Veeky Forums
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Health #397
Door bell rings
So Veeky Forums, how are fat ass looking slobs so fucking strong!!!
Highbar or lowbar?
People you used to think were big before you started lifting
Has anyone here struggled with tendinitis?
I just Don't under stand,, he had It all.. jaw,confidence,money
Protein hype: shoppers flushing money down the toilet, say experts
How do I lose this little bubble of lower belly fat? It's not like a tire...
Manlet check
/selfimprovement/ general
Last time i got xmas gift was ten years ago so im intrested what Veeky Forums got for xmas?
Last CBT is 3 days old
Veeky Forums makes constant supply of fat person hate threads
Fatshame me
Can we have a Veeky Forums Skype chat? I'll make one if people are up for it
The question
Anthony Joshua claims natty
Dental Health?
Why do females hate you more the more you show affection for them? I really don't fucking get it
How much do I need to lift to get a whore with cowtits?
Can we have a discussion about David Laid...
Anyone else read between sets?
Spent Xmas with a hooker
Anyone else work a physical job, 3 days a week and can only find time to fit the gym in once a week...
Post advice you would have given yourself
How do you reduce porn desensitization?
Tfw gym overflowing with new years resolutions people for a couple months
Senpai knows im trying to be healthy
Who else plans on lifting through New Year's to distract themselves from the fact they are alone?
Hi guys, I plan on starting lifting in a week, what type of exercises should I do...
Manlet hate thread
How fucked am I with Pectus Excavatum this bad? I have problems running long distance (run out of breath)...
How many of you lost your true love?
Porn addiction [Help Veeky Forums ]
Batman's Workout
Current back thread
How much do I need to lift to get a gf like this Veeky Forums?
Hi fit, I got sliding genioplasty. This made me feel better than any amount of lifting ever has. Pic related. Ama
Is it possible to look strong working out high reps/low weight?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Alpha stories
Veeky Forums i'm pretty sure my friend's gf wants to bang. what the fuck do i do...
Whats Veeky Forumss opinion on boogie? He seems like a nice person
That guy who spent all of 2016 lifting and didnt even get laid once
This is me after max effort dieting and exercise for several months (cardio, lifting, rock climbing). Natty limit desu...
Vegan general
How was your Christmas Veeky Forums?
What mode is he?
Anyone get really depressed when they miss the gym
The year is almost over
Nofap 2017
Veeky Forums - Christmas confessions
What's the point of lifting if you don't have the face for it?
Chad, Brad, Thad, and Jerrod walk into the club and look at your bae. What do you do?
Dont eat christmas dinner because it will fuck up my macros
Le efron is on steroids
He isn't evolving both his physique and his mind while in lifting
You will die alone and miserable
ICF 5x5
Wendlers 531
Girl rejects my christmas card
Is this what girls really want?
How do girls treat you once you're Veeky Forums?
Can't stand this cunt
"You think James Bond would spend all his time in the gym eating out of Tupperware and sipping on little protein shakes...
This is what a real man looks like
So, gymnasts have the best bodies and their workouts are the most impressive--at least...
Tfw realised it only takes a few years of work to get a great body
Jaw thread?
R. I. P
This keeps happening to me
What's the consensus on Nick Wright?
Bulking meme
Christmas is almost over and my depression is worse than ever...
Mom got me this for Christmas
Im trying to quit weed but there is a major problem, I cant eat anything. Thinking about food makes me nauseus...
Tfw the gym will be packed after new years
Just be confident
Coccon Mode Experience
Well since it's Christmas, let's put memes aside for a moment
Tfw cutting and already eaten 2500+ calories within hours of waking up
Falling for the green card honeypot
Redpill me on Zinc supps, heard they boost test
After workout anxiety
How is candito compared to 531 or texas?
Wanting to be like Brad Pitt in Fight Club
ITT: We post athletic females
Gf tells me she needs some time for herself
Tfw I fell for the SS and GOMAD meme
How was your Xmas fit?
Making it Dreams
What can I do to increase my testosterone? I'm already eating as clean as possible...
