>W... why is the protein bar more expensive to day?
>Because we had a lot more people glancing at it recently.
Welcome to the future.
>W... why is the protein bar more expensive to day?
>Because we had a lot more people glancing at it recently.
Welcome to the future.
>buy 10% more unhealthy food than is recommended by the FDA
>insurance rates automatically go up 10%
Now watch me as I easily vault over those sensors and get my free goods
Time to farm my own chickens and broccoli.
Welp, there goes my hopes of being a cashier for life. Fuck you amazon.
This will fail so fucking quickly
>walk in
>dont check in
>steal everything
>walk out
I am a master criminal
What's stopping a pack of niggers from stealing everything?
Recipe for disaster. There's nothing stopping a person from vaulting those sensors and taking all the shit for himself.
umm cameras like any store and apprehension. this idea of mutual trust isn't new
The same thing that stops them now, nothing
>its 10pm on a thursday night
>even though you're the only customer, there is a large amount of staff at the registers, stocking and just being busy around the store
>amazon store
>same time
>no one there
>you put on a mask, walk in, steal what you want, walk out
This is dead on arrival like google glass. It needs a turn gate that you have to pass through
>lose millions of jobs
w-we will be ok r-right?
At least its via mobile apps and not requesting customers to have chips implanted in them.
it will get there eventually im sure
>No one there
Shit still needs to be stocked and someone has to close up shop.
Just so Veeky Forums knows, the Launch project for this officially launched less than 2 weeks after Seattle approved the 15$ /hr minimum wage.
Liberal fuckers have priced themselves out of a job and amazon is taking advantage.
Mcdonalds, Safeway, Walmart and Fred Meyers all launched similar projects around the same time.
>1 year from now...
>"have you ever wondered, 'what if advanced robotic technology could perform mundane simplistic functions as well as complex labor tasks...for example, like lock up a business at closing or fully stock a store'"?
>"Well, we at Amazon wondered the same thing."
>"Introducing: The Amazobot."
not sure where you live or what you perceive stores to be like, but people can literally legally walk out of the store with goods with the full knowledge of the employees and face no real re-precautions. they're generally not allowed to in any large chains.
so long as they leave the store, you really can't do anything. even if they're in the store, you can't do anything. if you work in walmart, you'll know how often blacks just come in and steal. i genuinely dont mean to be /pol/ or racist, but they really just do steal more than any other race I've seen. had one come in a few days ago. took a backpack from its section, filled it with expensive random goods, and just walked out. they tried to like block him, but he charged through them and just walked and left. couldn't do anything about it.
yall niggas crack me up
Me and my girlfriend used to go on shoplifting sprees for the sexual thrill. We called ourselves the Target bandits because we would pull most of our "heists" at targets. We felt untouchable. But, we got too cocky. Once we went to a target that we'd stolen from before. Went in, got shit, went out, got into car and drove off. When I was leaving the parkinglot I saw a cop following us on my rear view mirror.
>pls no
Went out into street. Light go on. Pull over.
Decided to take the blame since "I'm the man". Went to jail for a few hours. Got out.
Turns out they cought onto us from the very first time. As soon as they saw us enter the store for the second time, they called the cops. Total set up.
When I got out I received a courtdate. Pleaded no contest. 3 years probation, 5 days community service, and a $400 fine.
I'm from Commiefornia.
>no repercussions
>can't do anything
Yeah, no.
but what about the fact that cashier jobs are like 80% of the youth workforce?