ITT Post your made it stories
>already had good genetics (6'1" wide shoulders)
>be lifting for a few years
>quality of pussy increasing non stop
>surf a good 7.5/10 to 9/10 wave for a while
>got "picked up" by 9.5/10
>qt proceeds to show up randomly at my place
>drops her panties, spreads her butt-chicks
>"fuck my ass"
>would destroy it every time
>6 months of crazy sex, but then it didn't work out
>was more of a sex thing than a real relationship
>chick was hot af but shallow af too
>tfw have a hard time having a regular GF now
>tfw can't come down from making it
>tfw more insatiable than ever
Don't make it bro, trying to make it is way better than actually making it
a cute receptionists said hi to me today when i went to the gym and then goodbye when i left
felt really good
Did you fuck her?
Nah, tipped her more than usual tho
How much does Veeky Forums normally tip the receptionist?
20% seems too generous and she always looks confused when I hand her the money on my way out
depends on how attractive she is
Achieved all three of the goals I really wanted when I started lifting
>500lb deadlift (way over this now)
>strict muscle ups
>bodyweight OHP (85kg) for one or more reps.
I dunno what to do now. It took me 5 years to get all of them cleanly. I'm trying to come up with some interesting goals to aim for. Working at slow strict ring muscle ups atm but I feel like I'll have that easily in a few weeks.
But yeah, I look great now and people treat me with so much more respect than before I lifted.
I'm still a beta insecure unconfident fuccboi inside though. I really struggle to hold eye contact with people or use their names when addressing them (does anyone else struggle with this?)
Don't forget it's the holiday season. Give your receptionists a holiday bonus tip for always being there for you.
Do you pay per session?
Sometimes she's not there but mostly yes
Dont you have to pay monthly?
Got ripped, fucked quality ass non-stop, met one I really liked, been together for 4 years now.
You haven't really made it yet user.
I pay the monthly membership fee but I also tip the receptionist because I'm not a dick
Dude, nobopdy tips the receptionist.
>use their names when addressing them
jeez, i didnt think anyone had it like me. its so awkward
>he doesn't tip the receptionist
That's rude af
Thats the most autistic shit ive readed in years.
You cant be serious.
does anyone actually tip the recepcionist? wtf? Is this a hidden rule? I'm scared
Being afraid to tip is pretty autistic dude
Jokes on you, i was only pretending.
Who doesnt tip?
Its the most common thing in gyms.
How long have you been lifting and not tipping the receptionist? The staff at your gym must hate you.
>Started as skelly
>Two years later still skelly but look lanky and awkward
>Last semester of university and still socially awkward and shity face
>Pretty sure low T contributed to me gaining no muscle mass following SS and the sticky while normalfag friends who eat shit and hardly lift have gotten bigger and more attractive and stopped hitting me up
I'm not gonna make it.......
This guy can't even approach the receptionist to give her a tip in appreciation. It's like you are unamerican and autistic.
Probably because im not from Murrica?
And appreciation for WHAT?!
Standing there and say hi?
me here again
I'm not american, I'm brazilian, so i guess it's ok not to tip?
>tip the receptionist?
Jesus christ what?
>all of these people that don't tip the receptionist
I thought Veeky Forums not actually lifting was just a meme but holy shit are you guys serious? Have you ever even been in a gym?
I know these feels
I´m becoming shallow and I hate it because there is a 7.5 qt with a perfect ass wanting me so badly to be her bf but i can´t help but move from girl to girl seeing how hot I can get them, seems there is no limit anymore. Fuck the one getting chased. Literally bartend and qt´s come up with their phones out waiting for my number to be dialed. Waking up sundays next to a new girl trying to act like bf material to everyone not to hurt feelings but all I care about is looks right now..
Fuck man...making it is almost...not worth it
Can I slam pussy like this being a 5'9" manlet? I'm in South America so there aren't that many tall guys
Highly unlikely it's low T you didn't eat enough it seems....
Be charming..thats what I get told the most, that I am I guess thats displaying the best of your personality while of course
Face, frame height
Best of luck
Why is it unlikely? I have little apetite sometimes but for most of the week I consistently eat either at maintenance or 300 calories above maintenance. I've been following the sticky and have done everything right. Aside from that I feel like I have no energy whatsoever besides living a perfectly normal life
Sorry bro, making it starts at 6'
At 5'9 you're practically a giant in those spic countries. Your chances are pretty good
no pics anywhere in the thread
Low T is rare trust me I'm a med student
You getting enough sleep?
I consistently get 8 hours a night, but I'm always exhausted even when I get more than that
Might be worth seeing your doc, still think low T is unlikely
How often are you training?
Make sure you're doing the usual stuff like drinking enough water etc
>got no pussy when I was aushwitz
>otter mode now
>banging 4-5/10 now
I realized that I'm not actually as autistic as I thought I was, I just don't have the social opportunities. Will the quality of pussy go up the more fit I get?
You've already reached the best you can get
Pls don't say that. I'm gonna go back to fapping three times a day
is fucking 4-5/10 as good or better than fapping?
Argentinian here. I rarely see anyone above 5'8 where I live. You'll be fine.
You'll regret it as soon as you nut but I'd say it's better
So SA is a good place to get pussy as an average but fit nord (6'), then? What's there to do in Argentina otherwise, except being stoned for driving with the wrong licence plates?
Absolutely. Really easy to get laid. If you're foreign you pretty much automatically get as much pussy as you want. Pretty fun to live here but never touch north of Argentina, it's shitskin hell.
>t. Used to lived there, moved south