How mentally developed and cultivated is Veeky Forums? Post your favorite book

How mentally developed and cultivated is Veeky Forums? Post your favorite book

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Ayn Rand ideologies are meme-tier

being well-read is not the same thing as mentally developed. That said, I don't read.

I'm reading that book as we speak. They're already getting into nationalization versus privitization of industry.

It's ok, but is the book really that good?

ayn rand's philosophy basically boils down to anarcho-capitalism i.e. extreme libertarianism with little or no government. It fails for all the same reasons any attempt at 'pure' communism and socialism have always failed, because human beings are flawed animals and we need a social contract and a moderately strong government with the authority to regulate individual behavior

I mean sure, but being well read is conducive to being mentally developed, the two usually go hand in hand.

I believe what important is not to take everything at face value in the book, but the biggest takeaway would be to recognize that society does demonize successful people or people who want to be successful. Society ask good people to sacrifice themselves all the time, it is hypocrisy, tell someone you have ambition or you want to do things for yourself they will ostracize and insult you. Why do you think current society shames men into getting married, Example: A man value maximizes around 30-40 years if he spent his youth correctly, society expects you to settle down because it the right thing to do, produce 2.5 children with a roastie whore so that society can continue, when you break away from that status quo people start to shame you and call you childish.

> projecting this hard

Society has a legitimate interest in seeing itself perpetuated.

I don't think this current society is protecting my interest, so why should I help it continue?

This book has made me so much money.

Found the boot licking statist scum

how? I want to read it

You've never read any Ayn Rand.

The villains in that book were the heads of rival businesses trying to get handouts from the government. She thought the government shouldn't interfere in commerce because of rent-seeking but didn't give a shit about regulating personal lives.

The Enchiridion of Epictetus.

Read it and become a fucking hero.

Really thats your favorite book? Cringe

Wtf am i reading? Are you in high school?

Old man and the sea. Hemingway is great and thats my favorite of his. Good story albeit short

I finished 'Notes from the Underground'. Currently reading 'Dubliners', and I own a copy of 'Meditations' and will give that a read.



Come home white man.


Based Marcus Aurelius.

If you end up liking it also read Seneca. On the Shortness of Life is a decent place to start.



The Brothers Karamazov is really good. It is extremely dense and long. It takes multiple reading to understand fully. I do not even understand it fully, but even on my first reading, I could recognize what a tremendous work of literature it is.

Honestly I would skip atlas shrugged. Its writing is pretty bad, and it takes way to long to convey its shit message.

This should be in the Veeky Forums wiki under "starting social skills"

Meditations in on my reading list, I have so much to read and so little time. I'll probably read beyond good and evil or this spoke Zarathustra first, as I am interested in getting into niezche.

Just watch Jordan Peterson lectures on youtube you silly fucks. Enrich your mind.

Camus' The Fall

every man should read Moby Dick twice.

once before the age of 16, and a second time after the age of 21. god what a wonderful book.

Zarathustra is probably Nietzsche's most entertaining but least clear writing. Definitely start with Beyond Good and Evil.

Read a bunch when I drove trucks otr. Carried that over to now. Been reading Brave New World as of recently and have been delving into davincis notebooks.

Read a lot of Kafka, Nabakov, Lovecraft, Orwell and others before.

Never change Veeky Forums

Will do. Being an Ausfag I got the summer holidays now. Hoping to make them metal and physical gains.

Read 'Notes from the Underground'. It's considered the first existential novel, and if you like Dostoevsky you need to give it a read. It is a little difficult to read since the protagonist is an unreliable narrator.

I also read 'The Stanger'. I liked it a lot, not difficult to read or interpret.

I actually am starting Zarathustra as my first Nietzsche book. I'll have to look into your recommendation as well.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

If you like that, you should read the Phaedrus and realize the narrator was crazy and Plato was right the whole time.

The stranger is another of my favourites. It's also such a short read, you could easily read through it in an hour or so.

I've also read Notes, for me it seemed like he was describing, perfectly, the incel/r9k type. Or rather the rejected bottom-tier men of society, it was pretty startling how dead-accurate he was of their thought-processes and perspectives

Not even him, but sure. Enjoy a modern-day survival of the fittest situation.

Protip: you're probably blue collar or a student bound for a shit-tier white collar job, given your arrogance. You'd get fucking ass-raped in a pure libertarian society.

The Fountainhead was better.

How is the sound of the waves? Is this like Great Expectations but in japan, I don't know why but great expectations I read fine, but anything involving japanese literature and unrequited love will fuck me up. I don't want to be depressed for weeks.

Its the #1 guide for management. It got me a job, and probably about 3 merit raises.

>those are the people that you type with on Veeky Forums

i actually prefer to become a fag fuck than to be associated with some a*n rand reading faggots, for fucks sake

don't you have a "protest" to attend?

