thanks for taking me out user! That food was delicious

> thanks for taking me out user! That food was delicious
> how about we the club? I feel like dancing! ^_^

> you do know how to move that big muscley body, right?

Other urls found in this thread:


>> how about we the club? I feel like dancing! ^_^


>how about we the club
What did she mean by this?

As soon as she suggested dancing, I would leave. I am not that desperate for pussy.

>how about we the club?
A whole club? No way.

Dancing is easy you fags, you just move to the beat in literally anyway you want. The dumber you look the funnier she finds it and thinks you're fun.

Then when the grinding comes you get to.

> how about we the club
>that big muscley body

>turkey or roast beef

Just grind

>I love clubs, but I couldn't a whole one.

yeah thats thats so true and when you dont know you just mimic her movements work every time

I not the club

As if that bitch can even dance nearly as good as I can. Step up senpai


Dancing is for half fags

I'm too white for such things.

That's a dude, bros.

all ive learned from Veeky Forums is that every girl is a dude

bullshit, I'm white and I always get a crowd of girls around me when I dance

Who the fuck are you and where am I?

if you are Veeky Forums (you aren't but ok) just wear a tight basic tshirt and move a bit while holding a beer, i've only danced like this and the casual one hand up while singing some bullshit song and i've fucked a fuckton of sluts on clubs, now that i'm not roiding anymore its harder, but still works

fpbp tbqh family

> how about we the club? I feel like dancing! ^_^


if she thinks im going to a club, she can go back to whoville and save christmas

What's wrong with me

Anytime I see a girl with a great body in heels I immediately ho straight for her feet

Never thought I'd be a footfag but hey, life is strange

>What's wrong with me
Well youre on Veeky Forums for starters

Of course I do

Yeh, I'm just a lucky guy

Please tell me I'm not the only one seeing the John Travolta resemblance.

>how about we the club? I feel like dancing!
Look, this just isn't workin for me, so let's just both go home and pretend none of this ever happened.

Alright. But if I do this, we're fucking tonight, deal?

>not fucking before the club

Holy shit

>how about we The Clubâ„¢


>yes I do
>then we fugg
>feels gud on benis
>I made it
Come at me fit

>stops bouncing when reloading

I remember reading a study a while back listing and showing the most attractive dance moves for males, but I can't find it again for the life of me. Anybody have it?

Nevermind, found it. Enjoy, brehs.

>Proceed to dance like Zyzz

>how about we the club? I feel like dancing! ^_^
Into the trash you go

Nigga please I own the club.

I wish Timbo was still alive. ;_;

I dont know how to fucking dance, every time it all goes well until its time to hit the dance floor

fucking help me senpai, just need some basic moves to not look like a lost retard then I guess I'll naturally learn more


just pretend like your legs are burning and you are trying to fly with your hands

sorry you harpy I'm off to my moms house to watch the latest episode of genkaki no tetsuo so you can fuck right off with your rhythm instincts

fug I'm a rigid dancer how do I get loose? even when I'm half drunk

also I guess I need to learn stepping, shuffling or whatever its called, was big back then. seems it helps A LOT


>not knowing how to dance
>making it

pick one

>fug I'm a rigid dancer how do I get loose?

-Get a good mobility routine, get your stretch on nigga
-Alcohol, but not so much that you fall over

girls asking you to dance is a shit test, most fail

Dancing is gay

Dancing is hard, every stupid trap song has some elaborate sequence that goes with it, and you'll get jeers from the bl*ck people if you don't do it right.
Last year some guy with chains and a dope fit yelled BRUH WHAT IS THIS NIGGA DOIN and his friends stared at me trying to Milly Rock for several seconds before I realized they were watching.


This is the type of normalfag shit that will get you into trouble, do not fall for the fucking pop dancing meme because people literally spend days with their friends practicing some repetitive arm gesture so they can pump it out at the club while it's still "hot" or whatever.

Inb4 a bunch of butthurt comments about not being able to dance etc, thats not dancing and you're all normies.

The only time I've ever danced in public was when I was stupid drunk and tried to do that Russian kicking dance and ended up knocking a table (covered with drinks) over. The girl I was with got super pissed.

