This picture is a quote from Richard Spencer today. He is the ideological leader of the alt-right. There are no other large political movements in the USA that shame fat people. This is the audio of him doing it. It's much more impressive.
Chad Nationalism
And, you like this guy? You want to follow a guy this fucking insecure?
The only Richard I like is Richard from whatsapp
>this insecure
You fix fat people by pushing their insecurity.
This guy won my respect with that shit, he needs more charisma though.
I agree with you on that, but it's not how you fix public policy, you ding dong. I doesn't matter how charismatic he is, he's a fucking nazi.
>he's a fucking nazi
>implying there's anything wrong with this
Natt Danelaw is only true Veeky Forums altright faggot
But user, CHAD eats PIZZA
It's growing harder and hard to tell the difference between dumb teenagers who think it's funny to pretend to be a nazi and actual nazis.
>no shirtless pics of him
>fat bloated cheeks
>no chin
He's a dyel skinny fat Manlet. Don't be fooled.
Besides conservitards are hardly the party of healthy people. They're all fucking fat asses. Obama was at least thin and his wife tried to get fat Americans to eat vegetables. Meanwhile trump is a fatass who eats cheese burgers and KFC. find me one liberal as fat and disgusting as Chris Christie
You're impressed by bullying?
>You fix fat people by pushing their insecurity.
How do we fix you?
Alex Jones is gonna have a heart attack on-air any day now, you heard it here first.
Micheal Moore but I see your point, seeing Mike Huckabee or newt Gingrich on screen makes me throw up in my mouth.
>upset fattie
Listen son, it's either you inspire them or pressure them through shaming.
An arrogant individual responds more to shaming because he wants to prove the world wrong. With inspiration, they want to prove themselves wrong.
You ever been fat before?
There are so many nationalist conservative types on this very board, i've seen it in fraud and plg for sure.
Obama was one of those guys who go to the gym but only do cardio with some light dumbbell work. He wasn't into fitness at all and is essential dyel. He looks more ripped than he is because he has god suits.
Liberal types are of two main types one where they starve themselves and play videogames eating shit which is just as bad as being fat, or they are the beta orbiter/triglypuff types that play identity politics to justify being fat or to appeal for sex.
Quit posting this retard, he's as bad as Milo was.
Nothing but controlled opposition to help the media push their "literally hitler" memes
>Hmm, how can we show the world that young right-wing reactionaries should be taken seriously?
>I'll proclaim myself the leader of them and make people do a Roman salute and say "hail Trump" at a highly publicized rally
You mean neo-nazis. Most "nazis" today are retarded, and have a poor understanding of the scientific, cultural and political beliefs that make up National Socialism.
Do conservitards realize that when they claim everything is a conspiracy theory they come off like Muslims denying that their cousins are terrorists?
>being a weightlifter who would pass out after 20 seconds of pick up basketball is the ultimate goal of fitness.
Kay fatass.
>not liking bullying
>Nothing but controlled opposition to help the media push their "literally hitler" memes
He's the guy who came up with the term Alt-Right and pushed for white rights and race realism in a palatable manner years before the rally, faggot. He has no fucking allegiance or ties to your "young right-wing reactionary" crap.
>projecting this hard
Veeky Forums is a Bernie board
Fuck off conservafaggots . Trailer park trash don't work out and are dyel obese faggots
>cherry picking
Fuck you.
I'm a gay jew and I outlift that beta faggot. Can't wait for his racewar of cucked betas vs everyone else
>Veeky Forums is a Bernie board
>the right is anything but fatasses
>Chad Nationalism
Not even going to read thread or your image. This is terrible. There is no reason to be proud of Chad, it's a shitty country. few gyms and most only have the minimum equipment. Very glad I moved to Kenya, much better here. Chad Nationalism will never be real because Chad is a terrible country. Thanks.
