Approaching Girls General

> in college
> finals started a week ago
> recently started seeing this cute Veeky Forums girl constantly
> when I lift (right before closing) she's always there and she ends up using equipment close to me
> one time she even drops something out of her backpack and I pick it up like she's fucking Dolores from Westworld
> even when I study in the library she somehow ends up close to me somehow
> either she's into me and the universe wants me to bust a move
> today I use a different gym and she ends up there too
> I make some small talk with her
> she's not very receptive; when girls are into me I can usually tell
> game over

Well nothing is probably gonna come of this girl, but I'm proud of myself for approaching her at least. I wish it didn't take running into a girl twice a day for a week straight for me to approach though.

Other urls found in this thread:

>I make some small talk with her

Well what did you say? Let's dissect it.

this is the perfect woman


get out

I'm in a new city -- don't know anyone here. I've forgotten how to make friends from scratch, have always relied on meeting friends-of-friends and growing the people I know that way.

Any tips would be appreciated, Veeky Forums. Especially women, looking for a high-quality woman to settle down with instead of churning through college-pussy.

>he's a tits guy

I don't know man, I think you said it best. The hardest part has been done and that was being able to approach and make your move. I would not suggest to give up just yet, good luck!

> "Hey, I think I've seen you at the other [college] gym, right?"
> "Yeah, I think so."
> "Yeah, I got on the shuttle and then got right off cuz of that!"
> "Oh, I went all the way over there before I found out and had to come all the way over to this gym."
> "Yeah it's kinda messed up! I feel like they should change the gym hours before or after finals, not right in the middle."
> "Yeah."
> "I hope they don't switch this gym's hours on us, haha."
> "Yeah, same here."

And then I ended the convo cause of her short responses and because she didn't really smile back when I did. Who knows though, maybe she's a female robot lol (probably not).

Her hair and eyebrows suck.

Iunno man, a pair of huge tits are hypnotizing, but a big round butt is the most primal, feminine part that speaks to me

UofT? Harthouse?

There really wasn't a lot of substance for her to off of with what you said. Think about it. Swap the roles.

Why? You tryna hit on her? Lol, no I don't go to either of those.

Not unless she's the girl in the OP. UofT did that during exams and it would fuck my workouts up all the time

I mean that's the secondary part. Her face just didn't look engaged and she didn't really smile back when I did.

I can't explain it but you know when a girls definitely into you? If you lock eye contact and even say the shittiest joke, she'll probably laugh and definitely at least smile back enthusiastically.

Didn't get that with this girl.

>Pickup garbage posting
>Non fitness thread

Saged, repoted.

I'm moving to a new city (I'm 26 in my college town/network) in January and I plan on joining fitness classes, maybe yoga. Maybe a co-ed sports team.

Definitely gonna try to build a network through rec basketball because I love playing. Hopefully those guys have pretty lady friends.

It's about the approach. He went to her first. They've seen each other before on several occasions elsewhere. You gotta break the ice.

You don't "meet" people randomly and expect to become good friends.

You meet lots of people but become friends with ones you have common interests and hobbies with.

Recall how it worked in school. There were hundreds, if not thousands, of kids around you, yet you hung out with the same group of kids every day. Why? You had common interests.

That being said, you're not in school anymore, so you have to join other shit where you'll meet people.

Find a hobby, join an organization related to that hobby, and you'll eventually click with people and make genuine friendships, none of that bullshit "pretend" friendships that you had in college.

Ass>tits if you disagree you have low sperm count


Ass men are less evolved.

> be at 7-11
> go look at quest bars
> hot blonde girl already looking through them
> try to make small talk
> she's holding white raspberry choc
> "Haha, that's my favorite flavor!"
> "..yeah I like it too I guess"
> she turns away because she doesn't want to talk
> fuck

You know that the law of averages says your dick is smaller if you like tits?

people who like tits over ass have been brainwashed by anime

>> one time she even drops something out of her backpack and I pick it up like she's fucking Dolores from Westworld

Just ask for her number bro. Think about it this way; would you rather have a concrete yes/no answer or stay thinking about what you could have magically said to get her to like you? Asking for someones number is hella normal, as long as you aren't a creep (seeing as you're this socially aware, probably not)

My problem on the other hand is actually making a move on grills. Here's something from last night that's killing me