>girls asking you to dance is a shit test, most fail


I would have laughed and egged you on user

This. Fuck bitches, entertain yourself first.

this is what i do in clubs,
i literally go with friends but usually drift away from them because they are boring / only want to grind with one or two girls cause lol im such a man bro xD

i fucking dance how i feel like dancing and i always get like 5-8 girls feeling me all night because i just have fun and i guess its infectious?

It helps to be attractive but honestly just fucking have fun and stop caring how "cool" you look

Anytime ive take na girl home from the club they say they love how blunt i am etc etc

just googled milly rock and holy shit you must have looked so retarded. Nobody except niggers or proffesional dancers can do retarded nigger dances.

Look up 1 million dance studio and learn some of their choreography, that shit is good and impressive to anybody

Disregard females, aquire dancemoves. You did good user

>bitch, fix your APT

Minus the racism, exactly what I was thinking haha. That dance does not look good, even if done right... just my opinion.

>Minus the racism
>just my opinion

Fucking stop.

Don't know why you're so triggered but I'm going to keep being me. Stay mad dawg

>West Virginian
>African lady
>Pennsyltucky cave troll
>skips leg day every single time

this is like a bingo card for the dregs of the human genome

>thaaaaannnks fer taking me out for ....foooood
>How about we the cluuuuuub.. I feel liiiikeee dancccing..... -__-

No it's funny when you're both drunk and your imitating drake while walking down the street.
It's autistic while in the club.

Sorry I don't do cardio, it compromises my ability to build muscles. Please wait here for 5 mins well I go to my car and quickly drink my shake. I have very precise meal timings that you are making difficult tonight.

Pic related

Dancing is about rhythm and lack of inhibition

Technique and style are secondary, but emotion helps. A man who cannot dance is not truly free

Way to say no to racism!

Incidentally, will you be putting your kids in a "good school district" by living "somewhere nice"? I mean, you are not racist right? Why avoid blacks? Oh wait... you mean you do avoid blacks like every sane fucking person in the world? Well golly gee, who would have thought?

I'm sick of people throwing around the word "racist" like it is something to be ashamed of being. Only a fucking idiot would think that human beings who have been geographically separated for tens of thousands of years, do not become genetically distinctive from each other - the way every. single. fucking. creature. on. this. planet. does.

Then call Rightwing people "post-factual" when you deny evolution. Call us "post-factual" when you deny crime statistics and education statistics from EVERY country in the ENTIRE world! You really think all people in the world are exactly the same? Really?

No. You don't. You don't expect a Vietnamese man to win the next 100 meter dash record, and you know why over half of all Nobel Prizes have gone to Jews (who make up less than 1% of the world's population). Genetics. You know why blacks are 6 million times more likely to commit violent robbery than other races even after poverty is taken into account.

We should not have to deny things that are so obvious, and fewer of us are playing the Politically Correct game these days. I'll call it like I see it. I don't want my family to live on MLK blvd. Neither do you. But the difference is - I'm not Ashamed of it.

/pol/ got triggered hard I see

you fucking autists have no idea how women talk. jesus fucking christ these weird ass role play threads are embarrassing.

Carrying too much weight on your toes because you're wearing heels higher than you're used to. Compensating for this forward posture with pelvic tilt and circling back around to those wedges, jesus. I mean everyone gets their own style, but who thought that a black strap was going to go well with a tan and brown shoe (and black heel). Those colors *can* play together, but this shoe is all over the place. Let's try a cream, burberry, or near-black wedge with a dash of color. A bit of red could be nice. Those will go better with the shorts without being matchy-matchy If you go lighter on the shoe you may want to swap out the top so you're not top-heavy in terms of color, but it would do in a pinch.

I'm pretty liberal but I swear to god this topic of race realism is causing a lot of cognitive dissonance. /Pol/ seems to be on to something when it comes to the topic of genetics and race

I'm just sick of the fact that everywhere I turn, I see people scared of who is listening. My mother is terrified of being perceived as anti-black, she won't even be within earshot of a conversation that even discusses something like the looting and riots in Charlotte, SC. (Which directly affected our family members.)

