How do you guys cope with life being so difficult and all the endless setbacks it throws in your face?
How do you guys cope with life being so difficult and all the endless setbacks it throws in your face?
by being myself
just bee yourself advice only works with people who aren't broken
Mental fitness and health is too often overlooked.
I want to die
What's stopping you? It's really easy to die.
just keep going
i think about suicide probably daily. Just brush it off and keep doing what you should be doing
something good will happen eventually, or you'll die
I don't know
heard a really depressing thing, we're all chasing "happiness" but that achievement of perpetual happiness doesn't actually exist and it's always going to come and go in stages
so you're guaranteed many, many, many more points of unhappiness in your life even up to your death and we're basically like hamsters on a wheel chasing the illusion of happiness as a final state
try to have a good time find things you like doing
but the most importing thing is have goals, if you have goals then you have a reason to work hard
I hate myself so the best way to spite myself is to keep living
By lifting, you faggot, because that's the only time I don't think about it
Well, at first go around I tried to kill myself.
I couldn't do that and went through a bunch more painful shit and I just got stronger. Nothing gets less painful.
Doing everything you can to not let life keep you down is another thing. But it is a monumental amount of work. Sometimes it's not.
Do things you love and want to do to balance out shit.
No gf yet.
Lots of attraction thrown my way.
Just waiting for my turn.
Fuck the holidays.
A lot of the time I hate life.
Barely. I'm 5'6'' and broke and I don't have a great body.
Being attractive and smart is what keeps my optimism going.
People who claim to be broken are admitting defeat and acting like there's no way they can improve themselves without the help of others are dead weight. You didn't start by being "broken". Fucking get over yourself and grow up.
you choices
>eg: suicide via gun, jump off building, etc
extremely hard to do mentally cuz you have to set it up and do it (to) yourself
>eg: car accident, plane accident, mauled by rogue tiger, ass cancer, etc
usually messy and terribly painful
>old age
>eg: alzheimers, kidney failure, liver failure, etc
long, drawn out, generally awful
which of these is the easiest way to die again?
Spoken like someone who's never tried to try to die.
On the flip side, even if you're depressed right now, you're going to feel good countless times in your life.
>extremely hard to do mentally cuz you have to set it up and do it (to) yourself
Why is hard to do something you want to do? Are you retarded or smthng?
"I ask not for lighter burdens, but for broader shoulders on which to carry them"
in other words, don't be a whiny pussy, faggot.
nigga just jump off a building
if you can't that means you're not sick enough of life yet
I'd settle for those metaphorical shoulders but I don't know how to get them. Talk is cheap.
I have friends who have it much worse than me. It is a relativist answer but really, I've got it pretty good.
easy as fuck
>pouring 20 shots of alcohol up your butt
easy as fuck
easy as fuck
want me to keep going?
Damn you got this worked out. Is suicide your hobby?
drink all that I can
I tried that but it doesn't seem to work anymore.
those metaphorical shoulders are also known as "grabbing yourself by the balls and manning the fuck up"
Probably explains why you have no clue how to get them
It's easy to bring all your metaphors and cheap talk when it's clear that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Faggot and a scholar
Pretty much the only decent thing out there to cope, it's helped me some to deal with it along with some decent friends being there even if its just online for games. But I am reaching my wits end here though, just too isolated with no one around that cares about me enough and would be able to make a difference in life. By fall semester of next year, I will be in a classroom if I can keep it together that long. Maybe I will find a meaning to my life then, dear lord I hope so, because if it keeps going on like this I dont think the alcohol is gonna keep up with it.
Stoic master race here
I have bouts of deprssion. Sometimes I get in dark thought spirals about how I'm worthless and a failure and all that.
Anyway the real problem is if this shit hits just before/during a gym session it fucks my whole workout up. I just can't focus right and I can only lift really light weight successfully, which is bullshit. At that point I usually just give up and leave the gym.
How do I stop this from happening?
Stoicism isn't the master race. The point of life is to feel pleasure. I think there are better ways to do this than lower your standards for it.
If you wanna talk philosophy I'm game.
it's easy to live life feeling sorry for yourself when you were born with very low testosterone.
Stoicism is a good creed to live by if your life has for whatever reason been full of shit and you need to cope with all of said shit on a daily basis. If you pursue pleasure as an escape from the realization that your life is shit and don't come to terms with the reality of life then you're gonna be a lot worse off than someone who lowers his standards for life
Well that won't last long.
