
First of all, this is probably staged.

But we assume my woman did some shit like this.
It's over. No need to argue, insult her, explain her why, no talking. It is over and you cut contact.
If a woman assumes it is okay to behave like this and that her man would tolerate this disrespectful behaviour there is no reason to continue the relationship. A confident man has no problem to drop her on the spot even when she is that hot.

Other urls found in this thread:


i think its some sort of running gag on his show

> owning women

This a Muslim thread?

It's not about owning women. If you see no problems with this, you're going to get cucked in the future lol

>being in relationships

What are you even trying to say with this post? Is this some sort of shilling? She behaved in a way that will get people to watch the show. I don't see the issue.


you clearly dont know craig ferguson

It's part of her job though. It's marketing.

She's just playing up to the camera. She's an actress, it's what they do. Wouldn't bother me at all.

i believe op is somehow shilling the video, the channel only has like 5000 subscribers

watch how actresses behave on craig and how they behave with any other late night host. the man is a master


dude why are you shilling on Veeky Forums? I just don't get it out of all the places

you think this is shilling but that the vegan threads are ok, kek

Who actually sits and watches this crap

OP apparently.

I'm not saying I care I'm just genuinely curious about the thought process behind it and whether he can make money on those videos since it's someone else's.

Who the fuck cares what she does. That's her job. If she wrongs me, I'll dump her ass. Flirting witha a guy to be famous, if it's her job, doesn't fucking count

she sounds like fun
what is should be bothered about? that she is talking with other people?

I bet OP posted this expecting everyone to back him up and reassure him that his jealous nature just means that he's an alpha male

you guys sound like those "waitress spoke to me that means she mirin" kinda guys
this is healthy human interaction, it doesnt mean anything per se

What would be the male equivalent to this if the tables were turned? Would your gf be upset by that?


If that was my woman I wouldn't give a shit about anything.

>no woman will ever behave like that towards me


Lifting a leg on a table? Not really a big deal. Until its real flirting im fine. Anyone who gets worked up over less hasnt been in a long relationship themselves.

t. Someone with a previously virginal wife and a kid on the way

This tbqh family.

Women hate men who are desperate. If men hold on to skanks and try to "laugh with it", as OP says, when they have behavioral patterns where they are clearly acting inappropriate for being in a relationship and you're ok with it you have become supremecuckmode. Drop their ass and move on to the next one. Don't be a desperate beta male.