Meanwhile, she will drive 45 mins further to go to the "good mall" for shopping instead of the one that is much closer. What is the difference between the good one and the bad one? You'll never guess huh?

Everywhere you turn you are confronted with people too afraid to say what is on their mind. I've just grown up man. I'm done. I'm fucking over it. I don't judge every person I meet based on their skin color - I really don't. I don't hate people, I really don't. But if there is a group of young black males looking like thugs hanging out at the entrance to a gas station, my family won't be walking anywhere near them. A statement like that should not be something one can only say when anonymous, but it is. If I were a famous person, a statement like that would get me fired. In Europe, it could get me actual jail time. No joke. Look it up.

So when I see some small bullshit, like some nu-male saying "Minus the racism" "haha" It pisses me the fuck off. Those are the people that are the problem. Sidenote, these are the same fucks that want to disarm us all, and shred the Constitution because it was written by old while men. Note that you can level an insult like that ONLY at old white man. No one else. But hell, with Whites, you can say anything negative, and no one is suppose to think twice.

Sick of it.

i avoid black areas for good school districts the same way you avoid rural redneck areas though, it's not tied to a race, but yes you're right in that whites more often have the option of living in expensive areas which means more tax dollars to public schools which translates to better education overall. like i'm not moving to bumfuck tennessee or whatever just to avoid having blacks at the same school as my child

PPPPFFF!! thats not dancing you autistic uggo
they are fucking moving side by side with a slightly twerking, it isnt even impressive, shite movements desu..
this is dancing, watch and learn

>whites more often have the option of living in expensive areas which means more tax dollars to public schools

Academic achievement gaps are undeniable. When students in a given school district are grouped by race, a gap exists between every race. Asian>White>Hispanic>Black. The gap exists in every school district in the USA.

Because Leftists cannot accept genetic differences as an explanation for academic achievement gaps, they have long attempted to use poverty as an explanation. Blacks are much poorer than the other three racial groups mentioned... so on the surface it seems to work. Until you dig deeper.

Poverty is a factor for which we can statically account. What I mean is, we can rule out being poor as a reason for under-performance. How is this possible? Easy. By looking at only poor areas - the achievement gap remains unchanged. A great visual example of this is the West Virginia area. Some of the poor school districts in the USA are there, and they are overwhelmingly White. Guess what? Even with maps in the classroom that still show the Soviet Union, they outperform blacks. There is no exception to the achievement gap.

But you might not be convinced, and that would mean you are a strong-minded person. I implore you to read this story, linked below:

If you have any interest in the subject, just give it a read.

Veeky Forums pls go

I-I-I can muzz like zyzz

...sigh. Pic related. I'll try to be a better Veeky Forumsizen in the future.

>milly rock

Thanks for the laughs user.

First of all, I don't think you know what racism means. To avoid certain black people because they seem dangerous doesn't mean I'm racist. I use my judgement, regardless of their skin color, if they seem dangerous, I'll be on guard. I obviously don't avoid all blacks and you are projecting a lot. Making all these assumptions about how I am when in reality, that's how you are and that's how you think. Go to any country, there are dangerous people, you just think only black people are capable of being doing fucked up shit to others. Black people in America that do shady shit is a result of their environment. You think they just became like that without any cause? You think white people abusing them for centuries had nothing to do with it? Yeah, you talk as if you have everything figured out when you really don't. If you're really not ashamed of being a racist, well I hope you do call black you see in public niggers. Don't hold any of that hate back, show it to them.

>>So when I see some small bullshit, like some nu-male saying "Minus the racism" "haha"
Again, making the assumption that I'm "nu-male" when you know nothing about me. Some more projection from you. Post a picture of yourself, I'm very curious how masculine you are. You honestly seem pretty insecure to me since you have to shame "nu-males" as some inferior beings as to make yourself feel better about yourself.

You are too easily swayed my friend, learn to think critically and not accept what he has to say as the truth. A lot of it is his own opinion which he asserts as facts to convince his readers.

alpha as fuck

>Black people in America that do shady shit is a result of their environment.
Wrong. In every environment they are exactly the same. Take a quick look at picture related. What do you notice?

