So I bought some meme rings because I really want to learn how to use them. I'm not under any delusion that I'm gonna be flipping the fuck around but I really would like some sort of entry level program to help me develop the right grips and correct habits necessary for eventually using them with some degree of control. I saw a program called ring one but it's like $100 and I'm not trying to spend. Any Veeky Forumsizen here use meme rings? Know of some programs? Know where to download that ring one for free? Thanks!
Suspension ring training
Other urls found in this thread:
rings dips,ring chest flies,bodyweight tricep extensions,bodyweight curls,rto push ups
and if you want a good program buy body by rings
I mean I get that, those basics, but I'm referring to learning how to do ring specific exercises like L sits, crosses, the different grips you can use, etc
You use it before? Why do you recommend this?
first off you should learn how do to a l-sit/planche/etc on the floor
second crosses are fucking hard and you need to do holds and such for your weak ass tendonds and stabilizers
nah man,I don't have the money but many others who tried that recommend it
Daniel knows his thing,and you can check him out on youtube on fitnessfaq before deciding on buying it or not
Yeah I don't believe for a second that I'm remotely ready, but I wanna build up to it. Is there a program you used?Ah nice nice, I'll google it and check it out, thanks. Wonder if it's on a torrent somewhere..
do push ups, body rows, pull ups and maybe dips. there is a channel called gold medal bodies and they have some beginner workouts with the rings.
Nice, thanks! I'll look that up.
Daniel pls go... just kidding he's a knowledgeable dude, gives good advice
I only use my rings for dips,chest flies,triceps extensions and curls honestly I'm not looking forward to learn any skills
At first it's gonna be hard when I first bought them I just did push ups on them cause anything else was too hard for me but I was pretty skinny so maybe that was it lol
I'd imagine the difficulty increases as you gain muscle mass in areas not associated with ring use
ye that's why I bought 2 dumbbells for shoulders
people here told me that I look alright so it's not that bad
Hey, former gymnast here. I can't give you a simple program because getting a basic degree of strength can take a while (months), but ill give you a tip; practice above-ring support and get quite good at it before moving on to other moves, even dips. Your wrists should be turned out and your elbows should be locked. You want to work up to at least 60-90 seconds on this. It develops the strength you need in the ligaments to ensure you dont get injured. There are obviously other things to do as well like pullups, skin the cat, hanging leg raises, etc, but consider that the most valuable position to begin with.
You will like them. A dedicated ring practitioner can develop outrageous upper body strength if you are dedicated and willing to make a consistent habit of it. They remain one of my favorite upper body workouts of all time.
(Cont) also focus a lot on front and back levers. A good front lever teaches whole-body tension which is a necessity for all the more advanced moves. Builds your lats and abs too.
This is great, thank you for taking the time to write this. So for now focus on attaining the strength necessary to hold up for a while?
yes,do that
you'll shake a little
Yep. Take the slow and boring path to mastery, its worth it. Chris Sommer has talked about this in several podcasts (tim ferriss, robb wolf etc) but he estimated that the ligaments and tendons take much much longer to develop than the muscles so its important to give them a chance to acclimate. You can use the static hold progressions on this article on pretty much any position:
Just keep building the holds day by day for at least 6 months or so and then dive into the harder stuff. And of course do fuck loads of pullups. You can never do too many pullups.
not the same guy but are weighted ring dips a thing?should I do them or will I hurt myself?
The thumbnail looks like a benis :---D :DDD :-DD
can u give me set of exercises i could focus on ?
currently i do front lever and planche progressions from sommers article and also do handstand progressions from his handstand 1
i dont have rings yet, got only my local streetworkout park