Progress Thread

Can we get a progress thread going? And do you guys think it would it be possible for me to have an ottermode figure by May-June? 6ft if that matters.

>tfw can finally do a fair amount of pull ups
>tfw close to six minute mile again
>tfw don't feel like a piece of shit everday anymore
>tfw still so far from my goal

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Good job losing the weight man, time to start lifting and building some muscle.

I started Starting Strength a few weeks ago

170 BP
2 Plate squat
2 plate Deadlift
100 OHP

Not much, but once I'm down to 160-170 (depends on how I look at 170) I plan to start eating at a surplus. Should I just stick with SS until I reach 4/3/2/1 Or are the potentially better options? I am really dedicated to putting in work next semester in terms of lifting so I want to make sure that have the most effective routine even though I'm probably being paranoid and I should just fucking lift.

You're looking good man, great job. How tall are you?

Also, did your man boobs go away?

They're definitely getting real close to being pecs and not man boobs, but there's still some work to be done. I figure once I'm down to 160 or 170 I'll be pretty skelly. I'm like 6 ft.

Yeah, mine sorta look like what yours used to look like, and I'm kinda worried its gyno, but you're look fine. I'm probably worrying for nothing. Anyways, keep up the good work bro.

I have been really lucky with stretch marks and loose skin, I don't really know why. It's not like I lost the weight slowly, either.

If 55555 get we all make it brahs


Im pretty sure there are better options user like texas method or 5/3/1 but im not an expert

wow your body actually handled the loose skin really well. if you start to bulk and build muscle you should fill out really nice. well done friendo

Keep up the good work bro.

I weight in tomorrow for the week. Didn't move the scale last week, but I've been dropping 2lbs/week otherwise. Hoping for 214 tomorrow. Down from 230 on the left and 255 at the start.

Guess I'll post mine. Took around 4 years.
How'd I do?

Nce tits

Just started but so far progress has been alright. Since mid October, I'm down from 255 to 241 and I've gotten a bit stronger.

My main focus is on become a not-fat but I'm hoping to get the muscles going too. For the first month I pretty much just did kettlebell workouts a bit of a diet. For the last month I've split between kettlebell workouts, elliptical, and random bullshit machine lifting at the apartment """gym."""

Started SL yesterday so hopefully I'll start making better strength gains in addition to getting rid of the weight. Think it is possible to drop to 215 by the end of May while still making significant improvements on my lifts?

I really need to start counting calories...

noob here, is it standard to take progress pics b4 or after working out?

I'm similar to your before pic, but I'm down to 260 from 310 at 6'3.

Thanks for posting pic. Brings me hope.

Did you get any loose skin?

How much do you want to kid yourself?


Very nice my man. It looks like your belly stretch marks got worse though, unless that's just hair

couple year difference, maybe 1 year of actual lifting.

If you look at the second picture you can tell my tits are kinda floppy. But I slowly filled it in with muscle.

I only been dancing to kpop and starving myself LOL. But I want to try bodybuilding competition prep soon :)), I am 220lbs in left pic and 190lbs in second!

i mean obviously both pics need to be the same, either b4 or afters, but what's standard?

Congrats man, you're looking real well.

Nothing too crazy

what do you do for traps brehbreh?

Did...did I lose weight?

>tfw 130 BP
>1 1/2 plate squat
>2 plate deadlift
>80 OHP
>After 2 months of SS
Never going to make it

1.5 yr

Posted this before. Quit drinking and cleaned up my diet

Im sitting at 217lbs atm, and I'm trying my best to be under 210 by my birthday. God I just want my belly to be gone.

motivating well done boys we're all gonna make it

>5'7" / 171 cm
>180 pounds to 140 pounds
It's taken about 5 months to lose that much through mostly jogging. I am looking to get to 125 lbs so I don't have a stomach anymore. I was planning to hit 125 in December but I forgot about winter and how I wouldn't be able to jog any more. Trying to keep myself doing a daily indoor calisthenics workout but I am slipping. Wish me luck for the winter, guys!

I just wanna look swole as fuck

realistically what should my weight be if I'm 5'8"?

My 1.5 years natty progress

Am I doing bulk + cut right?


Out of curiosity, what did you guys do to lose weight so quickly?

Over 80lbs in 6-7 months seems really impressive.

Keep it up bros im really proud of you guys.

I just wish there was some kind of workout to improve your mental health, because that is keeping me down.

answer his question, I'm in your starting point, just slightly more muscular, I got a gut the size of a large watermelon with stretch marks, no boobs or much fat anywhere else.

Oh I don't know. Be incredibly overweight?

