Anyone here actually benefit from cold showers?
Anyone here actually benefit from cold showers?
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My skin and hair is much healthier from using cold/room temp water. Hot water dries it out like fug
makes me feel alive.
Body uses calories to warm up body. Lose gains.
So its good for cutting?
No you idiot its a joke Veeky Forums uses on unsuspecting dyels to steal their gains
>Hot water knob? Haven't touched it in months. I'm actually currently going through the process of having it uninstalled from my plumbing, they should be coming out sometime next week. I had to list a reason(s) on the work order as to why I am requesting my hot water knob to be removed and discarded. Would you care to hear the reasons? Well stay tuned friend. 2 reasons:
>1. Discipline
>2. Mental toughness
>My property manager was initially questioning my reasons, but I explained to her that by taking cold showers I am actually able to develop discipline and mental toughness. After a long and heated (note that I needn't anything heated, especially my water) debate, I was able to convince her to put the work order in. Now I'm living a great life, warm water free. I even started forcing my gf to take cold showers with me. I refuse to date an inferior female, and I explained to her that if she can't learn to accept and love cold showers as I have then we really have no business being together anyways.
>She's already received a black mark for questioning my NoFap practices stating that she wants my seed and wishes me to release my seed. Should she continue in this non-stoic fashion then I don't see us lasting much longer.
you have to be one dumb motherfucker to fall for this meme
yes i'm sure the 0.001% boost in free testosterone for an hour will make your gains so much greater you stupid faggot dyel
A 10 minute cold shower does wonders for my mood. I always feel great for 1-2 hours after taking one. If you have depression, it might be a useful supplement to an otherwise shitty day.
Technically yes?
Meme, take your showers as you need them. Hot showers will open your pores and allow you to exfoliate dirt from your skin and cold showers tighten your skin and closes your pores.
I would assume there's some truth to oils or whatever in your hair or skin being activated or washed out in a hot or cold shower but I'm not a fucking doctor so I'll do what I want until someone gives me a reason not to or I notice something off.
>Guy whos going to take a steamy as fuck shower and exfoliate the fuck out of his face with a Clearsonic and facial cleanser. Pre-shave balm, then shave with his badger brush and DE safety razor, using a post shave balm and moisturizer with all products carefully selected with no-alcohol because alcohol dries out the skin. Then it's a cold cloth in order to close the pores and a slightly cooler cloth to fight black bags under the eyes while falling asleep listening to M A N I A by The Weeknd.
The benefit would be so small that it wouldn't really matter in the grand scheme.
I like to set my shower to the coldest it goes, then once my balls are shrunk I flip it all the way to the left and watch how fast my scrotum expands. Its like watching popcorn in the microwave
The release of Norepinephrine after cold exposure is pretty nice, it's good for your hair follicles, and this may be some woo-woo ass shit, but I think its just good for the spirit to push out a cold shower. It shows discipline to endure something uncomfortable like a cold shower, a long run, or those final reps... So I think it falls in line with the Veeky Forums mentality to take a cold shower if only for the sake of discipline, if not for the moderate benefits.
With that sarcastic tone, and a picture of a weeb in a fedora, you could make anything sound shitty, senpai.
Cold showers are mostly used to kill urges during no fap, cause you freeze the fuck outta your balls with it.
Other than that "benefit" all else you get is a cold and flu.
I go about my shower like usual, sometimes cranking up the heat to loosen my muscles, but then end it by slowly cooling down to room temp.
do not spoonfeed the retards and shitposters, please. these threads are for laughing at the retards who will jump through mental hoops to justify scorching their heads and bodies with jewish heated water
does cooling your crotch relevantly raise testosterone/sperm production if you aren't starting as a tight-panted nu male?
are you me?
>not wanting to help people
I always take very cold baths just so I lower my body temp and get to bury myself in blankets even in summer. It's always nice to do that
Cold water is good for sore muscles but im not sure if shower water is cold enough. But, a hot shower after a workout can trap lactic acid.
Meme sources.
Why not both fellas? There's always gonna be people to help and stubborn "no-nonsense"-types to get a few chuckles from.
Average cold shower time? Since the cold weather hit, it feels like knives to get under the faucet. Still go for about 7-10 minutes though.
I'm with you there, but also there was some research saying that cold exposure (in the form of an ice bath from this study) within an hour of exercise inhibited muscular hypertrophy. There's a level of inflammation that needs to occur for muscles to grow apparently.
I usually do lukewarm showers after exercise, if I do shower immediately after. Do you think saunas after exercise are a bad idea because of the lactic acid trapping?
>implying this is the only reason to take cold showers
they're also great if you have dry skin
you can also just take a lukewarm shower
only blasting hot water on your skin strips off the oils, mildly warm water is just fine
God for a few things
1. mental toughness
2. Washing your hair
3.Waking up in the morning
4. Increases testosterone
Not sure what the hates about, if you don't like cold showers don't take them. They make me feel good as fuck in the morning.
who /epsom salt bath/ here? Always have one after a tough leg day here. Always makes the soreness less intense the day after and also leaves a pleasent warm feeling in my legs.
>citation needed
>mental toughness
See #2 >increases testosterone
Ah a troll.
>Mental toughness is bad because le greentext
ebin broski
>those sources
Credibility gone.
Post your sources then autismo.
cold shower are just a way to transfer heat away from their testes. Heat is not good for their functioning how illiterate are you?