She's having a late breakfast with her chubby, lazy boyfriend right now...
Left or Right
God FUCKING dammit I hate manlets so FUCKING much. FUCK. Why the FUCK do they act like they do? When will they learn...
Turn to page 239 of Starting Strength
Why does this board hate isolation exercises so much?
Got a fuckton of Christmas candy
Stop watching porn
How come vikings were reported to be very tall people in a time when nutrition and healthcare was shit?
Why not just stay thicc?
Heart health?
How Chad Stole Leg Day
FPS/FPH Why was Santa ever fat edition
Will lifting ever cure my autism?
Who else here is about to complete no gf 2016?
Why aren't you eating a pomegranate after your workout, Veeky Forums?
I'm asian, 5'7", and realized that asian oly lifters are fucking hot...
Do we have actual non losers on fit? Are any of you good looking, shredded and have a good education and job...
/plg/ Powerlifting General
ITT: Mirin' stories
Anxious as a kid because anorexia
What do I ask the barber to get a haircut like this?
Why aren't you enjoying Christmas Eve with your gf right now?
How can I make up for being an Indian living in a white country?
I just broke up with my gf. Should I run my first cycle?
Dad thread:
Are you strong enough to beat up your dad?
Some of you oldfags might remember that a few years ago , Veeky Forums took your gf
Does nofap work?
Yo what are some good movies deal with fitness or maybe some documentaries...
How do I get an average skinny girl body? Fatty female here. Would all I have to do is lose weight...
Give it to me straight, Veeky Forums
/OWG/ - Olympic Weightlifting General
Wtf have u all done to me?
Are good proteins and bad proteins a myth?
Whats the healthy way to deal with shame, regret or guilt?
Gather round anons, it's story time!
Anyone with a bum knee use something like this?
Who else /no cardio/ here?
Is connor bigger or smaller than average?
HOW can I give up soda?
Which parts of my body do I need to train to get a girl like pic related?
Muscle Memory/Retention
/Fraud/ - Merry Christmas to all
How do you get a tinder account?/
Professionals and Weightlifting
How to deal with adderall comedown?
I work in construction. Should I still be expected to lift with such a fisical job? My body is always sore
High Test Thread!
Give me your best pickup lines
Diet/Fat loss Thread
Be 30 year old khhv
Thin Wrist Superiority
What does Veeky Forums collectively think about keto diet?
If you could only do 1 (one) compound lift for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Veeky Forums
What are you asking Santa for Christmas, Veeky Forums?
A thicc girl (pear shape, wide hips, thick thighs and an ass) with a 7/10 face and her petite...
If I'm just going to the gym to lift, is it a pho paw to wear jeans?
Hey Veeky Forums i have 50 dollars to spend on whatever i want and i want to spend it on fitness related stuff what...
Why do girls on Instagram fall for every scam product on Instagram instead of just lowering calories...
How to get arms like these??
Keep in mind that facial aesthetics will always be more important to women than muscles. If you lift for women...
Hows that instagram account coming along user?
/Manlet hate thread/
So why are you not doing nofap again...
Nofap december
5'7" 250lbs fatty here. Today is my "day off" and I'm sore af. Aside from fork putdowns...
Who /holidays without a her/ here?
Form check
Hows my diddly form friends
"user you focus too much on your physique and exercise."
Reminder that
Tall guy inspo
NYR: Make Veeky Forums great again!
*slurps* you looked bigger in pictures
Redpill me on tinder like apps
What is the best workout and diet to achieve Prompto's body? I'm of average weight and 5'10.5"
That are my christmas presents from me to me
I am Jason Genova. AMA
Haha, let me guess user, gonna spend christmas alone at the gym, right? ;)
Someone told me this is the gay board
Project qt3.14 the couple edition
How much sinning do you allow for Christmas?
How long do you guys take for a work out...
What are good brands of pants for when your legs start getting thick...
How many exercises do you do for one bodypart?
I love you user
This will never be you
Newcomer to fit how do I git gud
Is DNP a meme? Why are there hardly any good before and after pics?
