ITT: times we felt alpha as fuck
>be 19 years old
>currently "making it"
>going out clubbing for bestfriends gf b'day
>her 22 year old brother and his gf is coming with a bunch of other friends
>take off jacket to start dancing
>reveal my fucking gains
>can't help noticing she keeps checking me out/slapping my ass
>thinking I must be autistic
>"s-shes just being friendly user"
>fuck this
>give her qt fuccboi eyebrow raise and leave to go sit down by myself
ITT: times we felt alpha as fuck
Other urls found in this thread:
I smiled at the cashier at the 711 today
When you don't prewrite
Fell for the b8.
Guys, don't give him (You)'s
OK.... Go on
cant take the risk
>sit down
>can see the brothers gf's head walking towards me
>what the fuck
>she sits down next to me
>before I can say anything autistic to her the brother comes over and literally sits right between us
>can hear qt bro gf huff and puff across the sofa
>she leaves
>"hey user can you stay away from qt3.14 gf?"
>tell him to fuck off
>walk away
>can see the gf at the bar with other girls right ahead
>slap her ass
>my best friends gf and her brother fucking hate me now hehe
Give me my fucking (You) I'm alpha now
Nice autism