>You think they just became like that without any cause?
Nope. That would be stupid. When I ask myself why blacks in ever City/State/Country on Earth have high rates of violence and low academic success - I ask myself what is the reason? What is the one thing that is the same about black people no matter where they are, or what country they live in? Genetics.

>If you're really not ashamed of being a racist, well I hope you do call black you see in public niggers.

Nope. I would never call a black person a nigger because they would murder me, and/or whatever family member I was with at the time (or whoever was standing in the background when they sprayed bullets). You can insult me in public. You can call me any name in the book. You can call an Asian man any name in the book. But a black man? Nope. Better not. He'll go full Chimp on you. That is a great point and I'm glad you brought it up.
You are absolutely right that racists do not call blacks niggers in real life. W

I would take her to nearest country bar and take her two stepping.
Women fucking love that shit

Do you even know what you're looking at in that chart? Cause I sure as hell don't but from the looks of it, it doesn't even say anything about the crime rate of blacks in other countries besides Africa for the most part. Who else do you expect to be committing crimes in Africa where the majority of the population is black people? Look at the list of for other countries and then get back to me on how blacks are the same everywhere.

You obviously don't know much about the psychology of humans. The environment you were raised in has a huge impact on how you become. Any person, regardless of color, that is raised in the ghetto has a good chance of becoming a hoodlum. You see different races committing crimes that blacks do but it just happens that a large % of people who live in the ghetto are blacks. While genetics is one factor, it isn't the only thing that determines how someone will become.

You're clearly triggered by this, as evident in your posts. These are your issues to deal with, I'm not going to sit here and try to convince you otherwise.

>Do you even know what you're looking at in that chart?
Yes. The chart explains what the numbers mean - and from where they are derived.

>Cause I sure as hell don't but from the looks of it, it doesn't even say anything about the crime rate of blacks in other countries besides Africa
...Yes. That is the point. The chart shows that the murder rate of blacks living in one of the wealthiest countries on Earth are identical to blacks living in the poorest of nations. It also shows that the murder rates of Whites in the USA is the same as Whites in other White nations... including poorer Eastern European nations.

>Who else do you expect to be committing crimes in Africa where the majority of the population is black people?

The chart doesn't show what "percentage" of murderers in Africa are black, it shows the murder rate of various nations side by side. Read it again, you can get this, you really can. You simply take the total number of murderers per 100,000 individuals in the population. And... and nothing. That's all. This is actually sixth grade math.

>While genetics is one factor, it isn't the only thing that determines how someone will become.
You are completely right. Yes. However, there is no other statistical measurement that more accurately predicts a person's future success or failure in life. Lower IQ is overwhelmingly linked to higher rates of violent crime and lower academic success. Even so, I reference IQ not as a way of comparing individuals, but as a way of comparing large groups.

Now here is one huge thing that you have to understand. If nothing else, please remember this: Whites and Asians from families making less than 20,000 a year do not commit violent crime anywhere near the rates of blacks. That means poverty does not CAUSE violent crime. How can you blame it on poverty when there are Vietnamese refugees that came to the USA after the War with nothing but the clothes on their back... and they committed almost NO violence?

If you think that blacks score lower on academic tests because they are "poor" and from the "ghetto"

...well the truth is, that is very racist - because not all blacks are poor. Why say all blacks are poor? They are not all poor. It is great that they are not all poor. Some of them escape poverty by being sports stars are being rappers - but most of the ones that get wealthy do so purely because they have the intelligence, and put in the hard work to get ahead. These awesome folks are a small percentage of blacks, but they are there. No doubt.

So now we know that not all blacks are poor. Good. Now do you know what we can do?

That's right! Now we can see how ONLY blacks who are WEALTHY compare to the rest of the country. Take a look here at the picture I attached. There are red lines under the important parts so you can easily see the point. If you don't understand it, ask. I am not here to make fun of you. I will answer your questions.

Tell me what you see.

Whoops - forget to click attach. Here it is.

its hard

Glad i'm too much of an autist to get into situations like this.

>citing a study from 1991

Then why are Nigerians the most educated race in the US.