/merry christmas/
Tfw lifting heavy
Started using Tinder 2 days ago
You feelin' fit buddy?
/ht/ - High Test General #1 - Why is THINN much more superior? edition
Japan here. I recently had a JP m8 explain "girls bars" to me...
HEY, hold on a second.. Are you seriously saying
What's Veeky Forums's onion on compression pants?
He looks so bad
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Do I have narrow shoulders?
Is keto a meme...
Is the rowing machine a viable option to hit upper-back?
New /CBT/
Why doesn't user eat pizza everyday? This whole "Napoli pizza" is 700 calories
You will be alone for Christmas and New Year's
Left or Right?
When did you realize PUA was garbage and you should just be yourself and not give a fuck Veeky Forums?
Are girls into guys with this type of body?!
Fat people hate thread
Reminder that while you gymcels slave away in the gym, Chad is LITERALLY EATING PIZZA and fucking your oneitis
Almost 2017
So fit, what did you get your girlfriend / partner for Christmas?
Im going out tonight with a girl who said she's "easy"
Is this /ourguy/?
Veeky Forums chicks
Start using tinder
You ready for the New Year Veeky Forums?
Are black women the superior choice for Veeky Forums gfs?
Friday night depression thread
Remember to do your fucking cardio if you don't want to drop dead at the age of 60 out of fucking nowhere
First, I'm italian. So, sorrie fohr my bhad engleesh
How are those New Year plans and resolutions looking like, Veeky Forums?
Retarded Normies Thread
Does Veeky Forums look like they liftan weights when clothes are on?
Start using tinder
People you used to think were big before you started lifting
This is what you're up against on Tinder
Be ex fat fuck
Why don't you have a gymbro yet Veeky Forums?
Am I going to have a heart attack soon?
You're in the club with bae when Chas buys her a drink and asks her to dance. What do you do?
What's the go-to routine to achieve six pack abs?
Walk into gym
Hey Veeky Forums im around 144 pounds and 5'11 my family says i look like a skeleton my bmi is around 20%
What happens if there is no salt in my diet at all
What's Veeky Forums's take on artificial tanning?
Push-up thread
Tfw sick again
How long before Boogie2988 has his legs amputated
Got stood up again
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Have a girl over
How do you guys stay motivated after a broken heart?
What can I eat?
Is overtraining via resistance training a fucking meme? Have you ever suffered from overtraining?
Hard to believe you used to idolize this body huh?
Unpopular opinions
/BWG/ general revival
Does anyone here like eating pussy more than they like sex
For those guys who have home gyms, have you ever lifted nude? What was the feeling like? Is it only fun the first time?
>tfw too embarrassed to go to the gym
DAILY REMINDER :This what you get at the very best...
Guuys i'm really gaining some weight here on TM. I'm 220 at 5'9 at about 20% bf here
How important is the diet?
Girl thread
Taking mdma for the first time
Tfw no gf to spend the holidays with
Holy shit why didn't I start deadlifts earlier?
Muscle Memory
Area in the blue hurts after doing ohp
Hey guys u remember me ^_^?
Can you tell by lines and shape if a butt is firm or soft?
/cbt/ - current body thread
Why is life so fucking difficult fuck...
I need to drop 50 seconds off my run time by the 28th
Who here /iron pilled/?
Where should I start Veeky Forums complete newb
Gonna have sex later tonight. What's a good way to last longer?
Reminder that "the golden one" is actually "the genetic cuck"
Are some people genetically doomed? Is it even worth trying to gain muscle?
Genova's off his meds. This just happened
Lifting shoes or barefoot?
What does Veeky Forums of Jason Blaha?
First "Fight"
Tfw cut my parents out of my life for ruining my relationship with the one girl I actually thought about marrying
It's sick it's piss
Is vaporizing weed bad for your health...
Overhead press
Veeky Forums tinder experiment
Your worst fap?
Why are you even lifting when THIS is what girls want
Testosterone boost
This triggers Veeky Forums
Honey Is The New PreWorkout?
The moment you realize weight lifting can't save you from baby face
Best 6-day-a-week workout routine?
