Why are abs such a chore to workout?

Why are abs such a chore to workout?

Toning is a meme, dude is just more cut on the right

>abs are made in the kitchen
There, I posted it because I know someone will

>abs are made in the kitchen
There, I posted it because I know someone will

>abs are made in the kitchen
There, I posted it because I know someone wil

Generally that's what normies actually mean. They just don't know the right word

>abs are made in the kitchen
There, I posted it because I know someone will

>made in the kitchen are abs
I know someone will posted it there, I

Did yall know abs are made in kitchen who knew?

Because they're completely unnatural. The body is meant to carry the last of the excess fat in the stomach area. Abs only became a thing in the past 50 years as women have gawked at professional athletes and determined that they would accept no less.

Just be lucky women don't expect a toned ass...
The "best" body builders in the world practically have no body fat, so little that even their butt fat is gone and their asses look like muscles. At least the women's expectations of Abs is possible natty (I think?), I'm not so sure you could natty get a fatless-ass even if you worked at it constantly..

>abs are made in the kitchen
I posted because it know, someone will there

>calls "toning" a meme that only clueless people use
>unironically uses "cut" as a descriptive word

You're a fuckin idiot.

when did Veeky Forums become /reddit/?

>completely unnatural
>only became a thing in the past 50 years

Found the DYEL

>t. triggered newfag who uses buzzwords


Is she trying to justify being fat by calling herself a whale?

You do realize he's just flexing on the right picture, right?

>abs are made in an UGL
There, I posted it because I know someone will

Watch the video

I think he means cut as in cut back on calories and not w.e the fuck you're thinking faggot

>abs are made in photoshop
there i said it i know someone else will

>balls hang lower than dick

disgusting, he's never going to make it


I really like working abs though. One of my favorites.

We don't have blubber though. The kind of blubber seals and such have contain a lot more blood vessels from what I remember.

>what is DNP

Litteral 2 weeks progress

abs are made in the kitchen
>There, I posted it because I know someone will

>abs are made in the kitchen
it's not true though, you also have to train them.

fat cunt

>op makes pun on chore/core
>people start discussing it seriously and going full reddit

>abs are made in the kitchen
Someone posted this therefore I will

This is how Heracles looked like before he hoped onto that ambrosia juice

you're the fucking idiot, get the fuck off the board


Dude on right is dehydrated and probably on tren

Bodybuilder glutes are disgusting.
A nice round, smooth butt is attractive, there has to be some fat

oddly enough though i didnt want to cut so i but people kept saying stuff like 'yeah your muscular but you need to train your abs'
so i did on my two rest days i would do half an hour of abs and i got quite a decent 6 pack although my bodyweight remained pretty much the same

>don't work out at all
>get visible abs
I pity fags who bust their asses and gulp down nasty proteins for this shit.


Calls tone a "meme"
Use Cut incorrectly in the same sentence.

I think it's more like clueless fucktards who want to seem more knowledgeble then they really are shit on the word "tone".
Even though it is an actual word that is used in medical science for centuries.
But have no problem with using the modern gym lingo of "cut" as if it is some greater descriptor.

I think everyone here are just a bunch of fucktarded parrots who simply recite whatever is posted enough times here because it saves them the effort of having to think.

Problem is that you have to think to get the most basic fitness knowledge out of this board.

>>don't work out at all
What are you doing on Veeky Forums then?

Medical scientist here. Clinically, muscle tone only comes into play if someone is either very sick or very old. For a healthy adult, basal muscle tone is not modified by diet or exercise (though it can be by some stimulants)

I'm trying to figure out how to stop being a skeleton.
Only my legs and abs are muscular.

>I'm trying to figure out how to stop being a skeleton.
Maybe working out will help.

Having visible abs when you're emanciated is the same as having big tits if you're a hamplanet, it doesn't count.

>Medical scientist here. Clinically, muscle tone only comes into play if someone is either very sick or very old. For a healthy adult, basal muscle tone is not modified by diet or exercise (though it can be by some stimulants)

That's not what muscle tone means.
It's litterally how strong/dense/large HEALTHY the muscle is.
I have no idea what in the fuck you're talking about, and I suspect you don't either.

Muscle tone refers to resting tauntness.

Which shows...
Go on...

Basal nervous stimulation



working out abs doesn't get you toned, tone is a high ratio of muscle to fat.

triggered dyel who uses buzzwords

No it's more like high sugar/simple carb diets became more popular in the last century. See

The left side looks much better though.

Anybody else look like right in the morning then left before bed? Do I need to drink more water or something?

Because you don't do them consistently enough. You do them once every 2 weeks and every time it sucks. Your abs are not being conditioned properly or else it would suck significantly less.

That feel when ancient Greeks and Roman's used sculptures to represent ultra realistic/unobtainable body physiques

I hate every ab exercise except the ab wheel.

you get dehydrated while you sleep and have not eaten yet so you will look smaller. you could drink more water before bed but that could cause you wake up in the middle of the night since you could have to pee.

It "doesn't count" for guys

I don't care about impressing guys though

abs on a skinny guy are like tits on a fat chick.

But I wanna look like the right all the time

I hate literally every single ab exercise. I hate DOMS in my abs more than anywhere on my body. Fuck the six-pack. If I eat right it's going to show up anyways.