Such polarizing stereotypes on both ends, why can't being Veeky Forums transcend the political spectrum on this board? It does in real life, you'll meet a juiced up muscle pig who looks and sounds like Rich Piana that raves about killing muslims, walling the border and launching nukes, as you will find swole as pacifist limp wristed literal homos and everything in between.
This divisiveness is what is catapulting us into a WWIII scenario and you'd think the internet would destroy such a progression, not fan the flames
I may be a bigger fag than OP but at least in the USA we should foster a sense of fraternal peace and understanding
He isn't the leader of the movement.
The "alt-right" is just given to a group of people the msm can't quite comprehend outside of their Jewish mentality.
FUCK OFF and stop spreading this misinformation
I can't wait until the tides of history turn once again and the 4th Reich finishes you off permanently you filthy jewish kike
>Very glad I moved to Kenya, much better here
>nigger country
That's literally what you did
>The joke
>Your head
Blackest states in the Union, and blacks vote Democrat.
>alt right
they have little to do with nazims. alt right despises socialism
What a whiny accent
That's not chad
>he's a fucking nazi
How are you any different than Carl the Cuck, or Aids Skirrlex, you fucking beta cuck?
Fat libcucucks crying
Alt-right started as a group for white nationalist interests. That was entire point of being ''alt'' right. That was why cuckservative became a term to mock republicans who were afraid to speak out against BLM and other kike shit.
This shit didn't start on /pol/ with everyone from libertarians to monarchists trying to get a say, it started years ago on Counter Currents/Radix Journal/Amren etc.
Man, you big government "conservatives" are such a joke.
Politics has no place regulating whether people are fat or not; I don't care if someone else is fat as long as I don't have to pay for it in any way.
You people who bend the knee and hope Trump will ban everything you don't like are just edgy Democrats.
No it isn't. He said that Obama is a cardiotwink dyel, which he is.
fucking this
you're too irrelevant to even insult
what percentage of primary votes did your boy get? 2?
>Veeky Forums is a Bernie board
When did the doctor give your parents the diagnosis?
>it's a socialists pretend to care about the impoverished working class unless they're white episode
> being this retarded
uhh, white people can't be poor, haven't you heard
>D+C word games
Actual fascists don't care about shit like that breh. Culture is more important than economic policy.
Rand Paul is a Republican, and you're conflating actual small-government republicanism with the Dude Weed LMAO Party, presumably because you don't know anything about politics. Also, you're ignoring my argument in favour of arguing with a reaction pic.
Your "boy" is a big-government Democrat who said some tough things about immigration and you fell for it. Do massive infrastructure projects strike you as conservative? How about economic protectionism?
>Do massive infrastructure projects strike you as conservative? How about economic protectionism?
You're arguing against basic bitch 2008 conservatism, not nationalist populism or fascism, which don't give a fuck if the government is small but if it is working in the best interest of the ethnos.
Oh, right, I hadn't realised you guys had started admitting your candidate was a sham.
No, you just don't realize that both you and the beltway conservatives have been forced out of power. You're as sad as the liberals still arguing with GWB.
>ideological leader
No, he's not.
Anonymous is the ideological leader.
Anyone who says otherwise is trying to shill.
then don't call nationalism nazizm, because you seem like a retard then
>Culture is more important than economic policy.
you're retarded. Millions of people died of hunger because of economic policies of communists.
>you're retarded. Millions of people died of hunger because of economic policies of communists.
Those economic policies were just cover for genocides.
Can you name the things he and Fuhrer Trump have done that even remotely mimic National Socialism besides have a leader that won political office because people were tired of the shit going on?
Protip: Wanting to enforce immigration is not racism. Countries are not races. Religions are not races.
There is literally nothing wrong with "racism." Racism is just in-group preference and out-group heuristics.
only because he will OD on Super Male Vitality
I just don't want to see him roiding with any goblins.
The genocides were cover for the failure of the economic policies.