Enter gym
Any love for Big Z on this board? His transformation this year was incredible
She fucking knew how hot/attractive she is. She deliberately found the cameras, made eye contact...
I dont even remember what pussy tastes like anymore
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
ITT we name and describe people at our gym
God tier protein sources
Need a good body fat estimate. I'm 5' 7" and 156lbs this is me relaxed no flex. Help a Manlet out
Post yfw a black person walks into the gym
Go to open a jar
How to get someone to admit to cheating...
When was the last time you cried Veeky Forums?
/mental/ gains and social disabilities
What do you want out of life?
If you could buy inches right now, how many and how much would/could you pay?
Why does people complimenting or talking about my gains make me feel uncomfortable?
Better than all of this board combined
Gymbully stories
What do I need to do to look like him? Seems perfectly do-able
Sticky says to eat between 2700-3000 calories per day to gain muscle
Guys i think i making it but no one prepared me for this
/Fraud/ - Blogoids and sterpost general
Why is squat so much harder than leg press?
What mode is this?
What mode is this and how do I achieve it?
Who the fuck is this guy and why do i keep seeing him here?
Why don't Americans cook their meat properly?
Is he a meme?
5'10 manlet
Women strongmen
Would red meat be appropriate for mine and my wifes diet
How you like me now?
Eternal /fph/ /fps/ /fht/
Genetics are Everything
If you haven't made it by now you never will
/fit humor thread
Considering all aspects, is pic related basically our finest specimen?
I'm not even watching it but yes, it is bullshit
Im getting braces and they put the brackets on yesterday along with these rubber bands and it FUCKING HURTS
How's that instagram account coming Veeky Forums?
I can't even do ONE fucking pushup. Where do I even start?
Manlet Issues
Ever since i started working out my flexibility has been steadily improving...
Hey, user. You looking good. Wanna go out and drink something with me?
What are your current self-improvement goals?
Arnold's Golden Six
People you used to think were big before you started lifting
How long did it take you to reach 1/2/3/4? Can a 6'5" twig reach it in a year?
Are deadlifts overrated?
/OWG/ - Olympic Weightlifting General
Weak DL
Look myself in the eyes in the mirror
Fit girls, black edition, GO!
Pushup Thread!
"Wow user, you're getting pretty big!"
Am I being manipulated, Veeky Forums?
How much can you curl each arm
Who here /sardines/?
How accurate is this advice?
So both me and my older brother have this facial hair
Boyz what does your diet usually consist of when cutting?
Shit Stats
What did she mean by this?
Why do you guys seem to hate the smith machine?
High protein foods you might not have known about thread
Veeky Forums - Fit Ideals Thread
Hey Veeky Forums, doyou think a limited tobacco consumption hinders your performance and totally fucks up your life?
Mires thread
Im just a manlet, nobody loves me
6 ottermode faggots wrecked by Moroccan powerlifter
You feelin' Veeky Forums buddy?
Dips vs Bench press
Can we have a hair loss thread. Is anyone here taking measures to save their hair if they're losing it...
Routine rate?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
"Yo you wanna come over? We got pizza, music, movies, everyone's funny asf!"
Women Hate Thread
NoFap and my thoughts
Am I a bitch for crying at this movie, Veeky Forums?
So I've been working on my abs for some time, but for some reason I can only see 2 of them...
So what are your fitness and life goals for next year?
Deny It
Does Veeky Forums skip leg day?
If you could only do 4 excersizes for the rest of your life what would you pick?
The 300
Is Captain America achieveable natty?
Tfw core doms
How has getting stronger changed you?
/manlet/ thread
My Progress
Best Calorie Counting App?
Back-Cuck Hate Thread
What is Veeky Forums having for dinner?
Anyone else here a college athlete? Seems like literally everyone here just bodybuilds
Why do you phaggots like rice so much? There is pretty much no nutritional value, is it because it is filling?
Progress Thread
Why don't """"power-lifters"""" understand the whole point of lifting is to MAKE YOURSELF LOOK BETTER, not WORSE
He makes it look so easy
Care to join me for some cardio, user ?