Not the guy but
>The point of life is to feel pleasure
And buddhist monks are happier than any of us, what's your point?
If you really think hedonism yields you "pleasure" in the long run you need a 101 on brain chemistry.
I don't know somehow each issue passes and a new issue comes. For some reason I'm still able to push through and do whatever I need to. Hard times are here more often and longer than the good times. It makes me stay in a permanent state of sadness
My new issue is getting into a car accident without insurance and now on top of wanting the car fixed they want to talk to attorney because their neck started hurting... I work part time, go to college, christmas is around the corner, have to pay for classes and need to fix my car. I only have like 300 so I have no idea how I will survive this but...I will somehow
saw someone's suicide plan on r9k which looked pretty neat
he basically wanted to climb on top of a tall tree sit on the branch with a rope tied to his neck to the tree. then he would drink a bunch of alcohol he brought and just chill and play some music until he blacks out and falls and hangs himself.
Stoicism is easier to attain maybe. Stoicism as well as the eastern philosophies seek pleasure through a passive means.
I think that's awesome, and I could probably use a little stoicism right now to start, but what I'm talking about is something a little more active. It has to do with a form of meditation and a way to live life.
I'm aware that hedonism is seeking quick thrills and pleasure, but if it doesn't last long then that isn't ultimately pleasurable is it?
I'll skip over the mediation part, but the ability to have pleasure comes from the power to make life pleasurable. To the power to essentially make life conform to your will.
Money is the most tangible form of power, but people are the largest source of it.
On one hand this way leads to basically mind control. I've read all of the undisclosed MK / Blue Bird / Artichoke docs available on PDF on the government's website. This is a lot more possible than you might think.
There was recently a case of a lawyer using sleep induction (this is referred to SI in the docs) to make women literally tell him things like 'I love you' etc etc and he'd molest them and make them forget.
The women realized this when they noticed themselves forgetting hours with the guy. There was a sting and he was busted. Google it.
(Let me just say real quick that I'm not a fucking autist. I'm trying to look at things in the most logical way right now)
On the other hand is true leadership. Being the person that people willingly follow. That women willingly want. It has a lot more to do with than just looks.
Humans, whether they know it or not, all aspire to one godhead. One perfect way of 'being'. The goal here is to become that godhead to some extent have others conform to that mindset. Like when Saul in the bible spoke with god's words and the people moves as one man.
Buddhists apparently find ecstasy through meditation, and there's a way to meditate that goes along with this way of...
with anger, lots of anger
That goes along with this way of thinking. I can tell it to you because it's pretty easy, and leads to fairly quick results.
I'm not saying I've got it all figured out, but I think this is the path.
The way of mediation is like meditation on EZ mode btw
nobody ever won by surrendering
This is what I call Thursday
Californian / Hawaian detected
What setbacks?
All i can See is minor obstacles
By putting in the time and work to not suck
Why can't my life be a continuous string of victories?
90% of men with "anxiety" or "depression" just have low test.
Testosterone gives a man his will to live, create, succeed.
Remember the big 3 lads:
>Sleep well
>Eat healthy
>Lift heavy
How do I get higher test?
those 3 that I listed are the main points.
Look into xenoestrogens if you care enough. They're not as big of a deal as conspiracy theorists will say, but they are relevant (super tl;dr: avoid soy, plastic bottles, fluoride...just be wary of strange chemicals in general).
And don't drink beer. That stuff is seriously feminizing and just makes you softer and fatter.
B-but I like beer. It helps me end the day without ending my life...
ironic that beer is seen as a manly thing to drink
whiskey is better because it doesn't have hops
No hops? Is it directly connected or?
I know this is just a blog, but the important part is the study they reference.
Basically yeah hops has estrogen
wrong one sorry that one's a fake joke study to make a point
I'm female so my depression can't be caused by low test levels. I'm not on birth control either, so I doubt that any hormonal factors plays a role in my case.
What can I do to cure my depression? I eat well, I exercise a lot. I have chronic feelings of being worthless and useless. Or just plain numbness and life feeling pointless. I have tried the usual "le travel and party" meme, but that's just a very short term fix.
