Let's get a juicy humor thread going
Other urls found in this thread:
le jews are ready
If I wanted humour I'd ask for your one rep maxes
Ehh, they're a little on the burnt seid
They make me gassy
erry time
>never noticed the kettle bells joke before
Just so happens to be my favorite rowing song.
I've read this maybe 5 different times on fit and I only just realized the guy is doing squats
lets pack the old goodies out
It took me a long time of being on Veeky Forums to realize this too
Jesus fucking Christ
Sorry for the censorship.
25 days to go
kek based buff
Remember when Scooby posted here? Remember when Zyzz was relevant? Remember when this board wasn't the shithole it is now?
I was thinking this the other day too, ever since both Zyzz and scooby quit posting this board has never been the same
Fuck I miss this kunt
can somebody shoop this to avoid the race-mixing?
To my surprise when I read Moby Dick the line "Split your lungs with blood and thunder, when you see the white whale" is actually a quote from the book.
Desu this needs updating
>be 35 year old powerlifter
>wake up at 9pm, after all-night tendie bulking feast
>Oh no, gym closes at 11!
>shout for mummy to bring me my lifting gear
>"user, I'm with New Daddy right now. You're a big boy, can't you get it yourself!"
>ungrateful bitch! she knows that if I have to walk up the stairs to get my gear I'll be too winded to do my deadlift singes!
>engage operation stench press
>roll my 500 pound frame out of bed and into the kitchen
>grab some of my shit jugs and store them in between my rolls of fat
>starting to get dizzy from rolling around and vomit all over myself
>finally get to kitchen
>mummy and new daddy are playing wrestling on the table
>"user, I thought you were in your room!"
>"Mummy won't get my lifting belt, she will wish she never smelt (my diarrhea)"
>unleash torrent of chocolate poopie funtimes all over mummy and new daddy
>table collapses under the weight of my big boy poopie
>new daddy screams and starts running towards me
>little does he know the awesome strength I have built by participating in the venerable sport of powerlifting
>grab him like a twig and deadlift him off the ground
>abdominal muscles are so strong that they squeeze my stomach from the effort, propelling gallons of chunky milkshake out of my mouth
>mummy starts pleading with me and says she'll make me all the tendies i want if I just stop and be a good boy
>grab my shit jugs that i stored in my fat rolls
>pour them on mummy's head
>too late to go to the gym now
>order 500 tendies from Mickey Dee's
>can't cheat on my dirty bulk just because it's a rest day!
this one's a favorite
It's just a tan user
>the only active deity on Veeky Forums
Not anymore
I lift to feel close to zyzz... Even after he is gone he is helping us make it
We're all gonna make it brah :')
>that image
Isn't he the racist that shot up the club in Orlando?
The gay club? No that was a shitskin
I'm pretty sure that guy is a white supremacist. Maybe he was the guy in Charleston?
He did both of them. Dude needs to be brought to justice ASAP.
>splits into two substantially less buff guys which immediately hit the gym
Heh, that's kind of funny
That sick fuck.
What's his name again?
i like this. lifting is our religion.
I am glad his hateful white supremacist show got cancelled by Adult Swim. I believe in free speech, but it has to be responsible speech.
I can't tell if you're kidding or not
/pol/ memes are just 2dank4u
You have to go back
>I hear the woman asking to show my abs, confirming the fact that I do go to the gym
Wow this genuinely made me sad
I wasn't sure if you were actually a fan of Sam and were ironically calling him a terrorist, or if you just read the dumb Buzzfeed shit about how he's a white supremacist
Dont be too sad. It's a dude
Fucking good one.