ITT; Our arms wont grow
Mental Gains
Are one hand push ups and one hand pull ups the ultimate bodyweight chest, back and arms workout?
How do I achieve Chloe mode?
Pre-planning gains
Lmao, my god man
Almost the end of 2016
A group of dark skinned individuals walk into the gym
What type of body can you get doing everyday cardio + basic calisthenics + good diet?
/cbt/ current back thread
Lets stop saying that squats help women get huge butts
Best gum for jaw gains
So 2016 is almost up, you accomplished all this years resolutions right?
Got picked up for my post's Best Ranger Competition team for 2017...
Suh Veeky Forums
/Fraud/ - Blogpost and anti weed propaganda general
Is Faze Censor /ourguy/?
So im 5'8 in the morning and then turn into a manlet by nighttime (5'7)...
So Veeky Forumsizens, how about getting a morning stretching routine? Give me something that is good and actually works
Sleep apnea
"user I've been meaning to tell you that you've been getting to big."
What mode is this?
Tfw found my ex gf of 5 fucking years cheating on me with a Chad she met at her new job...
How do I become one of the glamorous 10/10 girls?
Body rate?
Gym specialization
Tyler Bane
Small wrists
QTDDTOT - January disaster drills edition
General advice on going fom /fat/ to Veeky Forums?
/plg/ Powerlifting general
Fat but thicc girl at gym. new. gets gymbros staring at her and guys constantly asking if she needs help
Pushup thread
How do you prepare yourself for the gym?
Posts ending in 3 has to recreate this pic
How long does it take to achieve a 3plate squat?
Doctor told me to stop doing squats because of back problems...
Tfw finally hit a 3pl8 highbar squat
Tfw my gf broke up with me because i wouldn't get into shape
Did Veeky Forums become the new /r9k/
"You just watch yourself. We're natty men. I've been caught doing skateboard squats on 12 systems!"
Symmetric Strength Thread
He doesn't run up hills for legs
People need to stop pretending that muscles and being Veeky Forums will get them women, in fact...
I'm 5'10.5". Am I still a manlet?
Thoughts ?
Almost every day I drink half a bottle of red wine
Soooo.. Did you have enough testosterone in your body to vote for Trump, Veeky Forums?
I came into the gym with my bf. It was my first training session, my bf's second training session...
Using petrol to bulk
This just fell out of my nose and landed on my wrist. What is it? Could it be cancerous?
What do i need to work on?
You will never be Tyler Durden
Hey Veeky Forums , share me your perspective on life
Will Jason Genova ever make it?
Find a Gymbro - UK Edition
Intermittent Fasting
There are people, on this board, right now, like right fucking NOW, who put the whey in BEFORE the milk
Started crying last night because I'm so fat and it's been really hard to get the weight off
/Routine thread/
"girls" of Veeky Forums
Im a 5'4" and 180 pound girl
Tfw random grills start talking to you out of nowhere
I am done with powerlifting style training
What are some hobbies I can take up to make myself more attractive to women?
Why is making your child (<18) obese not considered child abuse?
I fucking hate exercises for abs
This is an emergency what's the fastest way to burn 500 calories indoors?
Who doesn't drink alcohol at all master race here?
Do you guys hit on girls or getting hit on the gym?
Body positivity vs encouraging healthy eating
Stop watching porn
Ex broke up with me 3 years ago when I was a skelly
Start of 2016:
Edging/No masturbation
Let's be honest, the REAL manlets are the men with a sub7 inch dick
Why is squatting harder than the leg press?
Fat friends
Holy fuck why haven't I heard of these earlier...
Should I be worried about the colour of my urine?
I can only do a single push up or two if I really murder myself before being unable to lift myself up
Does anyone else go out of their way to physically harm manlets?
Rank the importance to getting girls
TFW 22 years old loser
Is it true, Veeky Forums, am I screwed. I don't feel screwed
Why are women such gains goblins?
/plg/ Penis lickers general
What is the best HIIT cardio routine?