T. posting from Straya atm but the palm trees and shit didn't make me happy either.
plz mary me
Might be just not knowing how to develop other emotions. Most channers are young so assuming you are too if you've been depressed a long time the cause of depression might be gone but you stick to the emotions that developed in this depression because they're the only ones you're really good at... meditate and shit maybe, describe yourself and paint a picture of who you are and then cling on to anything you see that you can't define really well but you'd like to.
Your post is kinda gay btw, talking about feelings n shit, u some kind of homo bro?
Just keep going, faggot.
she said she's a grill
bullshit, where?
"I'm female", "birth control".
Yeah you might be right. To be honest, there's no occasion or one traumatic experience in my past. I just remember starting to feel hopeless and numb when I was around 16. So it's been a good 6 years by now.
Literally the first two words of my post, m8.
Can you quote it, I don't really see it bro
Develop a skill. Learn calculus or programming or something. If you're like 99% of women, you've never contributed anything to the world. Of course you're going to feel useless.
Hang in there friend.
Rude. Women contribute to the world by giving birth to men who contribute to the world.
Poorly. My life is a mess right now.
how do you not?
And they need help from men even with that
>search results 0
Mmm mind sharing the sauce here for a second?
i've gave up long time ago. now i'm just waiting for the end
Gotta slay the dragon to get the gold.
And yeah the fight's not fair. But the alternative is to roll over and eat shit till you die. Fuck that.
It's easy to complain and shut down advice and continue stagnating and being a whiny faggot
Then it' would be a hollow life not worth living.
>im broken!!
Fuck off back to tumblr
Where is the upboted button
man true detective s2 was garbage
Find what you love and let it kill you. Try not to give a fuck.
I get succ from cougars daily and it cured my anxiety.
What do you love tho
You don't take defeat, whatever happens you keep going until you win.
This alcohol up your butt one sounds interesting, tell me more.
alcohol gets absorbed into your bloodstream instantaneously increasing the potential for fatal alcohol poisoning
It would be cheaper to do executions this way kek
too unusual and sadistic
just like they used to be
stop taking life so serious, and you'll be more happy. this life has no objective meaning, the only meaning this life has, is your own subjective meaning that you create. Do what you want, and stop taking shit so serious.
Realize that things probably never will get easier and that all you can do is get tougher
>childhood filled with hate and violence, mainly at home
>beatings, threats of being sent to orphanages and lots of other shit
>mom was psychotic and would go off at anytime for nothing at all
>basicly very white trash living in shitty immigrant neighbourhoods
>no one thinks I'll amount to anything and I don't blame them
>work construction after high school and better my grades so much I get into a top tier business school far away
>finally made it bruh
>life says "fuck you cunt"
>become chronicly ill
>can't go to school or even sleep due to constant pain
>get back to school after a year of getting used to shit
>Still play football, practice fighting and lift
>graduating in one month
ok, that became incoherent
tldr; Childhood sucked due to family situation and when I finally get out of that shit, I get chronicly ill, fucking everything up again even worse. Point is I GET KNOCKED DOWN BUT I GET UP AGAIN YOU NEVER GONNA KEEP ME DOWN I GET KNOCKED DOWN BUT I GET UP AGAIN
I graduated from university 2 years ago. School is the easiest shit you'll do in your life. There's a reason they call everything after you're done with education "entering the real world".
hey, man. I'm not saying school is tough. I am saying all the rest has been tough. I literally could not go to school due to constant pain, hospital visits and uncertainty about dying or not.
No I'm not belittling your hardship. It sounds tough. I'm just adding my two cents on one aspect that I've experienced and maybe I should not have quoted your post.
All being stoic has done for me is lead my friends to believe I'm an emotionless shell who's likely to kill himself in the near future.
nobody likes a no-fun humorless emotionless loser
you keep fucking going.
i'm literally shaking now
>I'm not on birth control either, so I doubt that any hormonal factors plays a role in my case
>implying fucked up hormones can only happen on birth control
can easily be a lot of causes for that.
u don't know me bro. i am physically handicapped.
>How do you guys cope with life being so difficult and all the endless setbacks it throws in your face?
What's my other option? I mean really no matter how shitty things get I don't really have any other option besides this reality.
Music and watching comedy stuff. Also turning off the news has really helped my state of mind. Stretching also strangely helps - ever since I started doing Diamond Dallas Page yoga with my other routines, I feel a bit more chill for the rest of the day.