Size Question!

Henry Cavil is 200lbs and 6'2 here. What would that be scaled down to a guy who's 5'8?

I'm guessing around 170lbs? I want a physique just like this because it looks manly as fuck and just all around badass.

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You will never look manly or badass at 5'8 sorry breh

>Inb4 manlet, Im working with what I got here buddy

Fellow 5'8 guy here, you are better off building to be stocky looking but not in that wide way.

bout 170-175


hes not 6'2 200lbs
im 193cm (6'3) 95kg (just under 210), and im nowhere near this big
before i got injured, i was about 107kg, and that would be closer

Rough estimation desu



He's on gear but you could prob do it as a manlet

An inch is not a tenth of a foot, dumbass.

How about you just lift and gain until you get to the size you want then maintain that.

Good thing he's not 5'11" or else this wouldn't work

170-180 depending on your frame

Are you 10% bodyfat?

>I want a physique just like this because it looks manly as fuck and just all around badass.

He's right though. I'm 5'7 but I realize I'll never look a certain way. It's like a white guy trying to be black.

183 lbs

Make a ratio in terms of lb / in and for him you get 200 / 74 = 2.7 lb / in, then you just take that and multiply it by the height you are.

2.7 x 68 = 183.6 lbs

He's 6 ft flat probably 185. Batfleck is closer to 6'2

He's not 6'2", he's 6.05.

>thought he was jacked the first time I saw the movie
>now body dysmorphia has set in, and he's looking kinda scrawny

Worked for Shaun King.