Weight vest

Wearing a weight vest while you walk/jog/run around neighborhood is it weird and if so how so ?

first of all you look autistic as fuck because im sure youre a fatass who wears video game t shirts

also its bad for you knees and stupid

Not a fatass who wears video game t shirts but ok I see you vehemtly have hatred towards them you're voice has been heard thank you come again

That retarded Dragon Ball Z shit will ruin your body

There is a reason no one does this.
It's retarded and will eventually just do damage for neglible benefits.
Just go lift and don't be a dipshit

You will destroy your joints. Retarded

The human body is not designed to train like that.

Use the weight vest to progressively overload bodyweight strength training movements.

Use your normal body for cardio.

That shit is for fat anime loving autistic children who's joints are doomed. If I ever see a grown man wearing a weight vest and jogging in broad daylight I swear on my mother's life that I will toss a brick at them.

Alternatively, maybe I'm wrong and it's stylish, safe, and highly effective. Go find out you fucking faggot.

>throwing a brick
>not shoving them and knocking them off balance with their extra weight

Farmer walks, weighted lunges?

Not if you wear a training mask with it

>Farmer walks
Exactly. it's not called farmer runs

Hehe, yea you're right

>farmer runs
Farmer's walks + GOMAD ?

>farmer runs

>toss a brick
Shitskin pls

Would it be of a hurtful bodily response if you were to undo these items from your body?

you should wear it to your neighborhood marathon/half marathon

For someone other than myself

That's bad for you.
If you want to train harder, then
>run faster
>run uphill
>run with one of those silly parachutes that slows you down
or even run with scissors, but do not run with weights

Memes aside, the fucking mask might do more (or at least less damage) than the weighted vest.
Training with less than optimal oxigen or somesuch, it sounds stupid but it was a fad some time ago.

I only wear a weighted vest and my core is strong as fuck anyone who says otherwise has never lived in their life

>Farmer Runs

That's what you do when your chickens run out of the shed!

i'm just passig by idiot but didn't he asked about "walk OR jog OR run"?
we get it, jogging and running with a vest is retarded

how about the walk?
talking about slow walk, couple miles, carrying extra weight

Plenty of people on my barracks do it but that's for pack march training. It's pretty normal to see here and there's a big set of steps (like 800 or something) in my hometown where people wear them and run up and down but walking around streets you'd look pretty out of place.

why not farmer's walk, and get some forearm and shoulder work in as well?

I'd wear one if I had a home gym and wanted extra weight for dips, heaves and push-ups.
That's about it

I feel you, OP.
If only there was a way to make running harder.
Some kind of parameter in the way the running is done that you could change in order to increase the intensity.

run straight uphill in forest with no roads/paths

mate, it's a weighted vest, that means the weight is balanced.

both exercises you do for a relatively very short time, so you don't damage your joints.

jogging in a weighted vest is just doing farmer walks but without training grip and with damaging your joints.

uphill sprints.

Things can only be weird when you look ugly

If you leave the house in this people will think your a suicide bomber

Parachutes or dragging a tire also work.

Military fag here. Back at Ft Bragg I'd see a lot of people wear weighted vests while running in preparation of air assault school. I suppose it's good for conditioning if you'll be carrying around extra weight, but not much else I can think of.

Sleds are better. Do not jog or run just walk. To start you should try 45lbs for 2-3 miles and 135lbs for 0.5-0.75 miles.

One of you is fucking spastic and I can't tell which.

under kekin rated

Add this to a mask and a west, then it's all good

saw a fat guy doing it with his fat wife, walking around the neighborhood with a vest. I quietly cringed. Saw him a few months later walking around again and he looked like he improved a ton. Didn't see a vest on him but it could have been under his jacket that time. His wife wasn't there the second time, hope she didnt fall off the wagon.

post pics of the kid who wears the vest and the alpine breathing mask shit to the post office and everyone thinks he has a bomb.

Why the fuck would you even say shit like that ?
Do you suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome.....?
Or are you just a retarded child......?