QTDDTOT - *baaaarp* edition
While you are in the gym lifting weight CHAD is climbing a MOUNTAIN with NO ROPES and NO SECURING
Was my pt flirting with me?
Justin Bieber went shirtless for his afternoon hike and his body is ripped!
/LHG/ Lanklet Hate General
Neck is important as fuck. Especially for fighting
Second day on pic related. So far so good...
Anyone else lift to look more intimidating? I just want to be big and scary like pic related
Why is THINN much more superior?
Why does Veeky Forums hate Starting Strength?
What's your Gym nickname?
I hate going bald. Why the hell does science not fix that shit?
Jason Genova is feuding with Rich Piana for stealing Jason's Mafia gf Mary
Thoughts on furious Pete?
Reminder that you're all wasting your time
Tfw stretch marks
Fucked up shoulder thread
Tfw 5'2 ultramanlet
Fraud Steroid General
God-Tier Gym Music
Opening a gym
Does this sound like a good workout plan? /Routine/ general
What does your lives consist of?
Who here /lifts/ but still a virgin?
Man Leggings?
Do squats really make your butt bigger? What does squats really do to your booty & your body?
You only have 30 minutes in the gym for your workout
Sup Veeky Forums I need your help, I hate eggs, they taste disgusting, but they're pretty good macros...
Today is 20th December 2016. Where do you (realistically) want to be with your life on 20th December 2017?
Ideal thread
Is PPL a meme if you are natty?
>if Veeky Forums was a fictional character
How do I become this mode? Natty?
To people who have made it;
Hey /b/ros how the fuck do you do pull ups without equipment?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
FUCK Veeky Forums I'm constipated as fuck. Nothing is coming out and one more day of this and I'll explode
Gym plate warmer raised the tax and tipping fee
Supermarket Power Rankings
Alright, thats it
Get fit
ITT Tales of Gym Autism
Why are normdrones so bad at squatting? Guys I know can bench 2pl8 and can't even squat the same...
Routine Rate Thread
I need help, I'm an 18 yo kissless, virgin
Roid from age 20 - 35
What set is best
Proper deadlift form
How do you get women like this?
Can we stop the shitposts and have a general routine thread? please post your routine...
Only attracted to fat girls but find them disgusting at the same time
What routine will give me this body?
Im a black girl
/SIG/ -
How do I aquire this body?
My squat max is 415 but dead lift is 335... I squat 2x a week and dead lift 1x a week...
What exactly is the difference between meat protein and other sources of protein?
Is shaving your legs the norm for men now? I'm pretty much the only guy in my gym with leg hair
Syrian Juicing
Any BJJ fags here?
Pays you to get fit
/rtg/ - Regression Thread
These are the dyel lardasses giving advice on this board...
What did you do to hit cigarettes/kill cravings?
What's the best way to prepare for the italian special forces' test? The test consists of 5000m in 20 minutes...
/rpg/ - rich pinna general
Which physical attributes do girls such as this usually find attractive?
Left it too late
Daddy issues
That first sip of the day
What kind of sports goes along well lifting?
Be at gym
Still a DYEL!
CBT- Current Body Thread
18 yo126 lb 6ft tall got ~7 months till I start college in the fall. Do i have any chance of fucking bitches...
What do you guys eat
What words describing a fit guy turn you on most when said by a girl? I personally like "buff, jacked, muscular...
Why do so many people recommend deadlift and squats when it's so easy to really hurt yourself...
Nofap day 12
Goes to gym
How do you guys get up to face everyday...
As of a couple months ago become last guy in friend group without gf
Your country
Dudes how do I deal with her being too tight? Not sure where to ask this honestly desu
I have just seen the lunch menu for my family's Christmas party. Ignoring the carb heavy lunch...
Why do some people who have a lot mucle and strength still look like shit?
What is proper squat depth?
Day one of mk-677 just started. Appetite was fucking crazy and I ate everything in my fridge. Who's on this shit with me
Is Keto a scam?
Food Prep General
Are you aware that eating at a calorie surplus every day is literally aging you and killing you faster?
