Does anybody feel like life is a constant and unbearable struggle when it should be easier?
Does anybody feel like life is a constant and unbearable struggle when it should be easier?
I blame white people for this
used to when I was a sad cunt.
you have to go back.
How do normies do it?
Word why is life so fucking hard?
I blame jews, niggers, and everyone brown for this
I guess i can relate
All the things i achieve and the progress i make dont really give me a reward
Im getting closer to my goal body but dating is still impossible
Im getting closer to my degree, dating is still impossible
Im getting closer to financial independence, dating is still impossible
I think its lack of visible progress, readjust your focus and see where things actually do get easier and you might regain hope OP
Yup makes sense as the jews push their agendas to keep the whites down, but they are losing their power more and more
Go back where? I'm a native american
Back into the mass grave with you. Or Oklahoma.
Same thing, really.
we are all part of the gimme-gimme self-entitled generation who expects everything for nothing
to your casinos and free shit.
How much money does the government pay you for being an unemployed Native American in USA?
Honestly life is only as bad as you make it out to be
>job with great coworkers
>landed internship
>family has money
>haven't done stupid shit to ruin my life like have a kid at 19
>have friends in uni
Yet the only thing that makes me a sad sack of shit is being stuck on my ex.
stop showing off asshole.
I'm just saying, don't take what you have for granted. It can be worse.
>mfw no matter what, life ends someday
I just want to enjoy life for once man.
i know this feel, only thing that makes me sad is being stuck on my ex and not having uni friends (although i haven't had the chance to make friends at uni cause i blew a semester off pretty much). other than all that im pretty well off
Yes. You have to embrace and accept this. You have have forgotten that the life of an animal (which is what we are) is fraught with struggle and discomfort at every turn. To look your fate in the eyes and stand resolute in the face of your own utterly inescapable suffering and eventual death is what makes you a man, worthy of his ancestors.
I watched Planet Earth II and I thought that with our intelligence we would be able to live without suffering by now.
Our intelligence didn't rid us of our suffering, it only caused a different kind of suffering.
Look at dogs. They're dumb as shit, and will fuck anything that moves. They're happy as shit.
Meanwhile, we're the smartest species on the planet, and we're suffering while shitposting on the fitness section of a Uzbekistani Shadow Puppet forum.
Pain/suffering makes one acutely aware and conscious. Its a cliché I guess, but what would life be without pain? Happiness and suffering are mutually inclusive (did I use that term right?). So in order to enjoy happiness (or to be aware that it is in fact happiness you're feeling), you have to endure a fair amount of pain.
I feel that the suffering is disproportionately huge compared to the happiness and often times the latter doesn't even exist.
True, well, what can I say other than paraphrase Schopenhauer: "life is shit"
Nut up butter cup.
>Does anybody feel like life is a constant struggle?
Yes, everyone on the planet because it is
>Does anybody feel like life is a unbearable struggle?
No, just you depressed losers, you procrastinators and you people who are scared of discomfort
>when it should be easier?
No, no matter how easy it is we're all on a level playing field. You're just a lot more of a pussy or a lot worse at life than everyone else.
What is the point of reality? Why all this bullshit needs to happen? Why do I have to be conscious? Don't people realize that we are stuck in this materialistic decaying society? You are literally created as a pawn that is feed just enough hope to cope with the game and life's suffering so you can be just one more cog in the machine. I find utterly depressing that i MUST go to uni, struggle to get a non shitty degree, struggle to get a job, struggle to get Veeky Forums, struggle to get a quality wife, struggle raising my kids so they can go to uni and repeat the cycle. Really WHAT THE FUCK? Does accomplishing bullshit just for the dopamine/serotonine makes all this hazzle worth?
I've looked into the void when i was young and since then i've never been the same
Psychologically speaking, negative aspects outweigh positive aspects in the human mind.
Basically, you will experience less from an accomplishment than from something bad that happened in your life.
>Yes, everyone on the planet because it is
trust fund kids seem to have fun
Mortal life is inherently unfulfilling, you have to go beyond that.
Thanks for the virus. Just another thing to ruin my ruined day.
They used to be called yuppies and they've been suicidal and depressed a lot longer than the rest of society
That's what poorfags and working class wageslaves say to make themselves feel better.
I don't know but I want to find out
By jumping off a bridge?
>No, no matter how easy it is we're all on a level playing field.
You're a fucking moron.
You either started building steps years ago or you didn't. A stairway without steps is slide and lemme tell ya, it's hard to fight gravity.
stop talking in metaphors you asshat
Why browns? What did we do?
I use toilets. I'm American, dammit. Most brown girls go for white guys.
Life sux for me, but I can't really blame other races. Tired of excuses.
He's just looking for a scapegoat to blame for his shit life that he won't take responsibility for.
How can I find strength? Mental strength I mean.
>Does anybody feel like life is a constant and unbearable struggle when it should be easier?
it is a constant struggle. who told you it should be easy?
>family has money
You act like this is something you did lol
T-there is no reason it should be this hard...
Damn, he looks like he's seen some shit.
>do wagecuck/college first 2 years
>fuck the struggle is real
>join military
>loads of benefits
>making bank
>comfy af
>stress completely gone
>learn discipline
Been in 3 years. Someone shoulda told me it was this good
I do too frankly. Even they themselves hate the system they built.
Which country's military though.
~$30,000 if you don't have any kids
Could be worse but hard to live off of desu
currently a whipping boy in the hospital doing triage/whatever doc tells me
30K a year is more than enough to live comfortably you self entitled shit. Your kind are no different from niggers.
You get no freedom though. Pass.
Go back to fucking /pol/ you easily bated moron
I just stay home and jack off. A lot.
Nah I'm just jealous that there are people out there who have it easy while I struggle with bad genes and poor upbringing.
how can I become a normal human bean?
work 6am-5pm, weekends off
That's more free than my last job of 7am-8pm being a wagecuck. Don't have to worry about bills/taxes/nignogs robbing my house.
What user posted could be interpreted by a faggy cuck like this
>OK job with co-workers always bothering me
>landed a fucking internship. I could do better, fucking Jews
>implying fit
>family is greedy
Lel can't think of one for this one
>have only 5 friends in uni
Fagott. I was born to a broken and poor family while being emotionally unstable, ugly and retarded. Once I overcame all those obstacles there was nothing in this world which could bring me down again
Fight Faggot, you have everything to win but nothing to lose
Opposite problem - have a decent job, degree, gf, apartment. I actually feel like it's too easy, like I don't deserve it. Lifting weight is the only time I'm ever challenged