Watcha doing tonight, fags?
Watcha doing tonight, fags?
Wow. I would feel bad eating one pizza.
Why is there raw biscuit dough though?
not feeling bad for myself as you will
lmao, that could feed a small african village for a week you fat sack of shit.
So? They should go and work then.
Heading to the gym any min now. Also it's 9 pm here
>unnecessary comma
What was meant by this?
She was out of breath after the first word.
Need another go on the treadmill. And another two goes on my barbells. And then I might chill out and consider buying Titanfall 2 again. Played the free weekend. Want to love the game. Game has serious population and no-maps issues.
>he actually can't eat all that food by himself
Wow you should just kill yourself if you're not at least 240lbs @ 5'10 or 280+ @ 6'2
the pecans, pizza, and lindt can stay. Everything else out.
>Terrible pizza toppings
>terrible drink choice
>shit teir sweets besides lindt
>uncooked fucking biscuits wat?
2/10 would not go fat for.
me, i'd keep the pizza, cashews and crisps
Stahp, OP. I'm cutting
Not eating that, I don't want to die thanks.
going out with this 5'9" qt tonight, she voted for trump so she's a keeper
>she voted for trump so she's a keeper
Those are Sun Chips not cookie dough, baka at you silly bongs
Sleep, have to lift heavy tomorrow.
nigga what? no ones talking about the damn sun chips in the bowl, we are talking about the fuckin crescents beside the tea.
OPs pic makes me miss being 11 and having sleepovers ;_;
Going to the gym with my gf, then eating dinner with her. Then we'll take showers, and after that I will ejaculate into her vagina. Unprotected, of course.
So you're having some quests tonight, thats nice!
Surely, it's not just for you, no normal human could eat this big pile of food.
Watching animu and not feeling bad about it.
Fuck normies!
A-am I right, guys?
eating a lot and watching something on netflix
then sleep big for lifting tomorrow
Goddamnit, Boogie, your legs are bad enough as it is.
Feeling bad because my onitis is ignoring my texts
she's sucking Chad's cock you know.
lol faggot
I'd be full after one pizza
At a drive thru nativity scene with aunt, uncle, sister. Family tradition, nice break from finals.
>Confederate flag
>not using a gun
That picture is 10 years old.
Those chocolate ball things in the wrappers are godlike
>tfw your annual cheat day is your birthday, since no one remembers and you have nothing planned anyway
( ._.)
"Ottermode" cuck detected
Looks comfy af desu
Hired a bodybuilding chick "escort" on backpage to fuck me in the asshole with a strapon.
So much sugar. That's disgusting desu
>its nearly sunday
where the fuck do u live op?
Mirin vidya collection
Few questions.
Are you at someone elses house?
I sure as hell hope so cauze why the hell do you have an 18 inch tv?
Flat LED 55 inch are like 350 bucks now.
And i get the feeling this isnt actually a cheat day is it? Or dirty bulk as in your already thin tryin to get thicker