What are some Veeky Forums approved hobbies outside of the gym?

What are some Veeky Forums approved hobbies outside of the gym?

counter strike
sitting on your bed
setting up stuff and not using it
selling stuff on ebay

Why do you care?

what if he does something not Veeky Forums approved

Fuck man there's not some list of "this is what you can do this is what you can't"
It's all about what your interests are and only you can really decide if it's an approved hobby. If you wanna be nerdy and play mtg then do it and find other people who respect your hobby. If you spend your life trying to be some perfect archetype of a man you'll realize you're truely unhappy.

what if its not approved

>walking around

Those are my hobbys anyways

Martial arts
Dragon dildo riding
Ethnic cleasing

drinking alone

I like MTG but am afraid it's too autistic so I don't do it