Veeky Forums books

Best books about fitness or just books Veeky Forums recommends

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SS for technique

natty or not books are pretty interesting too and they free now

>Starting Strength
>From the Ground Up
>Encyclopedia of BodyBuilding

>From the Ground Up
Got a link to this one?

>rom the Ground Up
who wrote that?

tfw Practical Programming is in the mail and it should come within the next few days


First one I bought was Art of Expressing the Human Body by John Little. Was basically a primer on Bruce Lee's training. It was mostly meme tier stuff, but it was incredibly inspiring to 13-year-old me and made me want to train every day.

Next was Dinosaur Training by Brooks Kubik. Good trianing knowledge, lots of CAPS LOCK. Moral: Do heavy compounds with doubles and singles. Use fat bars and barrels and tires and shit. Don't be afraid to bulk.

Next was Never Gymless by Ross Enamait. Ross is the manlet king of broke-ass UFC workouts. He builds almost all his own equipment. He has lots of surprisingly good information here. The dude is pretty damn fit, and practices what he preaches.

The latest one I read was Legendary Flexibility by Jujimufu. I've known Juji for many years and , with some personal bias acknowledged, I must say he is an insanely smart guy with a good intuitive approach to every aspect of the training life. He has dozens of free articles on his website about health, nutrition, training, tricking, stretching, philosophy, journaling, and other shit, and this book has not disappointed. definitely recommend if you're interested in getting splits, at least.

's recommendations are all rock solid as well. Excellent reads for the beginning-intermediate trainee, and excellent review for the advanced one.

Mein Kampf

Just got done reading Psycho-cybernetics

If you want to stretch your brain a little bit it's not a bad read.

My favorite book of all time is Lord of the Rings: the Two towers. I recommend anything by Tolkien. Also a fan of the Hitchhiker's Guide series

Just read Proust faggots


Dan John. It's about the Olympic lifts.

2 cure ur autism

Lulz. He made a flip book.

Lovecraft is really, really good, though I recommend reading it by small amount. One or two story from him and then take a break for a few months, because otherwise you'll be able to quickly determine what's going to happen right at the beginning of the next story you read from him. Otherwise, he's really good.

Fitness related, I read Solitary Fitness from Bronson. Well... It has some bullshit, but

Sun and steel by Mishima

But, as I was saying, it also has some interesting informations and a lot of exercices that can be done with small amount of space and no equipment. And a 30 day program. And a commitment page, which you have to sign and stuff. Great motivational help when you start. It can be a good place to start but depending on your goals you'll have to emancipate yourself from the solitary way

just started reading Book of Pook. seems pretty solid so far. focussed not as much on picking up women but more on becoming a better man.


Albert Camus' "The Stranger"

Y'ever so bored and existential ya kill a man, Veeky Forums?

meme book

Metro 2033-2034-2035 and every "Metro Universe" book for Stalker or Digger gains

helped me come to terms with some shit

For ebin gainz and eternal squads

Good taste friendo.

Since It the first time I read it I've made a Ton of life progress.
I dont think I did much different other than apply what the book explained.

it's manipulative and doesn't really teach you how 2 be yourself properly, you're following techniques

read this book here, how 2 win friends just shows you how to be a nice person. this one teaches you how to embrace yourself fully and people will either like you or not but you're a better more complete person true 2 urself ;DD

Weird, I took it more as a way to better communicate my personality rather than supress it or fake it.

I'll probably pick up a couple of the mentioned books this weekend.

Mishima : sun and steel

Divine comedy just started the 2nd part


Seconding Mishima



Wheel of Time series. The definition of epic.

All the fit lit you need bros


"Industrial Society and Its Future", by Ted Kaczynski
After that, get "The Technological Society", by Jacques Ellul. Neither are about fitness as such, but both very important.

Implying I want to remember the past.



Oh piss off

Here's a more pertinent reaction image. Try harder next time.

Neckbeards aren't into Kaczynkski and Ellul. They're more into:

Beat me to it

>waiting for new books
>dont worry hes working on his other twelve series right now

How about this?

Lift: Fitness Culture, from Naked Greeks and Acrobats to Jazzercise and Ninja Warriors

by Daniel Kunitz


>Encyclopedia of BodyBuilding
How much of this is broscience?

You may also want to check out "The Book of Pook and Mill". It is a collection of posts from his blog.

lmfao reading about bodybuilding to get gains. LMFAO, you guys are all fucking shams

Wheel of time left me with too many feels. Is reading some of Sanderson's "own works" worth it?