What would be the bare minimum height to be a Chad if you had everything else i.e. face, frame, muscles ?
Minimum height to be a Chad
Tall enough not to ask
So I'll never be a Chad at 6'0 ?
>feels bad man
Unmemeronically you actually won't. Universal Chad height in the Oxford dictionary starts at 6'2"
like 5'10 i reckon, being based and alpha is more important than height anyway, to girls any man over 5'9 towers over them
>posting cute homosexuals instead of Chads
Post more of him tho.
Alright nvm, I actually didn't want to be one that much anyway. There are more interesting things to pursue in life
5'9"-5'10" as long as you're good looking and fit.
>tfw gay twink
>tfw strong alpha guys fetichize you so they feel less guilty with themselves for being gay
6'2" is the new manlet cutoff, sorry.
I know this feel.
>you will never spitroast and sodomize a big 6'4 muscular chad with another twink,
Why live?
Manlets detected
6'9'' is the official cutoff, anything below that is midget tier
Height doesn't matter.
>I'm 5'7 (171cm)
>live with parents
>still in full time education at 29
>hairline has receded an inch since 22
>slightly above average facial aesthetics (boyish face)
>5+ years lifting, 10% body-fat
>still get pussy on a weekly basis from minimum 5/10s, I don't fuck fat women, period.
Meanwhile my brother is a year older than me, earns 6 figures as a entrepreneur helping people getting started in the film/music industry, is 6'3, doesn't lift and is obese and a virgin. Even though he is tall, has amazing social skills, and is rich for his age, women are still repulsed by his fatness. He works with a lot of young attractive women trying to "make it" in those industries as well, so it isn't like he isn't surrounded by women all the time, he can get them moving up with connections he knows, but he can't actually ever fuck them himself. I can only imagine how much pussy he would get if he started lifting and lost the fat:
>tfw its 2016 but you're still in the closet because your family would hate you
It's probably for the better, I'm sure gay dudes are all mean.
Post more Chads
6 feet to be a chad
your family is shit
No they're pretty sweet, I wish I wasn't a faggot :(
if they will hate you because you're gay then they are shit
Are you a cute twink? Because I mean if you are we're like 66.6% of the way there.
If you have to ask, you're not a chad. Chad is not aware he us the same as a gorilla isn't aware it's a gorilla. It just is.
Nobody wants a fucking fag as a son though, if the father of a gay was given the choice he would want a straight son
Fuck you.
>It's probably for the better, I'm sure gay dudes are all mean.
Post abs desu. I will be your boyfriend.
Homosexuality doesn't real. There is nothing physiologically preventing homosexual men from procreating with women. They have a preference. In proper social conditions, that wouldn't matter.
What? Have you ever even spoken to a gay person? Define "proper social conditions."
>define "proper social conditions."
Men who desired men sexually seemed to have been perfectly capable of having children throughout history. Hadrian had his twink Antinous and still had kids and a wife. I don't think modern gays are magically differently.
"Conditions that don't create fags"
"Gay person" is an illusion. Gay is a social role, homosexuality is a desire. They aren't the same thing.
Fags are born not created. Stay in school, kid.
Show boipussi or gtfo my board you degenerate faggot no homo
Wow you really don't know a goddamn thing about anything huh.
How exactly do you get women every week? Where do you meet all of these women and how do you come to seduce them?
Do you people hate your lives so much that you wanna be a Chad? How pathetic are you people? scale of 1-10?
Depends what country you're in at least higher than average in your country.
I'm 'gay' and have two kids with my wife. You can succeed if you want.
I'm 5'10
Gets lots of pussy 7/10 to 9/10
I don't approach girls
Girls approach me
Going after girls is lame
The more you are after them, the more they lose interest on you.
I'm handsome, they say.
I have a very nice body, they say.
Though I'm not very big or ripped.
Life is nice to me.
My >6'2 friends have no pussy, some have gf
That's it. They are having gf because that's the only one girl you can get.
>Being alpha.
>Having gf instead of lots of girls.
What the fuk are you lifting for?
Girls say they don't mind the physic attraction. Bullshit. They are the same, or even worse than men in that way.
Have a nice butt, chest and arms, the world would be yours my friend.
>Going after girls is lame
>The more you are after them, the more they lose interest on you.
Just be yourself bro :')
I've seen Chads/Frat "fuckboys" (or whatever term is used these days) as short as 5'9" but never shorter.
not even memeing, this is actually true. Im 6'0 and every second guy i walk past by is taller than me
Is there a name for a chad who isn't a douche? What is an individual who is confident, beautiful, triumphant in all their endeavors, but also loving, intelligent, and paternalistic?
i have a 5'5 friend who fucks every bitch he wants, he unironically thinks he's "5'10" while im 5'9 and tower over him.
hes so fucking smooth, its literally all about confidence
Prince charming
Girls grow out of him
The non biological dad