>The Art of Manliness
>Real Social Dynamics
>I consider myself "redpilled"
>The Art of Manliness
>Real Social Dynamics
>I consider myself "redpilled"
>alt right
>subscription to blacked.com
I never got this. Are mgtow gay people that are too afraid to call themselves gay?
no they are pissed at women and want to act superior by taking themselves out of the game.
Mgtow are people who are unappealing to women and instead of changing themselves to appeal to women they try their best to ignore the opposite sex
It's not Men going their own way
It's more like """Men"""" sent their own way
>alphas and betas
i don't see the problem with that. look at it objectively; you do a thing and you fail at it repeatedly. go do something else that you are good at. profit.
it seems logical to me. just because you don't have success with women does not mean you are unsuccessful at life. unless you let a woman tell it...
best meme. removes betas from the gene pool.
yea, because all these dudes with gf are totally alpha and not lonely cucks at all...
>any woman who doesn't sleep with me is a whore
Holy shit those websites
Are people really this bitter?
See: , .
This. MGTOW is pretty much beta male: the movement.
AOM is not redpilled. It's just cool shit about manhood and masculinity.
I swear this is a woman posting all this bait.
Stop letting the media brainwash you into thinking like a bitch.
This shit is off-topic.
cope with what m8?
right, you don't have to be alpha to get a girl.
but you _have_ to be beta to be mgtow.
holy shit these websites man. kekd audibly
Sluthate and Lookism have probably the most bitter people in the planet.
Lookism is pretty much ugly people talking about attractiveness (kek) and sluthate is a whining central.
>t. Someone who used to visit these shitty forums
Women detected. Go back to your cats you fat bitches lol
>I-I could lose my virginity if I wanted to...I-I just don't want to. Men go their own way ya know!
Huh? Not advocating MGTOW. Just defending a good site (AOM).
I don't hate women. I recognize their value, and I would never disrespect a good woman.
I dislike the numale bullshit that society is doing to males, and the fact that they have no male role models. It's allowing today's male to turn into a soft, lazy, pussywhipped retard that basically wakes up every day apologizing for living.
But call it whatever you want Suzy. You are the social reinforcement that is destroying your fellow male.
This. AOM is pretty cool.
AOM is actually quite decent though, tell me why it isn't