>recently move to NYC
>don't know anyone, hit up random people who i know on social media
>have 8/10 redhead from my old city come visit from staten island (which is like 2 hours away in the snow)
>we buy drinks at the store, go back to my apartment
>drink a few beers, shoot the shit (I know if I was alpha enough we'd be making children already)
>go out to a bar
>drink more, move to a secluded spot in the back of the bar
>ask her if where we're sitting is a good place to make out
>she says no, take that as a rejection
>she however becomes way touchier/receptive/looking at me etc etc
>we end up playing pool, my confidence destroyed so don't make anymore moves
>leave an hour later, she goes back to staten island and i go home alone to a weak ass hug
>she posts instagram post next day about how women are only seen as objects with a hashtag #lastnight

where did I go wrong brehs :'(

The dream is a lie.

She just wasn't into you man, Im guessing because your lats and calves are too small

What if your only interests involve getting high on all types of drugs?

This is seriously my issue.

eeh good effort man. Can't win em all anyway.

I'm cutting and gonna have better facial aesthetics after winter break though

For your situation: Maybe she knew you were new in NY and actually wanted to hang out with you as a friend? I think on top of that you were reading the signals really wrong cuz asking if it's a good makeout spot is a pretty bold thing to say. I personally wouldn't say that unless a girl was already flirting with me lol

If I were in your situation, I'd prob try to keep up the good, positive vibes instead of moping with crumbled confidence. (I know that's waaaay easier said that done).

confirmed dead?

seconded. time to engage those problem zones

Am I the only guy who hates talking with randos at the gym?

I got nothing wrong with random strangers coming up and talking to me, I've had my fair share of weirdos in classes coming and trying to start conversations while I'm studying.

But when I'm at the gym, I'm out of breath, sweaty, and my adrenaline is so high from the lifting, combined with the fact I'm tweaking out on coffee, making my voice quaky af. On top of that, I have no fucking idea what girls at the gym are interested in since I only see them at the gym. It's not like they want to talk about lifting with some random dude.

I will have to say that I randomly had a class with a chick that I always saw at the gym and we really hit it off, but she had a bf so I didn't really see any benefit in the long run from putting in real effort.

tl;dr - Leave me the fuck alone while I lift.

>go to local supermarket to buy protein powder
>approach qt3.14 cashier with two tubs under my arms
>her eyes widen and she starts flicking her hair
>"haha you must be really strong"
>growl at her
>she immediately drops to her knees and starts sucking my cock right there on the spot
>keeps touching my abs and saying how hot I am
>nut in her mouth while everyone behind me looks in shock
>leave without even paying

It's so easy lol just be youself bros

I moved to a new city in April. I didn't know anyone here when I first got here. No family, no friends. No one.

My only friend is a kid I live with, and we're not even close. It's still kinda awkward with him sometimes.

I honestly hate it and want to move back home where all of my friends are people I've know for years. Knowing barely arent one sucks, and im not even anti-social. Always had a good social life back home. I was never a "popular" kid in school, but me and all my friends each had our own groups of friends.

I feel like you've gotta be a social butterfly to make a decent social life when moving to a city where you know no one

They aren't randos at the gym if you befriend them user
Nothing behind than getting to see your bros every time you workout

Have you tried actually doing anything

I'm looking for my post-college job right now and these kinds of posts aren't making me want to leave my state

*sensible chuckle*

Idk what to do. Go to Internet meet ups? Fuck that.

When I first got here I tried going to concerts hoping to meet people, tried going out by myself to meet people, etc. It's fucking weird being by yourself when everyone is out with their friends. I imagine itd be very creepy to approach anyone who's not a female you're looking to hook up with; I know I'd think it was weird if I were home.

I also tried online social meet-ups. The people I met were about as fucking weird as you'd imagine.

My friend at work offered to hook me up with his buddy to go skiing. I might do that and see where it goes.

The kids I live with are heavy into professional sports. I'm not the type of person to care much. I'd rather read or listen to music, talk, drink beers, smoke a little weed. They're like frat bros who are also 6 years older than me.

I moved here for my post-college job. I wouldn't recommend it unless you have at least one decent friend in the city you're moving to. I know it would have helped if I knew at least one person.

then you find others that are into that. lots of druggies at raves maybe you could get into that

I meant like a hobby? Do you even work out?

Yes, I work out.

I spend all of my gym time in a field house with a few racks and barbells spread around. I've honeslty never seen any other people talk to each other there, nevermind talking to me.

