Are chiropractors a scam?
Are chiropractors a scam?
nah but ur mum was last night
>people's magazine
You're worse than the faggot nu-males that read and quote buzzfeed
>t. chiropractor
100% scam
You're better off seeing a physical therapist and looking up good myofascia release technique.
Hope you get yourself unsnapped up user.
I treat my chiropractor as a less effective masseuse. Go in there expecting them to make you feel good for a little while, and believe the adjustments that they make actually make you feel better, and usually it does.
Last time I was in there though their suggestion to my knee pain was to stop squatting, so meh
Chiropractors are NOT doctors. You're essentially paying money for a guy to crack your back. People swear by it, but medically it has no real benefits. It's a placebo. They wear white coats to fool you, if they walked into any hospital wearing a white jacket actual doctors would laugh them out of the building. They are charlatans. It's bad enough when they do "Adjustments" on your spine but never let them near your neck. They don't know what the fuck they are doing.
Think it depends on the guy but in general they're all shite.
I found one eventually that was a really good guy and gave me tons of helpful advice. Gave me recommendations to other doctors when he thought he wasn't helping enough.
>Gave me recommendations to other doctors when he thought he wasn't helping enough.
That's common because they realize they can be sued. How many multiple "maintenance" visits did you have to go through first before he told you to see a doctor?
Jewish Spine Shamans are 100% legit.
>Jewish Spine Shamans
kek I'm gonna use this
they have doctorate degrees. doctors of osteopathy also use chiropractic techniques, and they're medical doctors. you're tarded.
Hm. About once a month I think.
In the beginning it was several times and then after he did an exam, he said it looked like things were better so I came in once a month or so.
>doctors of osteopathy are medical doctors
they have D.O.'s, so no, they are not. I can get a doctorate in gender studies, that doesn't make me a worthwhile human being
>they have doctorate degrees.
No they don't they are not medical doctors, however for insurance purposes, some states consider chiropractors health care providers. It's a load of horse shit.
Their major claims are 100% snake oil.
That said, having your joints popped feels amazing and releases endorphins. I've often had migraines and a cute neck pain I managed to get over thanks to the relaxation kickstart from a chiro.
Placebo is also a real effect that can heal you and a chiro is a great place to get it.
It's a shame they have to support their mysticism. I just pick ones that do less of that garbage and include more PT style massage and such. I also wish they'd quit pretending to be docs and charging doc rates. You can learn to pop joints well and safely in a few months.
Not at all. I used to notice my left side was performing better than my right.
Turns out my entire right lat was out of place. Chiro moved it through my back and then gave me some medication to take a few times a day.
Been better ever since.
Also, if you're a man and have tight calves, get a sports massage just on them. I've broken my arm, I've had open-body surgery and had to learn to walk again, I've fallen off a ski-lift, I've had a trapped nerve in my neck for a week where even the slightest movement caused excruciating pain, but NOTHING was as painful as a sports massage on my fucking calves.
They have meme degrees and learn a bunch of voodoo bullshit. DOs learn all the same shit MDs do, but also manipulation (which 90% never use again after matching a residency). Chiropractors are not comparable. They do not go to real medical school, they do not learn evidence based medicine, they do not complete a residency, they do not pass medical licensing exams, and they are not licensed to practice medicine. They're literal memes in white coats.
>Chiropractor fags will defend this
Depends on what you are there for. They aren't doctors (no matter what they try to say) but can still help depending on the situation.
I put more stock in a legit physical therapist, as they tend to have a better understanding as to how to treat the problem completely. Not just make the symptoms go away for a while
Use to find good ones.
Srs had a fucked up ac joint. 3 different doctors told me to get surgery. Went to one of the chiros and pts from the site. Instantly 85% better. Was back to 100% within a month. Shorter recovery time than the surgery by over a month. Well worth it. If you go to a doctor you need to visit one that actually practices medicine on athletes. Not couch potatoes
wew is this what you tell yourself? How much money did you sink into this quackery?
