Tfw you can't sleep

>tfw you can't sleep
>tfw you know you're losing gains by the second
>tfw don't know how to fix it
Kill me Veeky Forums

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melatonin pills. Working out right before I go to bed helps me sleep tons.

stop drinking alcohol

stop drinking fucking monster drinks

workout as early in the day as you can, only consume caffeine before the workout and none after it

stop eating simple sugars, either high or low blood sugar can stop you sleeping

if working out late don't take pre-workouts with caffeine or stimulants

keep protein intake very high, this will help you keep gains and help with sleep

ive found that paracetamol helps me sleep, dunno if its placebo.
zma makes my sleep more deep and dreams weird, lol.
download f.lux for your pc or phone or whatever, helps a shit ton

Fuck all this retards.

The only thing you need to do is get off the computer screen hours before bed and read a fucking book you lazy entitled crybaby faggot.

I had "insomnia" for years until I decided to man up and learn to shut off my fucking computer and do something productive.

Just do it faggot, or keep crying even though you know you weren't born with insomnia you are just a little bitch who can't turn on muh computerz

Blue light and you

he's right, sitting in front of the computer or watching tv, even chatting on phone right before bed can fuck your sleep
a friend told me this cause i just couldn't fall asleep right away
now i get off computer an hour or two before bed and i sleep right away, it helps a lot

Exactly but they wont listen, they're fucking /r9k/ tier faggots who know a solution and refuse to do it because they enjoy it, then complain when them doing nothing or using drugs to fix it doesn't work and leaves them even more fucked up.

I'm sick of this shit.

Will afternoon naps help your gains the same way a good night's sleep does?

Best solution is to turn your devices off, but you should also get Flux for your computer and Midnight for your phone. Now during the winter it gets dark early, so several hours before your bedtime you're getting too much blue light. I turn on Flux at 3 or 4 in the afternoon now.


But computer is the only content in my life. I want to kill myself every moment it's off.

How do I turn it off? I can't read books.

On the topic of sleep gains, if I fall asleep late but get enough hours of sleep do I keep my gains or most of them? Or does this fuck my gains?

This. Flux helps 1000000%

do you actually believe this BS? computer or phone has never stopped me falling asleep, caffeine and stress however has

>I can't read books.
You sound like a crybaby millenial with a really shit attention span. You CAN read books; you just don't have the imagination and patience required to do so.

Fucking this.

To explain what's going on here... screens (TV, monitor, phone, etc) produce blue light, like the sun. This is a cue for your body to be awake. When you remove the blue light, like when the sun goes down, this triggers melatonin production (takes about a half hour after removing exposure to blue light spectrum). Things like lightbulbs(normal ones) and campfires don't produce bls. So the trick is, get rid of bls about half an hour or so before you want to go to sleep. Reading a book is great for this, but the key is lack of bls.

I'm 24 and the last time I really read was in high school. I used to be best of class in everything but I failed university because of deteriorating attention span. What do?

What if i wake up in the middle of the night bros? How do i stop doing this?

man up

How about my depression, virginity, suicidality, misantrophy and murderousness?

You probably don't work out for shit, when I get home I'm sore as fuck and I know I did all I could do so I sleep peacefully knowing tomorrow I'll wake up and feel like shit until I hydrate and eat. Sounds like you're a faggot OP .

Not that guy but you sound like a massive pussy

>le protein meme
This is how I know that you don't know what you're talking about.


Death will show you otherwise.

Dying won't make you less of a pussy lol


this. f.lux is fucking OP

Then kill yourself you pussy.

>post about not being able to sleep
>hurr durr you must not go hard enough

I mostly go to the gym late at night, but I have other shit to do when I get back that allows me to recover. Even then, fatigue =/= quality of workout

Smoke a joint - keep it to evenings when you really can't sleep, don't become pendant on it to sleep.
You won't dream.

I know you're right but the second im not looking at my screen I get the feels. Reading a book does not help

What if i read a book in my computer?

I've always had trouble getting to sleep i would lay there for four our five hours just counting down all the sleep time i lost and until i had to get up for work. Now as soon as my head touches the pillow I'm out because i ended up with depression and the medication makes you so tired.

>reading a book makes you sleepy
>computer makes you awake
>read book on computer
>melatolin confused status achieved