Have you guys ever had a girlfriend while attracted to another girl?
> feels bad man
Feels thread
I have seen her mire other guys and it felt bad, in fairness though the guy was pretty hot
no homo
It's unfair having someone in love with you just like that j geils band song
> he loves her
> but she loves him
> but he loves somebody else you just can't win
>Have you guys ever had a girlfriend
>have I ever had a gf
what did OP mean by this
Clearly you haven't because you haven't felt this feel. If you have, what do I do?
Yeah the best friend of the girl I was dating at the time,
Op here, does this mean I don't love my gf
>Feels thread
Trying to get the fuck off the internet right now, Veeky Forums, other forums etc..
Been talking and sharing a lot of personal information about myself all over the web. Someone pretty much told me you're sharing way to much and increasing your online foot print,. Time to disconnect or focus on something else, I'm honestly just lonely and that's why I post so often.
>tripfag worried someone might try to find me
>Start a new relationship
>Oh fuck she's super in love with me and I know I don't want to marry her wtf am I gonna do
>4 months later
>She can't stand me and I worried over nothing
Every single time
hi sol
Why haven't you tried to get with her ?
>>tripfag worried someone might try to find me
Who cares if they do though
why do you care what other people think of you
Oh no some people might know the shit you wrote on a Taiwanese finger waving forum
Yes, all the time. I'm also serially unfaithful with a string of different women, and she hasn't found out yet. Well, no, she found out once, and it was a huge thing, and I tried to end it there because I felt so bad, but she wanted me to stay, to try again.
Relationships are fucking weird.
Biological urge to breed with every attractive female. Society and money keeps that in check.
Its not that someone cares, its that I have explained a lot of stuff about my life that should remain a secret and the internet just doesn't need to know these things. Someone mentioned this on another forum btw, not Veeky Forums related
Just worried I might be fucking up my life by hanging around a place like this and other forums.
Trying to limit that govt foot print senpai
But she can still
Stand me after two years
>tfw not a wage cuck
>self employed eCommerce master race
>no friends
>can write about all sorts of crap with trip on
>post my face
>post my phone number
>Post whatever I want
>say whatever I want
What about the future
The plane of killing yourself from loneliness and living a shitty miserable life?
Seems like a shitty plane to ascend too.
>b-but the future
What about it? Looks bright as ever for me. Every day I sell more shit on eBay than the day before. Every day I get a tiny tiny tiny little bit less DYEL.
More money more gains.
Also my body is so fucking DYEL and shit that progress is amazingly fast when you're at this stage.
Feels so good being DYEL.
>killing yourself from loneliness
Lol no. You choose to feel lonely. It's a choice. I decided to not feel lonely and I don't feel lonely.
>miserable shitty life
Now you're meme'ing me hard. I am the happiest motherfucker in the world.
My life is a fucking wonderland of joy.
Pic related. Was user posting at the time, just being myself.
You know why I am so happy of late?
No normies in my life. None. Cut them all out. If there is a normie in my life it is
1. An ebay customer that gives me MONEY
2. an okcupid date or some sloot I met at the grocery store/gym/wherever (not that many of those these days if I am being frank but online dating is still hype as fuck)
Bam. That's it. No bullshit. No """""friends""""".
Just the trips from /fraud/ that have helped me so much with programming and diet and routine and etc and the reason why I am making so much progress is the advice they gave me.
Because they're Veeky Forumsizens. Not normies. Normies don't help, they take take take. Use you.
Trips give give give.
And in a couple years I will post back in my new and improved SWOLE form and bimbo and NatT and MasT and Moosey and Jerry and all the others that gave me advice and help will see how the fucking progress I made with their advice.
And hopefully they feel a little happier, and closer to MY level of happinesss (1000%).
That's all I want for them
You guys in Veeky Forums fell for the "be friends with normies" meme. That is why you are MISREABLE and DEPRSSED. BECAUSE OF NORMIES!