CIDF Shill
Chiropractors provide a temporary fix to a problem, there is nothing wrong with this assuming you are aware that an adjustment is temporary. A good physical therapist will treat the source of the problem, thus resulting in a more long term fix of whatever the issue is. Theres nothing wrong with going to a chiropractor as long as you're aware of what their services entail.
They are generally far less regulated than MDs, and run the full range from 100% quack to 100% legit. The ones that actually rely on real medical science can do amazing things. Stay away from the yellow pages, get a referral from your physician.
In general, if somebody doesn't have an ", M.D" after their name or works directly beneath someone who does (nurse, nurse practicioner, physical therapist, etc.) then don't let them get within a mile of your body especially not your goddamn SPINE
chiropractors are harmless witch doctors/snake oil salesmen along the lines of homeopaths AT BEST and extremely dangerous anf manipulative to your health and wallet alike at worst.
Dumb fucking normies love to act like they know about medicine and their own body just because it's theirs even though they know nothing about it and have no training. We're only a couple centuries removed from literally cutting people and bleeding them out becaude we thought blood took up too much room in the body that there wasn't enough room for bile.
The average fucktard has EVEN LESS of an understanding of medicine than civil war doctors who amputated bare handed without anesthetic or sterilization, since they could at least had an understanding of anatomy and knew where their damn heart and kidneys actually WERE.
"Adjustments" are just cracking your back or neck, they don't actually do anything other than feel good "like I'm being loosened up". It's a placebo. People pay money for this thinking it will fix their problems. It doesn't.
not if you only pay half
Thanks for the history lesson you clueless moron
You're telling me that
aren't legit?
Buahaha, fucking idiots trust doctors with everything, surgery fixes everything, lol.
My experience was actually pretty positive, though I did my research and got a good referral from a friend.
I fucked up my lats/neck doing lat raises for the first time in a while, and I could literally only look straight because turning my head in any other direction was extremely painful.
I paid out of pocket, and the first evalution + xray was around $270. I felt immediately better after my first adjustment, and I went there maybe 8 times over the next month and a half. Every adjustment past the evaluation was a flat $39.
The guy had ~20 years experience, a lot which was working with professional athletes. I definitely had a positive experience, but the guy and his nurses told me all about some horror stories that went down with phony chiros.
tldr; treat it like a more in depth and pinpoint massage, do your research VERY well, but if you seriously fuck something up, just go to a legit doctor
This is not true. Joint Mobilizations (adjustments) have plenty of benefits. Even mobilizing a joint without getting crepitus (popping) is just a beneficial to the mobility of that joint as doing the same mobilization with a pop according to most recent studies. The problem with chiropractors is, like I stated before, that they are only treating the problem in a temporary way, not the source of the problem. Humans fall out of postural alignment for many reasons (trauma, muscle imbalance, lifestyle, etc...) there's no denying that. A chiro can temporarily put you back in position, whereas a PT can put you back into position while simultaneously treating the source of your postural deficit, thus increasing your chances of success in the long run.
This guys videos are god-tier.
Even if you're not about that chiro life, I still think you have to admit that there is something incredibly satisfying about that popping sound.
>[Conclusion] Manual therapy using joint mobilization techniques and flexion-distraction techniques is considered an effective intervention for addressing low back pain and disc heights in patients with chronic low back pain.
Choi, J. , Hwangbo, G. , Park, J. , & Lee, S. (2014). The effects of manual therapy using joint mobilization and flexion-distraction techniques on chronic low back pain and disc heights. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 26(8), 1259-1262.
D.o's dont know shit. Source currently attending Caribbean medical school know lots of esoteric facts about medical history like blood letting and civil war amputation.
Staged. If you're in acute pain and the person you see can't even write prescriptions then no, he's not a doctor.
There is no evidence that adjustments fix anything. Sure they feel good. Saying they make you more mobile is more onto that placebo make believe shit people swear by. No major, legitimate, respected, university in the country teaches chiropractic "medicine". What does that tell you?