Count of Monte Cristo

it's also the ultimate Veeky Forums book as it is an epic story of self-improvement, foresight, revenge, and one upping all of the dicks who screwed you in the past

dont you have some cock to suck on, kike?

>revenge is good

spotted the kike

>dont you have some cock to suck on, kike?

>revenge isn't good

spotted the kike

I remember when I was in high school and thought I was special

When some nigger puts you in prison for life on falsities and steals your main bitch and oneitis while you're rotting in a hole it is very very good

im not beta enough to either have a "oneitis", or let some nigger steal my girl in first place

You guys got anymore of these philosophy books? I'm planning on ordering a bunch of these.

you're on Veeky Forums bro, try again

>implying hes wrong
>implying he didnt trigger all the normie underachievers ITT

>read while i drove

You're going to be able to do a lot about it if you're in a French dungeon right

start with the greeks

>le ur on Veeky Forums meme xD
>le only losers browse this site meme xD

believe it or not, thats wrong, i'm here because i have genuine fun browsin this and im not your average /v/irgin wasiting 24/7 of hes life here, spamming memes about video games or anime

>he doesn't read and drive

Lol virgin detected

lol this moron is from misc

Holy shit
This is projection

i woudlnt let myself enter one in first place :^)


100 Years of Solitude is my favorite but Dostoevsky is my favorite author.

Hound of the Baskervilles is an old and personal favorite.

For actual substance that's relevant I say pic related

forreal though

based loserbros

I feel like there is a fair mix of retards and insanely successful folk throughout the site.

It's in my top 5 favorite books of all time, and Mishima is in my top three authors. I love his simple, yet elegant writing style. It's similar to Hemingway, who is another one of my favorites

It has a good message about uncompromising artistic expression but can't be applied to society as a whole. Ayn Rand had spent the last eight years of her life receiving Social Security and Medicare benefits. At the time of her death, her estate was valued at $500,000

you never answered the question, is there heavy amounts of unrequited love, and does the MC get cuck? Japan is known for a bunch of melancholy ending and that shit pisses me off.

500,000 is nothing though? for such a famous author she should have been worth more.

My favorite book's The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury.

Yes user. I LITERALLY read while I drove.

The only proper question you asked, I answered.
The ending is quite happy and refreshing, and it teaches a valuable lesson.
You sound like a total pussy

She wasn't famous during her life, and in the early 80's, $500,000 as quite a lot

Kafka is the shit man. I want to be a writer like Kafka.

The Book of the New Sun.

Kafka was super fun to read. I wish he wrote more books while he was alive. But he had some issues and was quite the perfectionist with his work.

I'll have to re-read metamorphosis again. It's been a minute since I read him.

Dude write a book about yourself it would be the best one ever

Seconded. Fuck the narrator.

Fuck it's so depressing though.

favorite books and when I read them

>middle school: Count of Monte Cristo and Harry Potter shit, Stephen King
>high school: The Fountainhead, Slaughterhouse Five, East of Eden
>college: The Three Musketeers

Mein Kampf

h-how do you know user?

Wow you must be so enlightened because you like Ayn Rand

I mostly just read nonfiction. Histories mostly. Just finished Rubicon by Tom Holland. It covered pretty much all of the late republic, from Sulla to Caesar Augustus. Narrative history so it was thoroughly entertaining. Highly recommend it to anyone interested in ancient Rome.

My favorite book might be On The Origins Of War by Donald Kagan. I don't know why it's not more well known. Meanwhile shit like Guns, Germs, and Steel is force memed down everyone's throats even though it's baby shit. On The Origins of War is great and draws a lot of great comparisons and parallels between different wars and shows the mistakes that governments tend to repeat throughout history that causes them.

Why is Ayn Rand so cringy?

Ulysses desu and i would say Proteus is ny favorite chapter overall

>these heavy sands are language tide and wind have silted here

It is perfect, edgy male 16 year old-core

t. guy who was infatuated with the Fountainhead at 16

Because her 'philosophy' if you can call it that is utter trash, and the beta males and subhumans of the world eat it up. Her philosophy is much like the whole redshill movement that's been going about lately.

She was also an utter cunt irl as well.

I'd suggest just going to Nietzsche if I were you.

this post is pretty reddit desu

can you read

>muh right wing principles is cringe

Just kill yourself.

It's a shame I will never be able to thank him for the impact he has had on me.

My nigga.

From one extreme to another, his son was a total disaster for the empire.

But are you saying libertarianism is crimge? Or the way it's delivered by Rand?


Yeah, it's weird how such a great man could produce such a person. I would also thank Seneca too. whenever I'm down I tell myself "What need is there to cry at just the sad parts of life? The whole of it calls for tears"

>i mean sure, but the opposite of what I just said "I mean sure" to

so comfy to lie in bed after a workout and escape into a book

Mostly the way she delivered it. Also partially from the kind of people it attracts and influences.