Tell me about the person at your gym you hate the most Veeky Forums

Tell me about the person at your gym you hate the most Veeky Forums

>doing squats
>have to bench afterwards
>as im doing my last set of squats i see some 16-17 year old fucboi looking guy take the bench
>ask him "yo how many sets you need?"
>"ehh i just started xd"
>me "oh alright i'll just wait :^)"
>he puts 15kg on each side of the bar
>doesnt even warm up
>goes straight for his max
>he does 3 sets of 10
>have to wait 20 minutes because he's on his phone waiting ages for each set
>see him unrack "FINALLY"
>i walk over to the bench
>before i can reach it some bitch walks up to him "HI XD"
>i think it's his gf
>now he has to teach her how to bench press (even though his form is shit)
>after a few sets they finish
>take bench after 25 minutes
>as soon as he's done benching he does curls
>after curling he does some shitty crossfit ball throwing sit ups with the grill
I hate this person the most.

Other urls found in this thread:

I hate the bodybuilder girl who works at my gym because I will never be able to fuck her.

>the one chick who loads up plates on anything her instagram trainer told her was a good ass exercise, does a million sets of little to no weight with 15 minute instagram breaks in between each, then wanders off to the next one without stripping the weight or wiping it down

That was deadlifts fueled by suppressed anger day.

the guy in the mirror
>tfw home gym master race

>that 16 year old kid who's been lifting for over a year that deadlifts 70kg who refuse to rerack the belt
>also wears gymshark clothes

>mfw did thirteen (13) sets of deadlifts today
>six (6) of them were autistic block pulls from plates stacked on top of each other
>bar rolling around everywhere, pause like 10 seconds between reps to make sure bar is still
I am that guy now...

T-thanks Boris...

That thirty year old couple who always tries to talk to me at the gym. I'm trying to make gains right now leave me alone you faggots!

did u seriously sit and wait for the whole time instead of doing something alternative? or like change your schedule?

So, because you're too scared to break away from your routine, you actually stood around watching this young beginner, judging his form and lack of experience, waiting for him to finish.

I hate you the most, OP. When Veeky Forums complains about how they can't get girls, it generally confuses me and I wonder how they could be going wrong. But now I get it. No amount of lean muscle will cover up your social ineptness.

Tfw I am that guy