When did you guys grow out of strength training/powerlifting?

When did you guys grow out of strength training/powerlifting?

No one irl gives a fuck how much you lift and even if you tell them they have no idea if it's heavy or not. You could tell a normie you deadlift 300kg and they would just look at you blank.

Meanwhile if you are big/aesthetic everyone will instantly be able to tell you lift, assume you are extremely strong and give you respect.

Therefore this is why lifting for hypertrophy/aesthetics >>> strength.

The only reason you would lift for strength is if you are autistic and played too many RPGs as a kid.

You can be strong and look like you lift, what makes you think one has to exclude the other

What's the point when you can train for aesthetics and look like you are strong

Once I'd built a strength base so around 6 months into lifting

>6 months lifting
>calls himself strong

strong enough to be able to switch to a hypertrophy routine and make gains from it yes
>b-but you can't squat 800lbs

> When did you guys grow out of strength training/powerlifting?

After one year because back pain and no gains.

> Meanwhile if you are big/aesthetic everyone will instantly be able to tell you lift, assume you are extremely strong and give you respect.
> lifting for other people ever
> doing something to get repect from anyone ever

Big muscles will only get respect from dumb people. In no way it is worth the effort from lifting weigths just to be accepted in society, even if you are socially incompetent. The same is with girls, you don't need to get muscles to get girls.
Fuck, bodybuilding is cool, but the insecurity and narcissism around the scene is disgusting.

Grow out of? I grew into it. Originally started with bro splits etc, and have switched entirely to a compound movement - based routine, with the bodybuilding stuff thrown in at the end if I feel like it. Feels good to be strong, whether people care or not.
Also, aesthetics can still be good, if you pay attention to diet.

you don't have to be strong to switch to hypertrophy but you won't get as good results as someone who can actually lift a respectable amount

that's why it always pains me to see new people going straight for PPL programs and look basically the same after 1 year moving the same pathetic weight

Why not get a lil stronger inmeanwhile aswell? Its not a tradeoff son