Im gonna go on a ski trip soon, either with my work friends buddy or with a social sports club for a day trip.

>tits men are underaged

>They aren't randos at the gym if you befriend them user
Very wise words.

Have you tried beeing yourself

>Set up to do overhead press in power rack
>Absolute qt3.14 comes by to my rack
>asks to work in with me to do squats
>our weight is close enough and I can unrack just a little lower than normal if it means she's around me
>do my sets of 5x5 lmao1pl8
>oh shit she's doing pause reps with lmao1pl8
>that ass is magnificient
>she catches me glancing at her
>she walks over to me looking pissed
>where is this going?
>"do you do this to all the women at the gym?"
>" I'm sorry. I was just looking around and notice how impressive your depth is."
>she smirks slightly
>I think she bought it
>"well thanks for letting me work in with you, but I have another set I want to do."
>my wife proceeds to fuck my brains out on our bench in our garage gym.

Being married is the best fellas.

You're like me. I'm good at noticing IOIs and if they're not there, I drop it and move on.

>Being married
>purposely getting the government involved in your relationship
fuck, you ruined the story

>marrying a Colombian

You're a fucking retard and the reason the white race is going extinct literally kill yourself before you impregnate her

>go to military ball for national guard with no date
>bring a whole bottle of gentleman jack
>Silk suit because why not?
>see cute girl sitting alone
>go talk to her whats up girl, why you so sad
>she hit it off, offer her a few shots and a smoke
>we hit it off and get ready to go to a club
>ex shows up
>"bitch what the fuck are you doing?"
>he tries to put hands on her
>security guard shows up and stops him
>we walk off

felt good man

Can we do a post about approaching guys?

>Guy looks at me a lot during class
>I'm objectively much better looking, but he's funny and smart and everyone likes him, so I still feel inferior
>He cracks a lot of jokes and then looks over at me as if to see if I'm laughing
>We make eye contact about 6 times per class
>often see him looking at me at raisin times and he averts eyes when I look over, probably another half dozen times per class
>See him eating lunch by himself one day
>Sit nearby but not at his table, don't want to be rude
>he says hi and I say hi and smile back and start flipping through a book because I don't want to intrude
>noticeably speeds up his eating and starts slamming his food down, gets up and runs off

This is typical. Did I mess up? He seems into me during class but runs off whenever there's a chance to socialize. It's driving me crazy.

>Can we do a post about approaching guys?

Nice trips though

I do think it's fucking retarded how the government involves themselves so much in our personal lives, but I love seeing her happy more.
Marrying an American with Colombian heritage. Don't worry user. Our daughter is white as snow.

>raisin times
are you in preschool?

Was meant to be random. Swype keyboard fucked me again.

Sorry. I'm probably more autist than the rest of you put together.

>start flipping through a book because I don't want to intrude

bitch are you retarded? you're giving him signs that you're not interested, when someone smiles at you and you know each other someone has to start the convo. give him some time so he can think of something and don't try to act busy if you're actually not.

Probably too shy/guarded to actually want to be in a relationship or too insecure (hence the joking) to think you'd like him or want to hook up.

>matching with girls on tinder
>ask them what they do


>be at 7-11
>5 powerbars in my hand
>cashier is obviously very flambouyantly gay
>Him: "Hows your day been?"
>Me: "Good"
>Swipe my 7-11 rewards app
>Him: "user... that's a nice name"
>Me: "Th-thanks"
>Him: "How old are you user?"
>Me: "25..."
>Him: "Haha, I'm 26!"
>Me: "B-bye...."

I was trying to look casual and not absorbed. I was hoping it would give him a chance to ask what I was reading.

But point taken. I don't see him outside of class alone that often (everyone likes him, so he's surrounded often), but I'll try to say something next time. What should I say?

What do YOU do user?

I-i-i.. lift n browse a Cambodian paper mache forum.. ha..ha.

You're probably only swiping right (or is it left?) on the hotties. They don't have to develop interests or personalities

One day we may

you want a girl that has more interesting hobbies, is intellectually deeper, and is a better ocnversationalist than you?

gay guys dont give a shit and will hit on anyone with a dick, i work with one and he constantly holds up line to flirt/hit on guys when he's working the register

>and not absorbed

reading a book mean's youre absorbed. lol, try to look bored if you're too scared to say something, maybe he will man up and start a convo, if not then ask something about class and go from there. if you actually find him interesting you would know what to ask/say if you just hear your heart i'm not kidding

My graduating class had 33 people in it :(

If this was really the exchange I'd say you did good and she just wasn't interested.
You've made the first move though, just keep working out and if you see her, just give a little nod or a hey if you pass her. One day she'll invite you out for coffee at mugwalls and you'll go on midnight walks through campus together and have awesome dorm sex after a party

>tfw I miss that

Enjoy your time in uni user. The real world isn't as great.

