We actually had a decent joke thread not too long ago and it didn't turn to cancer.
Post your funnies
Veeky Forums humor
Other urls found in this thread:
is there new stuff of the gooseman?
let me guess, rugby faggots?
>tfw you will never be as happy as a bunch of gay guys in a shower
why was i born hetero, senpai? :(
last panel got me good
I can good morning few mini plates with my dick
Im the morning that is
Last year's Veeky Forums meet up.
O-one rep taxes...
if i wanted humor.........
Wow thanks I just got promoted
Why do fucks like you give a shit about nudity on a gay bodybuilding board?
>being baited by the latest "meme"
It's at least 2 years old, m8.
>falling for something even more obvious
alpha as fuck
is the one guy on the let pissing on the others?
blue shirt guy is my hero
What did he mean by this?
Saw a guy who looked exactly like Rich Piana, only a LOT smaller (like 170-180 lbs).
I said "Hey Rich Casio", but he didn't get the joke.
this is one of the funniest greentexts on Veeky Forums
I literally lol every time I read it.
>when ur muscles so confused they don't know if ur training for strength or hypertrophy
>are you the one they call stump grinder?
my sides
this gets me every time
fuck this was really 6 years ago...
where did it all go wrong?
have never seen this one before, thanks for the rare cap.
post the webm nigger
gonna check the replies to this lol
wtf how do i see archive
anyone have that one webm of that asian woman cowering near the couch after a guy made fresh scrambled eggs
Google fit archive YOU FUCKING CHILD
can u help me find it idk how
That's a really funny image. I hope you don't mind if I save it?
haha fuck i remember all this. time flies bruhs.....
its all yours my friend
Veeky Forums + Veeky Forums best combo
Heh, been replying to threads for 6 years before someone added me to a screencap.
Your one rep max.
I have no idea what order that's supposed to be in.
Thanks, Lori
Good job guys
> .webm
>Falling for a double-incepted troll-meme
Wew lad
Literally so random heehee
Didn't realize the goose lived in Houston
My dick is calling for it user.
Don't remind me. I just want this worgless existensce to end. Pleasex,God,c help me. Why won't yoy help me?
Could be cut down to the good ones but pretty funny
...then I'd kill myself, therefore pranking myself out of existence.
Does anyone know if he made it?
Fuck me, that's good
>falling for a standard triple-troll meme chain
Found the newfag
My dick would not fit in that.
hitchhikers guides, damn.
>do nothing
>“yep, thats exactly what master wants me to do."
that guy just has big hands
How can one be such a comedy genius, while still being dumb?
What the hell? This triggered by dropping weights?
If you watch the full video, he actually had done it like 4 times and the guy in the blue is an employee and d asked him to stop multiple times
Fuck, actually read that. The guy is such a wimp and is deluding himself, actively distorting the truth about his girlfriend. She fucked behind his back and I'm not surprised. He's a fucking crybaby and let some guy take his girl to a hotel room for a shower... lel kek. This is a true beta. I'm gonna bet she left him at some point later.
I wanna see his cholesterol results.
sauce pls
Holy shit, whoever screencapped and saved this is insecure and autistic as duck.
t. OP from that thread
kek, he deserved it
>tfw was 16 when began browsing Veeky Forums
>tfw 24 and nothing has gone right so far
Fucking end my life.
Not being funny or anything but im sure this worked out well enough for the guy.
I don't know why, but the file extensions are the funniest part to me.
Seasonally appropriate
Oh shit, man. Like dropping a bomb.