of flavors. Right now Ive been eating a lot of their new ones, the chocolate chip mint ones.
Also good are the raspberry, the chocolate fudge, Cookies and cream is good too but you cant really go wrong with any flavor except cookie dough which tastes plasticky.
I don't know about the quality of the bar, but HOLY FUCK Supreme Protein has some amazing flavor bars.
I remember over the summer I would go to the gym then go to my friends house, get stoned, and devour two of them.
They are so rich and they honestly taste like they would be terrible for you but it's not bad.
I keep the costco/kirkland bars in the house. flavor leaves something to be desired, but the price is insulting good.
tried a couple of the clif builder bars. flavors were pretty good, but also pretty expensive per bar. chocolate hazelnut flavor was fucking amazing, but they don't carry them at my grocery store anymore.
goddamn those slimy fucks
not a protein bar but I found some protein milk from costco with 20g for only 100 kcals
I live in Japan. These are about 10g each for 150 calories so I usually buy 2 of them. They taste pretty good.
Those are just cookies
>16 g of protein
>400+ cal
robert irvine fit crunch peanut butter flavor is goat.
380 cal/30g protein
Quest bars are good. 21g protein and 14g fiber. I might move onto Costco's protein bar since it's the same but cheaper.
Not very pumpkin,but still tastes so good
I'm a skinny fat faggot who lifts and runs for fun, zero fucks given.
Kirkland protein bars.
Shits mostly fiber and protein, plus has cashews in it. Tastes pretty good and is cheapish.
These bad boys especially once nuked for 15secs in the microwave. Damn.
The peanut butter ones are gross.
This. They all have terrible texture and make my shits gross.
Thanks for posting this, Quest Bars without the sucralose are GOAT
biggest waste of money fucking ever
how do you find them w/o sucralose?
complete cookies are good, the snickerdoodle flavor just gets me every time and fit crunch bars are bomb also
Those are GOAT, taste good, 25g of brotein + creatine.
I fell for the Pure Protein meme, they taste like shit.
I am starting to believe there really are shills on here because lots of people claim these are great but I can't imagine anyone liking the way they taste.
Metrx big 100
300cal, 32g proton, filling as fuark and tasty
These are fucking terrible macros my friend, and they don't even taste that good.
~1 dollar for ~20g of protein isn't too bad.
Scooby got u bro
There are way worse things to eat. The value isn't the best but the idea is sacrificing value for nutrition for those that care about what they're eating when they don't have access to proper food
Nothing but fast food junk or 13 dollar vegan sandwhiches that taste like ass and have worse macros
quest bar or bulletproof collagen protein bites.
Kirkland has decent stats and are cheaper than quest bars. Only two flavors though, but since I use them in a pinch, its fine for me.
190 calories
21 g protein
22g carb
7g fat
How much fiber, if any?
What about for poor college students who have to put all their earnings into to rent, gym fees, and transport?
Powercrunch Salted Caramel, Robert Irvine Peanut Butter, and Think Thin are GOAT.
Been there, done that. Best way IMO, save like $200 and wait for a big sale on Myprotein or another place like that. A few months ago I picked up 44lbs of whey protein for 216$. By far the best deal I have ever gotten.
Bro the costco bars imo actually taste like cookie dough and brownies
y-you too
protein bars all taste like shit
just cut up chicken breasts into strips and cook a bunch up a few times a week and keep them in the fridge to snack on
I love my protein whey but are their bars/cookies good too?
Never tried them user
I swear by Clif Builder bars, have for many many years now. Favorite flavors are mint chocolate and vanilla almond. I like that they are crunchy, some protein bars feel like a weird combo of taffy and nougat, gross.
Might look into those quest bars though since you're all raving about them.
I'm not wild about the taste, but the macros are good.
¿ There's a whole bunch if whey shit at my store
Protein bars made of literally everything
Even had one with egg