I do find him interesting but don't know much about him, because we pretty much just stick to staring at each other.

Thanks for the advice. The semester is almost over so it feels like time is running out.

Man I work on cars, fix up houses, work in brain injury rehab, lift, travel, party, learn languages.. I try to keep interesting

I feel like that's all it is. It's frustrating

She doesn't need to be amazing at everything but being more than a drone that goes to work and goes home and stares at the ceiling would be nice

I hung out with people in school so I didn't look like a loner, but when we sat together at lunch or in class we just had our heads down and did what he had in front of us.

If you wanna see my dick user just say so.

gay guys hit on me a lot too. A girl I'm seeing actually pushed a guy off me the other day because he was starting to grind me in a club and I didn't notice. What the fuck man, I got fit so I could fuck girls not so men would try to fuck me.

Some may be more interesting if you get to know them better. Hot girls don't have to learn to sell themselves like guys do so they may have interests and goals and just don't present well at first.

> Am I the only guy who hates talking with randos at the gym?

It's because the randos who approach people and just strike up conversations with them, be it at the gym, class, the street, store, whatever, are usually weirdos or crazies.

Well adjusted people don't have to start conversations with randos because they already have social networks they can utilize to talk to people they already know or new people that have been vetted by the people they know/trust.

Maybe later, maybe later, we'll all be gay

>t. fucking autist

if you're a well adjusted person and you find something/someone interesting you interact with it. not shy away from it because you're an insecure fool who thinks he has enough of everything

Want to know how I know you don't have any friends?

Does it matter? That show was shit.
The need to have some strong female role supported by some beta cuck completely ruined the great storyline they had. In any situation the butchers would have reported the bitch or kept her shut down. They have explosive deterrents implanted, why not have a mechanism for employees to detonate it in case something happens?
>So many plot holes it was unwatchable
>nothing but cheap sex and violence
Yes I'm fucking salty. They had one of the best plot ideas ever and shit all over it.

>lifting as much as your wife
>setting your story up to make us think it's not your wife

Shitposting at its finest

Do you have a better alternative?
Srs. I'm curious, marriage these days is iffy.
I'd always thought it was worth it for better taxes or something? (Assuming you're with someone worth staying with)

>It's so easy lol just be youself bros
got me here mate

I'll try to keep that in mind, thanks user.

> attractive women casually eating a MAGA hat

Fucking trashed . Dumb cunt had so much potential in the looks area too .

someday the jews will win and we'll all be cute anime girls in a socialist one world government user


Tax cuts are the only benefit, but that doesn't compare to the impending divorce rape

How the fuck did you not notice a rock solid dick grinding on you????

You should have introduced yourself, asked for her name and shook her hand. That way the next time you see her you can say hi and call her by name without acting like a sperg

fuck when did goodbody end up on archer?

>good makeout spot

fucking 12

>asking if somewhere is a good place to make out

You may as well just write BETA in all caps on your forehead

"I don't remember the last time I approached a girl.. even if I tried, we'd meet in the middle before I got to her because I'm generally being approached upon in most situations."

- Mike Patton

Why are girls more autistic than guys

Looks like she's wearing it dude, but you're right, if she was eating a hat she'd definitely be too retarded to date.

>Someone I don't know walks up to me
>Hey how's it goin man
>I look at him for 5 seconds analyzing him
>he walks away
>fucking crazie

this, just look into her eyes and move your face closer to hers and grab the side of her face and kiss her you mong, don't ask her if you can kiss her beforehand.


For me it's

>be drunk
>stop caring so I talk to more people
>eventually get with a girl because I'm tall and Veeky Forums with an average face

I can never recreate sober what alcohol does for me socially.

>asking b4 kissing

I dont understand why you nerds have issues approaching girls. I go up to girls i fancy and just talk a bunch of shit. I always get them to laugh , then thats sealed. Yo think way too much when speaking to them. Stop thinking and just talk about shit. Its not hard.

What if She think's you stalking her especially after rocken up to another gym you creep lol.