>"I meant to do that," said Stalin as millions of Ukrainians starved to dead
>he's a fucking nazi.
Not an arguement
made my fucking day
he's /ourguy/
I wish people would stop throwing around labels and generalizations, especially this whole liberal/conservative thing in the USA, as if politics were a black and white option between those two loosely defined ideologies.
Firstly, it perpetuates the idea that there are only two valid parties. Secondly, it creates an us vs them mentality. Thirdly, because there are a perceived lack of options when voting your president, when big movements start gaining momentum they bubble up and take over politics completely, i.e. this alt-right shit who voted for a reality tv show personality.
In my country the alt-right votes were siphoned off into an alt-right party. They have been exerting political pressure, yet they don't have a chance in hell of landing the spot in my country's highest office. That's how a democracy should work.
I'm just glad I live in a modern democracy.
this guy is a faggot Im literally starting to think he is controlled opposition
but the quote is based
>he is a nazi
>unironically comparing someone to people who dont tolerate a difference of belief because you cant tolerate their belief
>not taking the iron pil
No shit. Some self important nobody embodies "the alt right" (which is made up and gay) like a month after msm labels it and gets some people to throw some "sieg heils" at a "Trump event".
Controlled opposition 5sure
>listen son
and i was a husky kid for sure, got dealt my fair share of bullying
but none of that got me in shape. what got me in shape was joining the gymnastics team in high school and being surrounded by supportive teammates who pushed me to run faster, do more pullups, pushups, hold handstands longer, and push myself. not what i would call bullying; rather, having actual friends who train alongside you
that was 16 years ago and i've had a deep LOVE of training ever since
it's called being a leader. this dude is not a leader, he is an insecure closet case with delusions of grandeur
>Hitler was just controlled opposition
>Hitler was just used by the jews to discredit nazism
>Anyone willing to work for their belief is just faking it
This is how you sound
Pick one, shitskin
riddle me this, why are blacks so up in arms about police killing which is statistically minuscule about 3 in a million instead of heart disease and diabetes which also kills them at a disproportional rate but its more like 3000 in a million
Back to /pol. And stay there.
I mean had you even heard of "le alt right" or whoever the faggot in OP pic is before a few months ago? It's not an ideology, it's a stupid lumping of people's ideas into a controllable group cause it's bad and scary
Look at the thread, you're outnumbered faggot.
/pol/ pls go
Nobody wants any white nationalism on Veeky Forums. Facism is failed economic and cultural policy.
>BLM and other kike shit
What do jews have to do with BLM?
Anyone can fatshame
But putting fatties to shame with your body is much harder
That's what I like about The Golden One or whatever his name is, he's fit (even disregarding the TRT)
Nah he's not.
You have to go back.
>Americans die by the thousands to stop nazism
>seventy years later their grandchildren sit at their computers and say that perhaps it wasn't so bad after all
I'm pretty sure he's just a white nationalist
>americans die by the thousands to stop nazism
>seventy years later their grandchildren chop their dicks off, die their hair pink, and applaud as their own race goes extinct
You could have prevented this
The behaviour you describe is not the mainstream, though. And how the hell is pink hair dye something to worry about?
muh degeneracy
That picture is in no way a response what I was saying.
You believe Jewish run media? Literally the only race to have ever had any historical quarrel with Muslims? You believe what THEY say about Muslims?
Rape has never been commonplace in pretty much any Muslim country. Rapists are commonly known to be tortured and abused. Furthermore, Quran says some pretty nasty things about rape. It's crazy how they decided to all just abandon their views and start raping vehemently.
Oh and, that propaganda about Mohammed marrying his wife at age 6 is a commonly acknowledged lie.
Remember when /pol/ wasn't about just being violent blindly and was about political beliefs? You're cancer.
>he's as bad as Milo was.
lolwut? no
lol, come at us brah. i'd love to see a "war" between the anti-gun faggot urbanite leftists and rightwing rural rednecks.