>it isn't placebo, here's a badly controlled study with no placebo group and shit power
really gets my noggin joggin
Wait, so she was a chiropractor or she was a scam?
...Or was she both?
I don't care if it's real or not it works for me.
if you have a severe, irreparable back issue (disc degeneration/damage, neurological issues), visits to an experienced chiro will help relieve pain temporarily.
for any other purpose, they are useless
Only in your mind
My mom has been taking me to a chiropractor since I was six years old because she had a lot of back problems at a young age from car crashes and injuries, and I still have fucking APT. Up until recently I had all sorts of postural problems too, like forward head, rolled forward shoulders, and I fixed it all myself in a few months. I'd say yes, they are a scam, because they charge like $100 a pop and don't do shit except press your back for 45 seconds.
That's fucking brutal. Sorry bud.
>Are chiropractors a scam?
They are properly called masseuses.
I wouldn't say brutal, just more like concrete evidence that it's a complete waste of time and money if you can go to one since childhood and still be no better off than the average 20 something American that sits a lot every day. I literally did more for my posture in 2-3 months after watching some youtube videos on how to stand straight and have good posture than over like 15 years of chiropractor visits.
>15 years of chiropractor visits
How often did you go and how expensive was all that if you had to ballpark it?
At least once every 3 months, but insurance had covered it all up until recently so it's not bad. I stopped going because lol fuck that but my mom still pays like $85 out of pocket as often as she can afford it.
Well how many people have you seen a chiropractor fix compared to how many go back every couple weeks for maintenance? I don't believe they do anything but that's just me senpai
Chiropractors are quacks. The CORE of chiropractic is based on vertebral subluxation...
To normal science subluxation describes a type of slight dislocation of something like a disc or bone or otherwise.
Well that sounds good except chiropractic is based on some bullshit subluxation that doesn't fucking exist. IT DOESN'T. It is some ethereal force that can't be proven. Wiki statement on it is this: " The chiropractic vertebral subluxation complex has been a source of controversy since its inception in 1895 due to the lack of empirical evidence for existence and its metaphysical origins and claims of far reaching effects on health and disease. Although some chiropractic associations and colleges support the concept of subluxation,[1] many in the chiropractic profession reject it and shun the use of this term as a diagnosis[1][4] In the United States and in Canada the term nonallopathic lesion may be used in place of subluxation."
Read more, its bullshit. AND what is MANY?
So who believes this? fucking idiots. Who rejects this? everyone else. So this is an argument in and out of the chiropractic field. Outside?We all know its bullshit. But what about inside? Who subscribes to the idiocy that some unknown ethereal force is magically causing everything wrong with you all the way to GI cancers, but no one can measure this in any way and only 20 sessions at 75 bucks a pop will fix it!?!? 76.5% of chiropractors teach that there is a relationship between spinal subluxations and internal health and that subluxation is a significant contributing factor in 62.1% of visceral ailments. The overwhelming majority of respondents (88.1%) said they want to retain the term "vertebral subluxation complex" and 89.8% opposed limiting use of chiropractic adjustments to treatment of musculoskeletal problems."
So easily 3/4 of chiropractors subscribe a theory that has a 100+ years of examination and doesn't do anything of the sort.
Even if you get a chiropractor that does a good stretch, there's a 75% change he buys into voodoo.
I had no feeling in my right arm (After getting progressivly worse for 3 months), got some MRI's of my neck done and went to a chiropractor.
Literally first adjustment and it went back to normal.
Instant feeling in fingers, tension headache gone.
Yeah physical therapy is going to create long lasting stability, but chiro's are the magicians some people need
No. People claim there is no benefit and its pseudo science but my mom has a herniated disc and a chiropractor is the only thing that ever helps her pain. Maybe theres no science to it but she will keep doing as its the only thing short of surgery that will help.
Most of them claim they can heal any disease and fix any part of your body by popping your back in a certain place. Yes, they are a scam.