Post your face and phone number then
>post your face
Have posted before, desu archives, but here you go.
You will also find all of my insane rambelings and shit that would totally disqualify me from ever being employable
You can go ahead and dox me but my dox is out there already after I posted my phone number.
>post phone number
No because you a norrrmie slimeball who will abuse it and call me at odds hours of the night unlike based /fraud/ posters
better angle 4 u senpai
and a gif!
every man has been attracted to another girl while having a girlfriend.
do you mean like wanting to date a different girl? cause then you should break up with your gf.
Lol gross.
Oh no man I am so offended by your comments you have ruined my day
Perpetual happy mood is gone. I feel misreable now.
E-elliot? Is that y-you?
>22 year old KHV
>Slowly got over "tfw no gf" over time
>Have a dream a few nights ago
>7/10 qt3.14 girl sits next to me in church
>I'm an atheist, I don't even go to church
>Anyway, she sits next to me, we smile at each other. She seems really genuine
>Holy shit girls are never this friendly with me
>Later on she seems bored
>Leans her head on my shoulder
>Feel things I haven't felt in a long time
>Dream jumps to days later
>I try to contact her (somehow have her info) but she won't respond to me
>Wake up
Ever since then I can't stop thinking about how happy and loved I felt during that dream.
Nigger are you me?
is that really the best you can do man cmon
>daily reminder I am 10x happier than you are
>daily reminder there is not a single millisecond I am not happy during the day
yeah, just let yourself be attracted to her and wank over her a few times and eventually you'll get over her and go back to finding your gf sexy
>watching a tv show
>couple falls in love
>im reminded of tfw no gf and that i dont even bother to talk to girls anymore
>wanna die
Fuck brehs I need help.
>Be me
>3 year relationship with gf
>Start off skinnyfat, get fit
>She goes from skinny to chubby
>Become less attracted to her
>Have crush on girl in class
>Skinny qt3.14 with great personality
>Catch her miring at me multiple times a day
>Looks at me in the back of class while she's sitting in the front
> Smiles when I notice
Please help. What do.
its human nature to be attracted to more than one person even if you're in a relationship with someone. it doesn't make you a bad person or anything as long as you don't act on the attraction than you are fine
Tfw friend/ex fwb wants to fuck again even though he's in a ltr. Don't really know how to feel, but glad I never got into a relationship with him
I've had this but then my girlfriend breaks up with me, I go on dates with the "another girl" and realise she's fucking terrible people.
Cheating is like heroin, so good but you'll just keep chasing the next one braz. Plus it's looked down upon by others.
Just have a hit, you're not a pussy... are you?
fuuuck this made me feel
how do I dream like this too?
>Texting with girl
>Conversation going fine
>All of the sudden she stops responding
>That was earlier in the day and she still hasn't fucking responded, whyyy
either dump your gf for the qt3.14 or friend zone the qt
She was being nice. Leave it a day or 2 and msg her back then dont reply straight away wait a couple hours
Nah I wouldn't cheat. But I don't know if I can break up with my gf either. Am I just a pussy?
dont cheat lad, but it sounds like you'd be better off without your chubby gf
But I really don't want to do either of those things.
Replied to wrong post
I forgot to mention, she is also in a relationship. Her boyfriend is a fuckin dickhead but I don't think she would chest.
I think what triggered the dream was a fleeting thought I had earlier in the day while I was at the gym. I saw a girl and just thought "wouldn't it be crazy if we just started talking and hit it off" and then I quickly dismissed it.
does anyone else get feels when they watch a tv show where people fall in love? cant fucking take it lads, seriously, its fucked
when you see a qt at the gym and imagine your life with her
We've been talking for quite awhile
And she's definitely interested, the other night we were talking about showers and I mentioned how I like to shower in the dark and she said she did to and how we should do it together sometime
I know both of these feels.