/plg/ - Pretty little girls (general)
Veeky Forums is there any way to avoid the feeling of disinterest in sex right after sex? Forgive me...
I have 500 usd, how can I use this money to look better? I already go to gym
What music do you listen to while lifting brehs?
Why dont you rock climb Veeky Forums? It's one of the best full body workouts you can do
Sup Veeky Forums
THIS is what women really want
My wife is about to hire a personal trainer...
What experience do you guys have with performance anxiety?
Guys, would you fuck a chubby chick?
Just a quick reminder that there are people browsing this board at this moment who are unable to do weighted chin-ups
ITT: where your niche fitness program falls on this definitive guide
Just start lifting and your hunched posture will correct itself
Why are girls who lift always so ugly?
High Test Thread
What was his routine?
Why should i spent 10 years lifting naturally to look like Connor Murphy when i could do it in a year with roids?
Enter gym
Just got put on 5mg of Generic Adderall and am nervous as fuck...
A year progress
Why do you lift Veeky Forums?
Fictional characters that gives you the shit out of motivation
Well Veeky Forums, it finally happened
So Veeky Forums, I'm in a bind...
Help me lads...
I told my friend only retards hurt themselves chopping wood and he told me ive never cut enough wood to get tired and i...
That guy who does full body workout for 2hrs
Tall skelly vs jacked manlet
Why arent you doing HIIT to increase HGH production yet, Veeky Forums?
Honest question, what's the point of trying if you lack face frame and height? If you're a 6/10, you're fucked
Veeky Forums Humor
How do I build muscle with low testosterone?
Are Himalayan salt lamps a meme? I'm thinking about getting one for my apartment
Hey lads, I got a problem when I try to max out with deadlifts. I can get the bar up half way, but can't lock out...
Awkward gym interactions
Fictional body goal
Christmas Pain Thread
How do I get as thick as possible while keeping a flat stomach and thin arms
Why aren't you doing farmer's walks?
FPH Fat People Hate Thread
/fit sounds
Behind the Neck Press
Feelin fit buddy ?
Cocoon Mode General
Veeky Forums do u have a small penis
How long did it take you to hit 2pl8 bench, Veeky Forums?
How much could Donald Trump deadlift?
Plg general
Mummy bought me a gym card and said she'll kick me out if I don't use it
Anyone here use Caffeine Pills?
I get really angry and irritable after workout, why? I don't think it's only the hunger, what do you think?
Is natty bulking really a meme...
Veeky Forums
ITT we post our biggest weaknesses
Has anyone ever made this good a transformation without roids ?
Meal thread
When did you guys realise that flat bench is just an ego lift and that incline and dumbbells are superior for...
Tfw turn 28 years old this month
I suffer from the same condition OG Maco does in this pic: prominent belly despite visible abs. Why? How do I fix it?
If steroids are so amazing why doesn't the military give them to soldiers?
/CTG/ - Cutting General
I can't stop looking at hot guys when I work out and I get really really wet really easily...
I solved my PE in one day ask me how
Im too fat (240kg) to do squats and deadlifts and my knees are fucked too. What kind of workout should I do?
Intermittent Fasting (and other weight loss stories)
At the beginning of last year I decided to become vegan because one of my coworkers had done it and lost a lot of...
Girls are a meme general
Real question here: is lifting going to make me gay? I feel like I'm starting to feel something really weird about men...
Why exactly, biochemically does it mean to have a fast metabolism...
Which body part of yours became /novice/ first
Go to Veeky Forums meetup
Would it be ok to do ICF 5x5 3 days a week and go for a 1.5-3 mile run on off days...
Thoughts on wearing lifts, fellow manlets?
Routine critique thread
I'll tell you what user, I'll offer you a 7/10 gf but I want 15% of your gains everytime you go on a bulk...
Eat only multivatamin fish oil, small amount of protein (eggs/tuna/sardines) and a small salad with fruit every day...
Steriod prevention thread
Preacher curls
Gym triggers
Physiques you used to think were impressive
This guy claims he's not using steroids
You've been drinking a gallon of milk a day? Boy, are you crazy?
