Shit sleep is killing me

I'm a sleeplet and always end up going to bed after midnight, then it takes me like an hour to fall asleep.

I wake up every morning feeling like shit and I want nothing more than to go back to sleep.

Anyone know how I can unfuck my sleeping? Help is deeply appreciated.

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Stop doing non-sleep related things in or around your bed.
Turn off your electronics.
Take Melatonin.

thanks mate

Wouldn't recommend melatonin. You build a tolerance to it very quickly.

I always play vidya and browse here before going to sleep (Like I'll browse an hour in bed at 23:00)

I heard you're supposed cut out all synthetic light 2 hours before sleep, just wonder what the fuck I'm gonna do in that time that late.

Melatonin, sadly, needs prescriptions in my country.

>Melatonin, sadly, needs prescriptions in my country.
I am truly sorry. It's the only "medication" that has worked for me that doesn't have terrible side effects like sleep walking and nightmares.

Light carby snack before bed to get you ""full"", drink some water or milk. Go for a walk or something if you're not already tired enough to pass out. Wake up earlier in the day.

Thanks for the tips

Anyone tried lifting at late hours? Seems like it'd be a nice way to tire yourself why having the gym to yourself.

I always lift after midnight, because I work until midnight. It makes me too energized to sleep, unless I throw in 20-30 minutes of cardio at the end to wear myself out.

Can confirm. I take 2 10 mg pills a night and feel nothing.

melatonin can help but is boosts estrogen and is catabolic to gainz

go to bed before midnight

Any proof for that statement?

turn off your computer at 8pm

watch some tv or read after 8pm

no eating after 8pm

>boosts estrogen and is catabolic to gainz


someone told me that taking melatonin pills fucks up your body's ability to produce it on its own

true or broscience?

Pussy version (what I do): adderall in the morning, melatonin at night

Ballsy version: cocaine/meth in the morning, heroin/morphine at night

Google says the exact opposite, it helps build muscle.
Fuck your shit.

yes it reduces estrogen receptors so your bodies response is to produce more estrogen

watching TV is just as bad
just turn off all screens 1-2 hours before sleep

if you take them every day, probably, but not permanently


those are bro science and inccorrect

they are going on the notion that less estrogen receptors means less estrogen in the body

its the opposite, it reduces the receptors so the bodies response is to increase estrogen production

Paralells could be drawn between melatonin use and (excessive) steroids use causing hypogonadism.

Whatever gland produces melatonin might be less inclined to produce it when it notices your melatonin levels are high.

keep in mind this is just bro-science

Go to bed before 8-9pm. Always works for me, but if I stay up later than that I get a boost of energy that keeps me up late.

I think it's some kind of primal survival/ hunting mechanism

TV is not nearly as bad as browsing the internet

internet is active and constant triggering of reward/dopamine circuit which is what keeps you alert and constant overuse of this is what leads to shitty mood

TV is passive

Still making gains tho

everytime I take melatonin I wake up with puffy nipples

I'm having completely horrible sleeping patterns lately and it's been fucking up my gains and my career. I don't know what it is, probably computer + short amount of daylight.

Computer rapes your sleep, try to get away from all screens at least two hours before bed.
I know its a bitch, but it really does help tremendously, try reading or any off screen hobbies you might have, it gets easier the more you do it.

>Off screen hobbies
>At night

Like what? Aside from books, what is there to do in these 2 hours?

m a g n e s i u m

yes, any hormones that you ingest exogenously will cause your body to become reliant on them, thus your body won't feel the need to produce them anymore

Insomni/f/ucker here

There's some really good advice in this thread. Sleep kills gains.

Natural remedies (nonchemical) are almost always better, less Screentime, better nutrition, adequate physical activity and stress management.

"I’ve always figured out that there 24 hours a day. You sleep six hours and have 18 hours left. Now, I know there are some of you out there that say well, wait a minute, I sleep eight hours or nine hours. Well, then, just sleep faster, I would recommend." -Arnold Schwarzenegger

I lift at like 1 am and it ends up pumping me up and I want to be productive and conquer the world, so I end up not sleeping. Wouldn't recommend.