>I mentioned how I like to shower in the dark and she said she did to and how we should do it together sometime
fuck it's been so long since i've talked to a girl like that, it must be nice lad good luck
I know, it's been forever for me too, feels great, except for like now when she doesn't respond for some reason, I don't get it
when you're laying in bed and look to the side imagining a qt laying beside you peacefully asleep but instead you only see pillows and blankets
Yeah and now she is playing games. See how she stopped replying and now you're thinking about her and why she has done that? She wants to get you on your mind its a shit test in a way to see if you are needy. Wait a few days and msg her, if she msgs you before this time yeah she is keen but wait a few hours to reply dont be a needy beta and blow it. Play her games.
That or shes simply busy
>Have you guys ever had a girlfriend
How do you keep bad thought about wome away? I'm starting to notice some progress and a few girls from group from uni tolde me they see i go to the gym. But what i'm afraid is actually finding and marrying a woman only to be left raped in a divorce.
I read pic related and started to think. In every court a woman's word has a higher value than a truth and evidence. I know that you can sing a prenup but from what i heard in a lot of cases they're not even looked at. Litteraly judge just throws it out of the window and still grants kids, alimony and half of your shit to your unfaithul whore of a wife.
>Inb4 don't marry whores lel
I won't but some women can put up a nice face only to turn into total devils after the marriage.
Sorry for this being a blog post and a /r9k/ but i just can't imagine getting my kids and my shit taken away from me because some whore lied in court.
>tfw I would've been KHV but some cute girl in primary school once gave me a kiss when we were all alone
I can still remember how nice it felt
>Oh fuck she's super in love with me and I know I don't want to marry her wtf am I gonna do
It's been 3 years seriously what do I do now
break up you idiot?
>pulled 2pl8 deadlift for 4 last saturday
>didnt eat enough and didnt sleep enough this week
>could only pull 2pl8s once today
>felt like shit
Who /cheater/ here? Fuck do I love one night stands
Try 3 year stand
Yes. For 2 years. And now I'm dating the one I was attracted to in the last 2 years.
Dubs do tell the truth
i just treat girls like gfs without ever putting the actual label on it. sometimes they get jealous but if you just threaten to leave them outright they usually won't push the issue
t. playing the same shitty mind games girl play on guys
Can we get some good feels going?
>fucked a cute 18 year old from my course last night
>she told me every girl on the course (8 of them) wants to fuck me
I used to be obese and was a virgin until 20, now I'm 26 and girls actually want to fuck me. Thanks Veeky Forums
if it's someone i don't feel like i have anything in common with i'm not going to try to turn it into a relationship, if she's cute we can still cuddle and fuck and hang out as good friends though
>Have you guys ever had a girlfriend while attracted to another girl?
Yes and i chose to go with the other girl because quite frankly if i was already looking at another girl while in a relationship it's better to be honest with your partner at that time.
don't marry a western woman. you can probably still find good traditional wife material who won't cheat on you in Ukraine or something, but it may be difficult.
>final today and tomorrow
>really prepared for final today
>have no fucking idea what I'm doing or going to study for other class
>been copy down notes and class examples but I just don't fucking understand
>stressed as hell
>supposedly this professor always curves and never gives lower than a C
>haven't been to the gym since I haven't been on campus
I'm actually pretty small but I'm just lean with a nice face. Currently bulking with push/pull/legs. Sorry I have no pics I'm on my chromebook
oh well okay
happened to my ex an i. she started liking a friend. he's an ugly manlet tho so whatever (HURR DURR MUH PERSONALITY)
>tfw went through this
>3.5 year relationship with cool girl, not crazy, thicc booty
>we break up
>almost immediately I wanna get back together with her
god fucking dammit what the fuck brain
you shouldn't though it'll only get worse no matte how hard you're trying to deny the past you two had bro.
we didn't have a bad relationship tho, I just don't think I wanna marry her despite her being pretty cool in almost every way