Congrats on the progress user. You and I are in almost exactly the same boat. I'm nearly the same height at 6'1" and I just got my cut down to 185 lbs as well, hoping to get to 160 before I bulk up. But now I'm wondering why 185 on me looks so much fatter/bulkier than on you.. kek

My SS lifts so far are
140 bench
255 squat
285 deadlift
85 overthehead The Press

Gonna fit the gym in my routine starting January

What's your diet like from 170->185?

if ur op could u tell us at what percentage u were cutting from ur tdee? cuz it is incredibly fast desu

Dude, in 2017 your arms are literally gonna dissappear

I lost 41lbs around 4 months.
>portion control
>avoid the sugar jew
>run for at least an hour most days a week (i've gotten it down to just one rest day a week)
>caffeine (coffee/first sip)

>caffeine (coffee/first sip)


I went from obese class 3 to class 1
yay I guess...?

>>portion control


Caffeine stops hunger very effectively

However self control is also effective

4 months





Good progress, user

is that really natty

You're doing extremely well, keep it up. I started similar weight, similar height, my body looks just like yours. my goal at 5'10 is 160, you might be looking at ~150 maybe? Although 170 is looking leaner than I'd expect you to be, depends on your lean mass. My goal is to get sub 10% and build from that.

How long's it taken you?

Will I look ok by normie standards if I cut?

Well, you're definitely on the right tracks.

I haven't a clue. I should really keep track, but if I had to guess (and I'm dumb on this subject), it'd probably say less than 1K p/day. I just stopped eating a ton of shit and started prepping food for two/three day meals.

post your diet, work out program and are you natty?

yeah i need more info on this. i want to drop the flab before i pack on the muscle.

how tall are u? and how much do u weigh on the right?

5'9-'10 not sure exactly. Weigh 175lbs.

Lifts are around 1/2/3/4 for one or two reps

I'm 5'10, stuck at 64kg, it's getting harder and harder to lose weight. Any guess at what bf% I'm at?

Anyone here also feels like obese landwhale even though they lost a shit tone of lbs? I feel like I have a huge belly still, and am pretty embarrassed by it.

You have zero muscle mass. That's why you still feel like a fat ass.

I'm 5'11 at 75kg and have a similar body profile to you at 64kg.

Funny how much fluctuation things like muscle mass and such cause.

Try to lift some weights next time.

thanks, i should start lifting soon

yeah, i have a friend that is almost 5'11, and he has 74kg, and it looks leaner than me, and he doesn't lift and doesn't do cardio also. Genetics is really crazy.

>go from 308lbs to 264lbs
>even took photos
>almost no difference in appearance, only feel better

Keep grinding it out user. You are doing good.

thanks for the encouragement
it means a lot to me

Your gut has much less sag and your tits have reduced.

Your legs probably show a big difference too but I'm guessing you're still wearing 3xl shit.

Also looks like your back tits are slimming.

not to brag about it but
my current t-shirt is 5XL

Keep going. Height?



These stories always touch my heart

No Isolation, just deadlifts and locking out my OHP
I already didNot great, I eat whatever I want just more when I'm bulking and less when I'm cutting.
See above for diet, my workout program is an upper lower split. I don't follow a specific program I just do whatever I want each day. Overall consistency and intensity are far more important than a perfect diet and program.

And yes I'm natty. Not even creatine.

still didnt answer if you were natty or not



>when will they learn?

disgusting, fat incel to skinny fat incel. you look like a numale cuck man up

The difference is pretty noticeable here. Your gut is a lot smaller


Do you have to use the kiddy urinals or do you use a stool?

Postan 6'1

been eating 1700 calories for too long i believe. weight loss has been pretty slow seeing as i fuck it up on my maintenance days. i've been doing stronglifts for a little over a month now, I'm going to move my calories to 2000 and go from there. no more maintenance days, they're slowing up my progress too much.

I'll be bulking for another 6 months.
Pic related.


Oh look it's almost 1 pm.

150 sounds pretty light to me, I wanna be fridgemode

my 250-150 cut took me 9 months
my 150-170 bulk took me about 4 months



you didn't do a front pic cause you feel like your arms are still small,right?or maybe your lats who knows
nice progress anyways

Amazing job. How long did this take?

If anything my arms are out of proportion, I just decided to be an angle douche is all.

Too long, about 2.5 years. Been stagnant around same weight for a long time just doing mini-bulks and mini-cuts. Bout to push myself to 185 this winter.

how did leaving the skellington life feel like?

I get the same feels sometimes as a fat person might losing weight. People treat me differently and if I stop and think about that sometimes its kind of overwhelming, people are very shallow and it's a little different actually experiencing it.

Overall though, best decision of my life, you'll be way more confident. However, you'll forever still feel small, so in the end it's a lifelong push to get huge.

That's great man,and yes people are shallow.

I've put on 35 lbs and still feel skinny sometimes,did you get past that point where you feel skinny?