Gonna ask here since someone has to know.

Is it better to stay up the entire day if you didn't sleep all night or just sleep through the day and try to fix your schedule the following night? This is an ongoing thing for me now and I basically don't get sleepy till noon, which is gonna fuck me over for work

Walk the dog, listen to music while doing house chores, read books, walk round the town a bit, mire your gainz in front of a mirror, plenty of stuff to do.

Its better to stay awake for one day, the evening will most likely be wasted but fixing broken regime would take half a week at least, saying from experience. Just chug some stimulants, strong coffee or energy drink and go on through the day.

read a book
get a prescription

Lifting waked me up more than anything. I prefer to finish lifting at least 3 hours before I go to bed, preferably more. When I first started lifting I thought it would wear me out and want to sleep but no such luck. It gives me energy more than anything, although I'll sleep soundly after that buzz wears off.

If you look at your phone a lot before bed get a blue light filter app on it to cut the blue light wavelengths and give the screen a reddish tint. Apparently it's the blue light that fucks you up and the red light helps get your brain into sleep mode. I use Twilight on the Android app store which has a timer to gradually die the display in the evening. I found it helped more than I thought it would.

I also set my phone to charge far away from me now so I have to physically get up to turn off my alarm and so it's not in arms reach to easily lie in bed and shit post on here or anything until stupid o'clock.

I'd also recommend upping your general movement through the day. Stay on your feet as much as possible and walk when you can. If your NEET or in an office job that'll be difficult but get at least a few hours of walking in through the day to tire yourself. Take a walk during lunch break or something.

I also found forcing myself not to nap through the day was the only way to fix my sleep cycle. It sucks but force yourself to stay awake until your actual bed time.

Read a book in bed before you sleep for an hour or half an hour. That's like fucking opium for me and I just KO after a while, even if it's a book I'm really enjoying. My eyes just get heavy and I'm out. When you get that feeling don't fight it, turn the lights out and go to sleep. Don't wake up at 3am with the lights still on and the book in your hand like I've done in the past.

Nothing like fishing for (You)'s to keep you awake. Dat dere dopamine hit when someone responds is life right brehs?

So do mobile phones. My mobile is much worse for me than my computer now. So much so I charge it in a different room than my bedroom now so I can't get my hands on it once I go to sleep.

Arnold, trolling as usual there.

Personally I'd take some small naps, like 15-30 mins at most when I need them to get through the day, but no more at least 4 hours before I sleep for the night. The other guys says chug stimulants to get through but I'd say fuck that, that's more likely to fuck you up for another night IMO. Just suck up the tiredness, stay active as you can and sleep well the next night.

Taking meds is always harmful long term, dont even start.

I recommend pulling an all-nighter and then change your sleep cycle drastically. You will feel even more sleepy and shitty in the first few days but you simply have to start somewhere. Resetting your sleeping patterns takes time and discipline, but its worth it.

>go to bed/wake up at the same fucking time every day (this is by far the MOST IMPORTANT)
even if you dont feel sleepy at 11pm, go to bed
and if you dont get enough hours of sleep in the first few nights(because it takes you long to fall asleep), still get your ass out of bed at a set time in the morning
>dont linger in bed after your alarm goes off, get your ass out of bed
>have 'sleep rituals' shortly before you go to bed that tell your unconciousness that it's time to sleep soon (this can reach from dental hygiene to watching TV or reading a book)

minor tipps
>get lots of sunlight in the morning and noon
>avoid bright lights in the late evening and night (if you are a PC fag like me, f.lux might help you)
>dont exercise too late in the day
>do relaxation and meditation exercises
>do NOT look at the clock if you have trouble falling asleep or wake up in the middle of the night
>keep your sleeping zone neat and comfy

Good luck bro.