Why does Veeky Forums tell me not to overtrain by working out 5-6 days a week...
What Resolutions doe Veeky Forums have for 2017
"Hey user, what were you were saying about calisthenics and cardio being for pussies?"
Which type of squat is better for maximum glutes and quad gains, 90 degree squats or ass to grass squats?
What is the IRL manlet cutoff?
Tfw when you're going on a date with a girl who's into rock climbing and shit
Why are strongmen so dumb and ugly?
Why don't you have a lifter gf yet?
Penis fitness
Used to be fat as fuck loser/10, started lifting+cutting hard, got jacked, strong/10, tinder profile shallow as fuck...
Who's your fit waifu?
can't stop drinking
Any other men do kegels and reverse kegels?
Been lifting for a year, theres progress but nowhere near the ones I see on here...
How tall are you user?
Care to join me for some cardio, user ?
What are your plans for next year?
I'm a really skinny guy and I've just started working out at home...
Mr Hyde/ Pre-workout discussion
Is it OK to miss your ex on a daily basis and feel anxious and also enraged about the fact that she might be with...
Yo, what is the general opinion of tattoos here on Veeky Forums...
Give unto me your Motivational Peps
Name a better Veeky Forums relationship than Goku and Chi Chi
/plg/ /Powerlifting General/
So whats the fuckin verdict?
How can I achieve Griffith mode ?
The man who helped Trump get into office, was former KGB, and is currently the head of a world superpower is only 5'7"
Stronglifts is telling me to do some srs dyel tier lifts at the start. what do /fit?
Trying to diet to cut for the first time. Read the sticky and did the calculations...
Is second puberty a thing? if so, when does it usually occur?
Do you know about Veeky Forums: the manga
Help. I'm a girl. Does this sound stupid?
Anyone know any good plyometric routines?
Why is this allowed? Whats wrong with america?
Funny gym incidents
Well, how dumb are you, Veeky Forums?
What is the most optimal way to achieve big forearms?
stabilizer muscles
Veeky Forums haircuts
Hey why do you guys like fat butts? I don't understand "thicc" or "high test"
/Fraud/ Steroid General
Who did you fartrape today fit?
Friendly reminder that beard are not Veeky Forums approved, if you have a beard kill yourself, fucking autist
Enter gym
What fucking kind of retardation is written in the sticky?
Do facial exercises make noticeable changes to
Next in line at the grocery store
Yfw girls finally start to mire
What went wrong?
No female transformation thread
Did lifting make your aesthetics worse?
Is no pain no gain a meme? Do you have to get muscle soreness?
How is this attained by age 20?
When will they learn
Equipment for doing Starting Strength at home
What do you / tell yourself, on days that you fuck up and go over your calories?
Yesterday was leg day. I weigh 155 lbs. How are my wheels coming along, Veeky Forums?
5'9'', live in UK
Things Normies Say
A quick reminder from /a/
Meditation for non-faggots
Anyone else kind of looking forward to extended family mires this Christmas?
Falling for bulking meme
What do Veeky Forums thinks about calisthenics?
"Wow ur starting to get pretty big son"
Fresh CBT face edition no identity disclosure allowed edition
Who else here /fuckarounditis/ ?
Oly WL shoes
Exercising in a male Chastity Cage, and being seen at the gym shower"locked"
Can we get a facial aesthetics thread going?
Stop wasting your time
Green Tea
Ivy League
What are your recommended healthy snacks bros
Who else /babyface/ here?
Who else drinking alone Saturday night?
Hi fit. I'll drop some questions, dont be rude, some of them maybe are stupid, but I'm no expert
Op here from last night, she responded
Fitness for Programmers
Why do normies have to watch "inspirational" meme videos before they want to touch a weight?
What's the best way to boost my test without TRT?
ITT: stupid things you did as a beginner (in your first year of lifting)
Tfw you deadlifted for the very first time
Do you believe in love anymore?
What are some (at least somewhat) natural ways to boost testosterone/block estrogen?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games